Rajasthan State Census 2011

As per the Census 2011, Rajasthan has population of 68548437 and area is spread in 342239 Km2. Rajasthan population density is 200 Persons/Km2 as per India Census 2011 data and sex ratio is 928 per 1000 Male. Rajasthan Rural population is 51500352 and urban population is 17048085. There are 3216243 houses in the Rajasthan.

Census Data of Rajasthan, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Km2) Density (P/Km2) Sex Ratio Literacy
6.8548 Cr 342239.00 200 928 66.11%

Rajasthan Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
State NameRajasthan
Total Population68548437
Total Area342239 (Km2)
Total No of House Holds12711146
Total Male Population35550997
Total Female Population32997440
0-6 Age group Total Population10649504
0-6 Age group Male Population5639176
0-6 Age group Male Population5010328
Total Person Literates38275282
Total Male Literates23688412
Total Male Literates14586870
Total Person Illiterates30273155
Total Male Illiterates11862585
Total Male Illiterates18410570
Scheduled Cast Persons12221593
Scheduled Cast Males6355564
Scheduled Cast Females5866029
Scheduled Tribe Persons4495591
Scheduled Tribe Males4742943
Scheduled Tribe Females4495591

Rajasthan Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Total rural population of Rajasthan State is 51500352 which is 75.13% of total Rajasthan’s population and Rajasthan urban population is 17048085 about 24.87% of total population. In Rajasthan State sex ratio in rural area is 933 and urban area is 914 per 1000 male persons. Rajasthan Literacy % in rural area is 61.44% as compared to urban area which is 79.68%.

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 51500352 17048085
Population (%) 75.13 % 24.87 %
Male Population 26641747 8909250
Female Population 24858605 8138835
Sex Ratio 933 914
Child Population (0-6) 4446599 1042044
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 892 874
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.34% 13.11%
Households in Rajasthan 9494903 3216243
Literates 26471786 11803496
Literacy % 61.44% 79.68%
Male Literacy 76.16% 87.91%
Female Literacy 45.8% 70.73%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Rajasthan

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 60657103 31485832 29171271 88.49% 58.55%
Muslim 6215377 3193530 3021847 9.07% 5.5%
Christian 96430 48887 47543 0.14% 0.12%
Sikh 872930 459406 413524 1.27% 0.93%
Buddhist 12185 6382 5803 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 622023 317614 304409 0.91% 0.93%
Other religions and persuasions 4676 2399 2277 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 67713 36947 30766 0.1% 0.06%

Rajasthan Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 29886255 18297076 11589179
Main Workers 21057968 15243537 5814431
Main Workers Cultivators 9845353 6365757 3479596
Agriculture Labourer 2195304 1281039 914265
Household Industries 503067 360510 142557
Other Workers 8514244 7236231 1278013
Marginal Workers 8828287 3053539 5774748
Non Working Persons 38662182 17253921 21408261

List of Districts in Rajasthan as per Census 2011

List of districts of Rajasthan with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Rajasthan is further divided into number of districts which are administrative divisions in state.

# District Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ajmer 2583052 69.33% 951
2 Alwar 3674179 70.72% 895
3 Banswara 1797485 56.33% 980
4 Baran 1222755 66.66% 929
5 Barmer 2603751 56.53% 902
6 Bharatpur 2548462 70.11% 880
7 Bhilwara 2408523 61.37% 973
8 Bikaner 2363937 65.13% 905
9 Bundi 1110906 61.52% 925
10 Chittaurgarh 1544338 61.71% 972
11 Churu 2039547 66.75% 940
12 Dausa 1634409 68.16% 905
13 Dhaulpur 1206516 69.08% 846
14 Dungarpur 1388552 59.46% 994
15 Ganganagar 1969168 69.64% 887
16 Hanumangarh 1774692 67.13% 906
17 Jaipur 6626178 75.51% 910
18 Jaisalmer 669919 57.22% 852
19 Jalor 1828730 54.86% 952
20 Jhalawar 1411129 61.5% 946
21 Jhunjhunun 2137045 74.13% 950
22 Jodhpur 3687165 65.94% 916
23 Karauli 1458248 66.22% 861
24 Kota 1951014 76.56% 911
25 Nagaur 3307743 62.8% 950
26 Pali 2037573 62.39% 987
27 Pratapgarh 867848 55.97% 983
28 Pratapgarh 3209141 70.09% 998
29 Rajsamand 1156597 63.14% 990
30 Sawai Madhopur 1335551 65.39% 897
31 Sikar 2677333 71.91% 947
32 Sirohi 1036346 55.25% 940
33 Tonk 1421326 61.58% 952
34 Udaipur 3068420 61.82% 958
