Jodhpur, Rajasthan India Census Data - Census 2011

Jodhpur is a district in Rajasthan, India is an administrative division of India. Jodhpur district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. As per the Census 2011 Jodhpur District's total population is 3687165. Total geographical area is 22850.00 Ha. Total number of households in Jodhpur District are 649013. Total male population in wardha is 1923928 and female population is 1763237. Total population under the age of six is 606490.

Total literacy rate of Jodhpur district is 65.94 %. Sex ratio of wardha District is 916 per 1000 male. Population Density of Jodhpur District is 161/Ha.

Census Data of Jodhpur District, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
3687165 22850.00 161 916 65.94%

Jodhpur District Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
District NameJodhpur
State NameRajasthan
Total Population3687165
Total Area22850 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds649013
Total Male Population1923928
Total Female Population1763237
0-6 Age group Total Population606490
0-6 Age group Male Population320731
0-6 Age group Male Population285759
Total Person Literates2031532
Total Male Literates1265753
Total Female Literates765779
Total Person Illiterates1655633
Total Male Illiterates658175
Total Female Illiterates997458
Scheduled Cast Persons608024
Scheduled Cast Males315199
Scheduled Cast Females292825
Scheduled Tribe Persons56955
Scheduled Tribe Males61969
Scheduled Tribe Females56955

Jodhpur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Jodhpur is 2422551 which is 65.7% of total Jodhpur’s population and urban population is 181837 about 4.93% of total population. In Jodhpur sex ratio in rural area is 922 and urban area is 899 per 1000 male persons. Literacy % in rural area is 58.48% as compared to urban area which is 78.22%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 2422551 181837
Population (%) 65.7 % 4.93 %
Male Population 1260328 95773
Female Population 1162223 86064
Sex Ratio 922 899
Child Population (0-6) 233566 12428
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 892 896
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.24% 14.47%
Households in Jodhpur 414223 32639
Literates 1158340 121657
Literacy % 58.48% 78.22%
Male Literacy 74.57% 88.63%
Female Literacy 41.16% 66.64%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Jodhpur

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Percentage Literacy
Hindu 3224399 1684312 1540087 87.45% 66.77%
Muslim 411558 213249 198309 11.16% 55.82%
Christian 6035 3119 2916 0.16% 84.53%
Sikh 4123 2319 1804 0.11% 89.37%
Buddhist 514 256 258 0.01% 79.59%
Jain 36697 18555 18142 1% 95.01%
Other religions and persuasions 80 43 37 0% 81.43%
Religion not stated 3759 2075 1684 0.1% 76.39%

Jodhpur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total working population of Jodhpur is 1489741 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in Jodhpur are 1489741 out of which 965103 are male and 524638 are female. Total main workers are 1056479 out of which male main workers are 803328 and female main workers are 253151. Total marginal workers of Jodhpur are 433262.

Total Male Female
Total Workers 1489741 965103 524638
Main Workers 1056479 803328 253151
Main Workers Cultivators 398287 253197 145090
Agriculture Labourer 103001 62642 40359
Household Industries 32550 25789 6761
Other Workers 522641 461700 60941
Marginal Workers 433262 161775 271487
Non Working Persons 2197424 958825 1238599

List of Town/City in Jodhpur District as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Jodhpur with Population, Sex Ratio,Workers Profile and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bilara (M) 39590 1008
2 Jodhpur (M Corp. + OG) 1056191 902
3 Kuri Bhagtasani (CT) 38429 887
4 Nandri (CT) 20827 913
5 Phalodi (M + OG) 49914 914
6 Pipar City (M) 36810 936
7 Sangariya (CT) 22853 877

List of Sub-District/Teshil/Blocks (CD) in District-Jodhpur, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

List of Sub-District/Teshil of Jodhpur with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

Jodhpur District MAP Rajasthan

Jodhpur Map on Google Map INDIA. To get google area map of Jodhpur Rajasthan India Click on ... Show On Google Map
