As per the Census 2011, Chandigarh has population of 1055450 and area is spread in 114 Km2. Chandigarh population density is 9258 Persons/Km2 as per India Census 2011 data and sex ratio is 818 per 1000 Male. Chandigarh Rural population is 28991 and urban population is 1026459. There are 234033 houses in the Chandigarh.
Census Data of Chandigarh, India --Census 2011
Population |
Area (Km2) |
Density (P/Km2) |
Sex Ratio |
Literacy |
0.1055 Cr
114.00 |
9258 |
818 |
Chandigarh Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011
Description |
Census 2011 Data |
State Name | Chandigarh |
Total Population | 1055450 |
Total Area | 114 (Km2) |
Total No of House Holds | 241173 |
Total Male Population | 580663 |
Total Female Population | 474787 |
0-6 Age group Total Population | 119434 |
0-6 Age group Male Population | 63536 |
0-6 Age group Male Population | 55898 |
Total Person Literates | 805438 |
Total Male Literates | 465346 |
Total Male Literates | 340092 |
Total Person Illiterates | 250012 |
Total Male Illiterates | 115317 |
Total Male Illiterates | 134695 |
Scheduled Cast Persons | 199086 |
Scheduled Cast Males | 106356 |
Scheduled Cast Females | 92730 |
Scheduled Tribe Persons | 0 |
Scheduled Tribe Males | 0 |
Scheduled Tribe Females | 0 |
Chandigarh Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data
Total rural population of Chandigarh State is 28991 which is 2.75% of total Chandigarh’s population and Chandigarh urban population is 1026459 about 97.25% of total population. In Chandigarh State sex ratio in rural area is 690 and urban area is 822 per 1000 male persons. Chandigarh Literacy % in rural area is 80.75% as compared to urban area which is 86.19%.
Description |
Rural |
Urban |
Total Population |
28991 |
1026459 |
Population (%) |
2.75 % |
97.25 % |
Male Population |
17150 |
563513 |
Female Population |
11841 |
462946 |
Sex Ratio |
690 |
822 |
Child Population (0-6) |
2282 |
53910 |
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) |
871 |
880 |
Child Percentage (0-6) |
14.73% |
11.22% |
Households in Chandigarh |
7140 |
234033 |
Literates |
19961 |
785477 |
Literacy % |
80.75% |
86.19% |
Male Literacy |
85.77% |
90.11% |
Female Literacy |
73.17% |
81.38% |
Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chandigarh
Religion |
Total Population |
Male Population |
Female Population |
Population % |
Literacy |
Hindu |
852574 |
472769 |
379805 |
80.78% |
68.48% |
Muslim |
51447 |
29889 |
21558 |
4.87% |
3.5% |
Christian |
8720 |
4463 |
4257 |
0.83% |
0.76% |
Sikh |
138329 |
71300 |
67029 |
13.11% |
12.93% |
Buddhist |
1160 |
593 |
567 |
0.11% |
0.11% |
Jain |
1960 |
997 |
963 |
0.19% |
0.19% |
Other religions and persuasions |
246 |
152 |
94 |
0.02% |
0.02% |
Religion not stated |
1014 |
500 |
514 |
0.1% |
0.06% |
Chandigarh Working Population ---Census 2011
Total |
Male |
Female |
Total Workers |
404136 |
328159 |
75977 |
Main Workers |
385929 |
317190 |
68739 |
Main Workers Cultivators |
2169 |
1906 |
263 |
Agriculture Labourer |
1396 |
1166 |
230 |
Household Industries |
4219 |
3278 |
941 |
Other Workers |
378145 |
310840 |
67305 |
Marginal Workers |
18207 |
10969 |
7238 |
Non Working Persons |
651314 |
252504 |
398810 |
List of Districts in Chandigarh as per Census 2011
List of districts of Chandigarh with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Chandigarh is further divided into number of districts which are administrative divisions in state.
# |
District |
Population |
Literacy |
Sex Ratio |
1 |
Chandigarh |
1055450 |
86.05% |
818 |