Kasaragod, Kerala India Census Data - Census 2011

Kasaragod is a district in Kerala, India is an administrative division of India. Kasaragod district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. As per the Census 2011 Kasaragod District's total population is 1307375. Total geographical area is 1989.00 Ha. Total number of households in Kasaragod District are 273410. Total male population in wardha is 628613 and female population is 678762. Total population under the age of six is 155807.

Total literacy rate of Kasaragod district is 90.09 %. Sex ratio of wardha District is 1080 per 1000 male. Population Density of Kasaragod District is 657/Ha.

Census Data of Kasaragod District, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
1307375 1989.00 657 1080 90.09%

Kasaragod District Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
District NameKasaragod
State NameKerala
Total Population1307375
Total Area1989 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds273410
Total Male Population628613
Total Female Population678762
0-6 Age group Total Population155807
0-6 Age group Male Population79460
0-6 Age group Male Population76347
Total Person Literates1037492
Total Male Literates516476
Total Female Literates521016
Total Person Illiterates269883
Total Male Illiterates112137
Total Female Illiterates157746
Scheduled Cast Persons53283
Scheduled Cast Males26385
Scheduled Cast Females26898
Scheduled Tribe Persons24907
Scheduled Tribe Males23950
Scheduled Tribe Females24907

Kasaragod Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Kasaragod is 798328 which is 61.06% of total Kasaragod’s population and urban population is 31580 about 2.42% of total population. In Kasaragod sex ratio in rural area is 1059 and urban area is 1051 per 1000 male persons. Literacy % in rural area is 88.89% as compared to urban area which is 91.18%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 798328 31580
Population (%) 61.06 % 2.42 %
Male Population 387716 15401
Female Population 410612 16179
Sex Ratio 1059 1051
Child Population (0-6) 46719 1761
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 966 959
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.5% 11.39%
Households in Kasaragod 169240 7519
Literates 628032 25515
Literacy % 88.89% 91.18%
Male Literacy 93.17% 94.13%
Female Literacy 84.91% 88.4%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kasaragod

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Percentage Literacy
Hindu 729987 354082 375905 55.84% 89.01%
Muslim 486913 228966 257947 37.24% 90.53%
Christian 87454 44060 43394 6.69% 96.94%
Sikh 151 70 81 0.01% 90.24%
Buddhist 362 193 169 0.03% 97.01%
Jain 130 73 57 0.01% 94.5%
Other religions and persuasions 152 78 74 0.01% 91.74%
Religion not stated 2226 1091 1135 0.17% 88.18%

Kasaragod Working Population ---Census 2011

Total working population of Kasaragod is 462998 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in Kasaragod are 462998 out of which 325095 are male and 137903 are female. Total main workers are 372700 out of which male main workers are 275680 and female main workers are 97020. Total marginal workers of Kasaragod are 90298.

Total Male Female
Total Workers 462998 325095 137903
Main Workers 372700 275680 97020
Main Workers Cultivators 20569 16271 4298
Agriculture Labourer 27722 19324 8398
Household Industries 17951 4916 13035
Other Workers 306458 235169 71289
Marginal Workers 90298 49415 40883
Non Working Persons 844377 303518 540859

List of Town/City in Kasaragod District as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Kasaragod with Population, Sex Ratio,Workers Profile and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Ajanur (CT) 33079 1153
2 Bangra Manjeshwar (CT) 5791 1038
3 Bare (CT) 12804 1145
4 Chemnad (CT) 14323 1150
5 Chengala (CT) 15588 1025
6 Hosabettu (CT) 5179 999
7 Kanhangad (M + OG) 125564 1144
8 Kasaragod (M) 54172 1058
9 Keekan (CT) 9735 1195
10 Koipady (CT) 18121 1011
11 Kudlu (CT) 26235 1069
12 Kunjathur (CT) 13633 1026
13 Madhur (CT) 12685 1040
14 Mangalpady (CT) 12790 1060
15 Maniyat (CT) 4683 1154
16 Manjeshwar (CT) 8742 1092
17 Mogral (CT) 8912 1110
18 North Thrikkaripur (CT) 18210 1166
19 Pallikkara (CT) 14334 1168
20 Perole (CT) 14965 1100
21 Pilicode (CT) 9676 1103
22 Puthur (CT) 14271 1115
23 Shiribagilu (CT) 7630 1031
24 Shiriya (CT) 5277 1196
25 South Thrikkaripur (CT) 22991 1225
26 Udma (CT) 8115 1259
27 Uppala (CT) 11542 1119

List of Sub-District/Teshil/Blocks (CD) in District-Kasaragod, Kerala as per Census 2011

List of Sub-District/Teshil of Kasaragod with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data.

Kasaragod District MAP Kerala

Kasaragod Map on Google Map INDIA. To get google area map of Kasaragod Kerala India Click on ... Show On Google Map
