Jhunjhunun, Rajasthan India Census Data - Census 2011

Jhunjhunun is a district in Rajasthan, India is an administrative division of India. Jhunjhunun district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. As per the Census 2011 Jhunjhunun District's total population is 2137045. Total geographical area is 5928.00 Ha. Total number of households in Jhunjhunun District are 384197. Total male population in wardha is 1095896 and female population is 1041149. Total population under the age of six is 288470.

Total literacy rate of Jhunjhunun district is 74.13 %. Sex ratio of wardha District is 950 per 1000 male. Population Density of Jhunjhunun District is 361/Ha.

Census Data of Jhunjhunun District, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
2137045 5928.00 361 950 74.13%

Jhunjhunun District Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
District NameJhunjhunun
State NameRajasthan
Total Population2137045
Total Area5928 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds384197
Total Male Population1095896
Total Female Population1041149
0-6 Age group Total Population288470
0-6 Age group Male Population157062
0-6 Age group Male Population131408
Total Person Literates1370360
Total Male Literates815834
Total Female Literates554526
Total Person Illiterates766685
Total Male Illiterates280062
Total Female Illiterates486623
Scheduled Cast Persons360709
Scheduled Cast Males185879
Scheduled Cast Females174830
Scheduled Tribe Persons20249
Scheduled Tribe Males21380
Scheduled Tribe Females20249

Jhunjhunun Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Jhunjhunun is 1647966 which is 77.11% of total Jhunjhunun’s population and urban population is 495099 about 23.17% of total population. In Jhunjhunun sex ratio in rural area is 956 and urban area is 887 per 1000 male persons. Literacy % in rural area is 73.42% as compared to urban area which is 78.99%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 1647966 495099
Population (%) 77.11 % 23.17 %
Male Population 842718 262369
Female Population 805248 232730
Sex Ratio 956 887
Child Population (0-6) 121483 31225
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 832 852
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.5% 13.71%
Households in Jhunjhunun 300801 86725
Literates 1046549 337465
Literacy % 73.42% 78.99%
Male Literacy 86.75% 88.1%
Female Literacy 59.77% 68.78%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Jhunjhunun

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Percentage Literacy
Hindu 1905682 981147 924535 89.17% 75.02%
Muslim 228178 113005 115173 10.68% 66.2%
Christian 1004 525 479 0.05% 79.66%
Sikh 275 153 122 0.01% 88.8%
Buddhist 56 30 26 0% 80.39%
Jain 548 315 233 0.03% 94.82%
Other religions and persuasions 85 43 42 0% 71.43%
Religion not stated 1217 678 539 0.06% 71.41%

Jhunjhunun Working Population ---Census 2011

Total working population of Jhunjhunun is 894649 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in Jhunjhunun are 894649 out of which 541392 are male and 353257 are female. Total main workers are 592813 out of which male main workers are 444111 and female main workers are 148702. Total marginal workers of Jhunjhunun are 301836.

Total Male Female
Total Workers 894649 541392 353257
Main Workers 592813 444111 148702
Main Workers Cultivators 295411 191789 103622
Agriculture Labourer 34464 26672 7792
Household Industries 10695 8333 2362
Other Workers 252243 217317 34926
Marginal Workers 301836 97281 204555
Non Working Persons 1242396 554504 687892

List of Town/City in Jhunjhunun District as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Jhunjhunun with Population, Sex Ratio,Workers Profile and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Babai (CT) 10620 945
2 Baggar (M) 14238 949
3 Bissau (M) 23227 977
4 Chirawa (M) 43953 925
5 Gothra (CT) 16933 899
6 Islampur (CT) 10247 996
7 Jhunjhunun (M Cl) 118473 925
8 Khetri (M) 18209 927
9 Malsisar (CT) 13719 1020
10 Mandawa (M) 23335 998
11 Mukandgarh (M) 18469 983
12 Nawalgarh (M) 63948 930
13 Nooan (CT) 6049 1050
14 Pilani (M) 29741 945
15 Singhana (CT) 11372 890
16 Surajgarh (M) 21666 908
17 Udaipurwati (M) 29236 922
18 Vidyavihar (M) 15644 732

List of Sub-District/Teshil/Blocks (CD) in District-Jhunjhunun, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

List of Sub-District/Teshil of Jhunjhunun with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

Jhunjhunun District MAP Rajasthan

Jhunjhunun Map on Google Map INDIA. To get google area map of Jhunjhunun Rajasthan India Click on ... Show On Google Map
