Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh India Census Data - Census 2011

Firozabad is a district in Uttar Pradesh, India is an administrative division of India. Firozabad district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. As per the Census 2011 Firozabad District's total population is 2498156. Total geographical area is 2407.00 Ha. Total number of households in Firozabad District are 414266. Total male population in wardha is 1332046 and female population is 1166110. Total population under the age of six is 382319.

Total literacy rate of Firozabad district is 71.92 %. Sex ratio of wardha District is 875 per 1000 male. Population Density of Firozabad District is 1038/Ha.

Census Data of Firozabad District, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
2498156 2407.00 1038 875 71.92%

Firozabad District Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
District NameFirozabad
State NameUttar Pradesh
Total Population2498156
Total Area2407 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds414266
Total Male Population1332046
Total Female Population1166110
0-6 Age group Total Population382319
0-6 Age group Male Population203259
0-6 Age group Male Population179060
Total Person Literates1521806
Total Male Literates912314
Total Female Literates609492
Total Person Illiterates976350
Total Male Illiterates419732
Total Female Illiterates556618
Scheduled Cast Persons473890
Scheduled Cast Males253288
Scheduled Cast Females220602
Scheduled Tribe Persons1219
Scheduled Tribe Males1346
Scheduled Tribe Females1219

Firozabad Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Firozabad is 1664987 which is 66.65% of total Firozabad’s population and urban population is 644595 about 25.8% of total population. In Firozabad sex ratio in rural area is 867 and urban area is 911 per 1000 male persons. Literacy % in rural area is 72.6% as compared to urban area which is 59.14%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 1664987 644595
Population (%) 66.65 % 25.8 %
Male Population 891872 337383
Female Population 773115 307212
Sex Ratio 867 911
Child Population (0-6) 141116 46989
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 880 913
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.93% 15.27%
Households in Firozabad 274897 110285
Literates 1016244 322972
Literacy % 72.6% 59.14%
Male Literacy 82.99% 65.26%
Female Literacy 60.58% 52.4%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Firozabad

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Percentage Literacy
Hindu 2140745 1145777 994968 85.69% 74.55%
Muslim 314812 164081 150731 12.6% 52.42%
Christian 3370 1824 1546 0.13% 71.35%
Sikh 1804 963 841 0.07% 88.39%
Buddhist 3395 1772 1623 0.14% 78.78%
Jain 19077 10121 8956 0.76% 93.97%
Other religions and persuasions 61 35 26 0% 79.63%
Religion not stated 14892 7473 7419 0.6% 68.49%

Firozabad Working Population ---Census 2011

Total working population of Firozabad is 761521 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in Firozabad are 761521 out of which 621840 are male and 139681 are female. Total main workers are 573649 out of which male main workers are 497247 and female main workers are 76402. Total marginal workers of Firozabad are 187872.

Total Male Female
Total Workers 761521 621840 139681
Main Workers 573649 497247 76402
Main Workers Cultivators 165410 154170 11240
Agriculture Labourer 88445 79692 8753
Household Industries 40811 27954 12857
Other Workers 278983 235431 43552
Marginal Workers 187872 124593 63279
Non Working Persons 1736635 710206 1026429

List of Town/City in Firozabad District as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Firozabad with Population, Sex Ratio,Workers Profile and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Fariha (NP) 6887 881
2 Firozabad (NPP) 604214 892
3 Jasrana (NP) 10648 916
4 Makhanpur (CT) 7012 835
5 Shikohabad (NPP) 107404 891
6 Sirsaganj (NPP + OG) 32098 917
7 Tundla (NPP) 50423 902
8 Tundla Kham (CT) 7079 910
9 Tundla Railway Colony (CT) 7404 870

List of Sub-District/Teshil/Blocks (CD) in District-Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

List of Sub-District/Teshil of Firozabad with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

Firozabad District MAP Uttar Pradesh

Firozabad Map on Google Map INDIA. To get google area map of Firozabad Uttar Pradesh India Click on ... Show On Google Map
