Villages and Towns of Akot Tehsil of District Akola, Maharashtra

Akot Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Akola District, Maharashtra India. Akot teshil is one of the teshil of Akola district Maharashtra. In Akot Teshil there are 180 villages and 1 towns. Out of 180 villages in Akot teshil in which Mundgaon is most populated village with population of 6440 and least populated village is Chorwad Kh having population only 0. There are 1 town in Akot sub-district which lies in Akot administrative devision. Most populated town in Akot Teshil is Akot (M Cl) with population of 92637.

Total population of Akot teshil is 255540 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Akot teshil is 945 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Akot teshil is 86.95%.

Census Data of Akot Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
255540 945 86.95%

Demographics details of Akot Teshil

The population of Akot sub district is 255540 people, among them about 131403 are male and 124137 are female. Total number of house holds in Akot Teshil is 55612. Total Literates persons are 196666 in which total male literates are 105251 and female literates are 91415. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 29359, among them 15292 are boys and 14067 are girls.

Akot Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameAkot
State NameMaharashtra
District NameAkola
Total Population255540
Total No of House Holds55612
Total Male Population131403
Total Female Population124137
0-6 Age group Total Population29359
0-6 Age group Male Population15292
0-6 Age group Male Population14067
Total Person Literates196666
Total Male Literates105251
Total Male Literates91415
Total Person Illiterates58874
Total Male Illiterates26152
Total Male Illiterates32722
Scheduled Cast Persons42473
Scheduled Cast Males21727
Scheduled Cast Females20746
Scheduled Tribe Persons11622
Scheduled Tribe Males12092
Scheduled Tribe Females11622

Akot Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 113657 5158
Population (%) 44.48 % 2.02 %
Male Population 57934 2789
Female Population 55723 2369
Sex Ratio 962 849
Child Population (0-6) 8357 240
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 979 913
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.55% 9.75%
Households in 22546 948
Literates 73159 4277
Literacy % 75.33% 91.88%
Male Literacy 84.07% 95.37%
Female Literacy 66.22% 87.74%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Akot Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 171906 88344 83562 67.27% 60.01%
Muslim 49012 25278 23734 19.18% 16.06%
Christian 371 200 171 0.15% 0.12%
Sikh 55 34 21 0.02% 0.02%
Buddhist 33286 17108 16178 13.03% 10.43%
Jain 384 189 195 0.15% 0.15%
Other religions and persuasions 87 44 43 0.03% 0.03%
Religion not stated 439 206 233 0.17% 0.13%

Workers profile of Akot Teshil

Akot has 110280 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 74500 male and 35780 female population are working population. Full time workers in Akot teshil are 99122 and 11158 are marginal (part time) workers.

Akot Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 110280 74500 35780
Main Workers 99122 68447 30675
Main Workers Cultivators 18337 14468 3869
Agriculture Labourer 60271 37015 23256
Household Industries 927 665 262
Other Workers 19587 16299 3288
Marginal Workers 11158 6053 5105
Non Working Persons 145260 56903 88357

List of Town/City of Akot Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Akot with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Akola is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Akot (M Cl) 92637 941

