Dumka, Jharkhand India Census Data - Census 2011

Dumka is a district in Jharkhand, India is an administrative division of India. Dumka district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. As per the Census 2011 Dumka District's total population is 1321442. Total geographical area is 3761.00 Ha. Total number of households in Dumka District are 275019. Total male population in wardha is 668514 and female population is 652928. Total population under the age of six is 219449.

Total literacy rate of Dumka district is 61.02 %. Sex ratio of wardha District is 977 per 1000 male. Population Density of Dumka District is 351/Ha.

Census Data of Dumka District, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
1321442 3761.00 351 977 61.02%

Dumka District Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
District NameDumka
State NameJharkhand
Total Population1321442
Total Area3761 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds275019
Total Male Population668514
Total Female Population652928
0-6 Age group Total Population219449
0-6 Age group Male Population111641
0-6 Age group Male Population107808
Total Person Literates672409
Total Male Literates406275
Total Female Literates266134
Total Person Illiterates649033
Total Male Illiterates262239
Total Female Illiterates386794
Scheduled Cast Persons79614
Scheduled Cast Males40802
Scheduled Cast Females38812
Scheduled Tribe Persons288952
Scheduled Tribe Males282125
Scheduled Tribe Females288952

Dumka Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Dumka is 1231264 which is 93.18% of total Dumka’s population and urban population is 1257335 about 95.15% of total population. In Dumka sex ratio in rural area is 983 and urban area is 921 per 1000 male persons. Literacy % in rural area is 59.28% as compared to urban area which is 86.55%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 1231264 1257335
Population (%) 93.18 % 95.15 %
Male Population 620928 654409
Female Population 610336 602926
Sex Ratio 983 921
Child Population (0-6) 105570 71340
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 968 902
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.88% 11.97%
Households in Dumka 257610 243209
Literates 606660 957961
Literacy % 59.28% 86.55%
Male Literacy 71.65% 91.24%
Female Literacy 46.72% 81.47%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dumka

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Percentage Literacy
Hindu 1044726 530439 514287 79.06% 61.01%
Muslim 106865 54868 51997 8.09% 62.34%
Christian 86404 41883 44521 6.54% 68.41%
Sikh 234 115 119 0.02% 69.8%
Buddhist 267 133 134 0.02% 71.49%
Jain 162 72 90 0.01% 72.26%
Other religions and persuasions 78622 38955 39667 5.95% 51%
Religion not stated 4162 2049 2113 0.31% 60.22%

Dumka Working Population ---Census 2011

Total working population of Dumka is 624779 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in Dumka are 624779 out of which 367108 are male and 257671 are female. Total main workers are 237479 out of which male main workers are 171817 and female main workers are 65662. Total marginal workers of Dumka are 387300.

Total Male Female
Total Workers 624779 367108 257671
Main Workers 237479 171817 65662
Main Workers Cultivators 83224 60983 22241
Agriculture Labourer 72157 46876 25281
Household Industries 10346 6717 3629
Other Workers 71752 57241 14511
Marginal Workers 387300 195291 192009
Non Working Persons 696663 301406 395257

List of Town/City in Dumka District as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Dumka with Population, Sex Ratio,Workers Profile and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Basukinath (NP) 17123 932
2 Dudhani (CT) 7117 892
3 Dumka (Nagar Parishad) 47584 876
4 Purana Dumka (CT) 10034 878
5 Rasikpur (CT) 8320 954

List of Sub-District/Teshil/Blocks (CD) in District-Dumka, Jharkhand as per Census 2011

List of Sub-District/Teshil of Dumka with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

Dumka District MAP Jharkhand

Dumka Map on Google Map INDIA. To get google area map of Dumka Jharkhand India Click on ... Show On Google Map
