Gujarat State Census 2011

As per the Census 2011, Gujarat has population of 60439692 and area is spread in 196244 Km2. Gujarat population density is 308 Persons/Km2 as per India Census 2011 data and sex ratio is 919 per 1000 Male. Gujarat Rural population is 34694609 and urban population is 25745083. There are 5474870 houses in the Gujarat.

Census Data of Gujarat, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Km2) Density (P/Km2) Sex Ratio Literacy
6.044 Cr 196244.00 308 919 78.03%

Gujarat Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
State NameGujarat
Total Population60439692
Total Area196244 (Km2)
Total No of House Holds12248428
Total Male Population31491260
Total Female Population28948432
0-6 Age group Total Population7777262
0-6 Age group Male Population4115384
0-6 Age group Male Population3661878
Total Person Literates41093358
Total Male Literates23474873
Total Male Literates17618485
Total Person Illiterates19346334
Total Male Illiterates8016387
Total Male Illiterates11329947
Scheduled Cast Persons4074447
Scheduled Cast Males2110331
Scheduled Cast Females1964116
Scheduled Tribe Persons4415785
Scheduled Tribe Males4501389
Scheduled Tribe Females4415785

Gujarat Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Gujarat State is 34694609 which is 57.4% of total Gujarat’s population and Gujarat urban population is 25745083 about 42.6% of total population. In Gujarat State sex ratio in rural area is 949 and urban area is 880 per 1000 male persons. Gujarat Literacy % in rural area is 71.71% as compared to urban area which is 86.31%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 34694609 25745083
Population (%) 57.4 % 42.6 %
Male Population 17799159 13692101
Female Population 16895450 12052982
Sex Ratio 949 880
Child Population (0-6) 2521455 1358430
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 914 852
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.91% 11.47%
Households in Gujarat 6773558 5474870
Literates 21420842 19672516
Literacy % 71.71% 86.31%
Male Literacy 81.61% 90.98%
Female Literacy 61.36% 81.03%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Gujarat

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 53533988 27941177 25592811 88.57% 68.69%
Muslim 5846761 3007221 2839540 9.67% 7.68%
Christian 316178 159759 156419 0.52% 0.45%
Sikh 58246 32069 26177 0.1% 0.09%
Buddhist 30483 16220 14263 0.05% 0.04%
Jain 579654 294911 284743 0.96% 0.98%
Other religions and persuasions 16480 8362 8118 0.03% 0.03%
Religion not stated 57902 31541 26361 0.1% 0.07%

Gujarat Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 24767747 18000914 6766833
Main Workers 20365374 16567695 3797679
Main Workers Cultivators 4746956 4075047 671909
Agriculture Labourer 4491751 3008961 1482790
Household Industries 252213 182101 70112
Other Workers 10874454 9301586 1572868
Marginal Workers 4402373 1433219 2969154
Non Working Persons 35671945 13490346 22181599

List of Districts in Gujarat as per Census 2011

List of districts of Gujarat with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Gujarat is further divided into number of districts which are administrative divisions in state.

# District Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ahmadabad 7214225 85.31% 904
2 Amreli 1514190 74.25% 964
3 Anand 2092745 84.37% 925
4 Banas Kantha 3120506 65.32% 938
5 Bharuch 1551019 81.51% 925
6 Bhavnagar 2880365 75.52% 933
7 Dohad 2127086 58.82% 990
8 Gandhinagar 1391753 84.16% 923
9 Jamnagar 2160119 73.65% 939
10 Junagadh 2743082 75.8% 953
11 Kachchh 2092371 70.59% 908
12 Kheda 2299885 82.65% 940
13 Mahesana 2035064 83.61% 926
14 Narmada 590297 72.31% 961
15 Navsari 1329672 83.88% 961
16 Panch Mahals 2390776 70.99% 949
17 Patan 1343734 72.3% 935
18 Porbandar 585449 75.78% 950
19 Rajkot 3804558 80.96% 927
20 Sabar Kantha 2428589 75.79% 952
21 Surat 6081322 85.53% 787
22 Surendranagar 1756268 72.13% 930
23 Tapi 807022 68.26% 1007
24 The Dangs 228291 75.16% 1006
25 Vadodara 4165626 78.92% 934
26 Valsad 1705678 78.55% 922