List of villages in Teshil-Akot, District-Akola, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Mundgaon Akot 6440
2 Akoli Jahangir Akot 5918
3 Akolkhed Akot 5539
4 Kutasa Akot 5091
5 Panaj Akot 4738
6 Umara Akot 4551
7 Chohatta Akot 4052
8 Bordi Akot 4050
9 Rel Akot 3565
10 Keliweli Akot 3441
11 Wadali Deshmukh Akot 3258
12 Mohala Akot 3004
13 Amboda Akot 2938
14 Asegaon Bajar Akot 2826
15 Kinkhed Akot 2820
16 Ruikhed Akot 2478
17 Sawara Akot 2474
18 Kasod Shivpur Akot 2262
19 Punda Akot 2249
20 Warur Akot 2235
21 Pimpri Kh. Akot 2095
22 Deori Akot 2083
23 Popatkhed Akot 2001
24 Adgaon Kh Akot 1993
25 Palsod Akot 1980
26 Chandikapur Akot 1926
27 Wadali Satwai Akot 1900
28 Raundala Akot 1835
29 Karodi Akot 1820
30 Mankari Akot 1580
31 Khirkund Bk. Akot 1433
32 Takli Kh. Akot 1376
33 Balegaon Akot 1353
34 Deulgaon Akot 1323
35 Dinoda Akot 1298
36 Karatwadi Akot 1275
37 Edlapur Akot 1262
38 Jaulka Akot 1254
39 Jaulkhed Bk. Akot 1250
40 Jalgaon Nahate Akot 1245
41 Kawasa Bk. Akot 1230
42 Sawargaon Akot 1216
43 Danori Akot 1177
44 Kautha Bk. Akot 1157
45 Parala Akot 1112
46 Mahagaon Akot 1102
47 Rohankhed Akot 1082
48 Maroda Akot 1081
49 Belura Akot 1076
50 Khairkhed Akot 1043
51 Manchanpur Akot 1036
52 Nakhegaon Akot 1018
53 Warula Akot 1016
54 Lotkhed Akot 998
55 Patonda Akot 994
56 Ramapur Alias Dharul Akot 974
57 Patsul Akot 958
58 Takli Bk. Akot 956
59 Dhamangaon Akot 945
60 Jitapur Pr. Adgaon Akot 931
61 Shahapur Pr.Rupagad Akot 923
62 Nandkhed Akot 904
63 Rahnapur Akot 904
64 Bambarda Bk Akot 890
65 Jainpur Pimpri Akot 834
66 Kalwadi Akot 831
67 Tandulwadi Akot 795
68 Alewadi Akot 781
69 Wadgaon Mendhe Akot 773
70 Dharel Akot 773
71 Karatwadi Akot 771
72 Ladegaon Akot 751
73 Makrampur Akot 743
74 Sukali Akot 740
75 Dewarda Akot 739
76 Diwthana Akot 725
77 Pilakwadi Akot 714
78 Taroda Akot 713
79 Nehori Bk. Akot 711
80 Lohari Kh. Akot 710
81 Nijampur Akot 617
82 Vitali Akot 604
83 Hanwadi Akot 602
84 Januna Bk Akot 599
85 Rambhapur Akot 593
86 Wai Akot 570
87 Rajura Akot 548
88 Lohari Bk. Akot 539
89 Sonbardi Akot 538
90 Koha Akot 528
91 Malkapur Gond Akot 517
92 Mardi Pr. Khatkali Akot 492
93 Lamkani Akot 491
94 Chinchpani Akot 481
95 Penori Akot 481
96 Pimpri Dikkar Akot 477
97 Bochara Akot 444
98 Girjapur Akot 435
99 Ambadi Akot 413
100 Shahanur Akot 396
101 Chinchkhed Kh Akot 393
102 Kawasa Kh Akot 388
103 Jaulkhed Kh. Akot 372
104 Alegaon Akot 361
105 Khaparwadi Bk. Akot 357
106 Wani Akot 352
107 Jitapur Pr. Rupagad Akot 339
108 Hilalabad Akot 334
109 Rudhadi Pr. Khatkali Akot 327
110 Aminapur Akot 323
111 Dangarkhed Akot 310
112 Dhangarwadi Akot 305
113 Dhamna Bk Akot 288
114 Garsoli Akot 285
115 Tajnapur Akot 280
116 Chorwad Bk Akot 279
117 Gyajuddin Nagar Akot 269
118 Fattepur Akot 265
119 Kund Akot 259
120 Khirkund Kh. Akot 253
121 Sultanpur Akot 245
122 Nehori Kh. Akot 237
123 Bori Akot 233
124 Thokbardi Akot 215
125 Khaparwadi Kh. Akot 212
126 Katkhed Akot 195
127 Kavtha Kh. Akot 191
128 Dautpur Akot 174
129 Agaskhed Akot 166
130 Mirzapur Akot 160
131 Kolwihir Akot 126
132 Shahapur Pr. Akot Akot 125
133 Salkhed Akot 118
134 Kherda Akot 107
135 Dhaga Akot 104
136 Wasali Nagapur Akot 100
137 Dahikhel Futkar Akot 83
138 Gajipur Akot 69
139 Deulgaon Akot 64
140 Malkapur Akot 51
141 Jogban Akot 46
142 Rajurwadi Akot 44
143 Khanapur Tryambakpur Akot 42
144 Lakhamapur Akot 24
145 Gaulkhed Akot 16
146 Aurangabad Pr. Akot Akot 9
147 Khudawantpur Akot 3
148 Malkapur Bhil Akot 2
149 Gokhi Akot N/A
150 Chinchkhed Bk Akot N/A
151 Rajegaon Akot N/A
152 Bandhara Akot N/A
153 Januna Akot N/A
154 Mardi Pr. Chinchona Akot N/A
155 Chandanpur Akot N/A
156 Bhilkhed Akot N/A
157 Rudhadi Pr. Chinchona Akot N/A
158 Kapashi Akot N/A
159 Narsingpur Akot N/A
160 Shahapur Pr. Karla Akot N/A
161 Chinchkhed Kh Akot N/A
162 Waghoda Akot N/A
163 Chapaner Akot N/A
164 Kanheri Akot N/A
165 Miyache Khede Akot N/A
166 Sawarkhed Akot N/A
167 Kesori Akot N/A
168 Naynapur Akot N/A
169 Alyarpur Akot N/A
170 Mahamadpur Akot N/A
171 Isapur Akot N/A
172 Andh Akot N/A
173 Khanapur Bk. Akot N/A
174 Mahalaxmi Akot N/A
175 Bhod Akot N/A
176 Khasbag Akot N/A
177 Aurangabad Pr. Adgaon Akot N/A
178 Alampur Akot N/A
179 Sarfabad Akot N/A
180 Chorwad Kh Akot N/A
