Kerala State Census 2011

As per the Census 2011, Kerala has population of 33406061 and area is spread in 38852 Km2. Kerala population density is 860 Persons/Km2 as per India Census 2011 data and sex ratio is 1084 per 1000 Male. Kerala Rural population is 17471135 and urban population is 15934926. There are 3704113 houses in the Kerala.

Census Data of Kerala, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Km2) Density (P/Km2) Sex Ratio Literacy
3.3406 Cr 38852.00 860 1084 94%

Kerala Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
State NameKerala
Total Population33406061
Total Area38852 (Km2)
Total No of House Holds7853754
Total Male Population16027412
Total Female Population17378649
0-6 Age group Total Population3472955
0-6 Age group Male Population1768244
0-6 Age group Male Population1704711
Total Person Literates28135824
Total Male Literates13704903
Total Male Literates14430921
Total Person Illiterates5270237
Total Male Illiterates2322509
Total Male Illiterates2947728
Scheduled Cast Persons3039573
Scheduled Cast Males1477808
Scheduled Cast Females1561765
Scheduled Tribe Persons246636
Scheduled Tribe Males238203
Scheduled Tribe Females246636

Kerala Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Kerala State is 17471135 which is 52.3% of total Kerala’s population and Kerala urban population is 15934926 about 47.7% of total population. In Kerala State sex ratio in rural area is 1078 and urban area is 1091 per 1000 male persons. Kerala Literacy % in rural area is 92.98% as compared to urban area which is 95.11%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 17471135 15934926
Population (%) 52.3 % 47.7 %
Male Population 8408054 7619358
Female Population 9063081 8315568
Sex Ratio 1078 1091
Child Population (0-6) 927888 808935
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 965 963
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.44% 10.35%
Households in Kerala 4149641 3704113
Literates 14549320 13586504
Literacy % 92.98% 95.11%
Male Literacy 95.35% 96.95%
Female Literacy 90.81% 93.44%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Kerala

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 18282492 8803455 9479037 54.73% 52%
Muslim 8873472 4176255 4697217 26.56% 23.68%
Christian 6141269 2993781 3147488 18.38% 18.03%
Sikh 3814 2173 1641 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 4752 2442 2310 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 4489 2225 2264 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 7618 4114 3504 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 88155 42967 45188 0.26% 0.22%

Kerala Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 11619063 8451569 3167494
Main Workers 9329747 7179828 2149919
Main Workers Cultivators 544932 465546 79386
Agriculture Labourer 919136 629092 290044
Household Industries 198281 132111 66170
Other Workers 7667398 5953079 1714319
Marginal Workers 2289316 1271741 1017575
Non Working Persons 21786998 7575843 14211155

List of Districts in Kerala as per Census 2011

List of districts of Kerala with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kerala is further divided into number of districts which are administrative divisions in state.

# District Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Alappuzha 2127789 95.72% 1100
2 Ernakulam 3282388 95.89% 1027
3 Idukki 1108974 91.99% 1006
4 Kannur 2523003 95.1% 1136
5 Kasaragod 1307375 90.09% 1080
6 Kollam 2635375 94.09% 1113
7 Kottayam 1974551 97.21% 1039
8 Kozhikode 3086293 95.08% 1098
9 Malappuram 4112920 93.57% 1098
10 Palakkad 2809934 89.31% 1067
11 Pathanamthitta 1197412 96.55% 1132
12 Thiruvananthapuram 3301427 93.02% 1087
13 Thrissur 3121200 95.08% 1108
14 Wayanad 817420 89.03% 1035
