Villages and Towns of Arsha Tehsil of District Puruliya, West Bengal

Arsha Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Puruliya District, West Bengal India. Arsha teshil is one of the teshil of Puruliya district West Bengal. In Arsha Teshil there are 96 villages and 0 towns. Out of 96 villages in Arsha teshil in which Sirkabad is most populated village with population of 6288 and least populated village is Detanar having population only 0. There are 0 town in Arsha sub-district which lies in Arsha administrative devision. Most populated town in Arsha Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Arsha teshil is 154736 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Arsha teshil is 974 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Arsha teshil is 54.78%.

Census Data of Arsha Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
154736 974 54.78%

Demographics details of Arsha Teshil

The population of Arsha sub district is 154736 people, among them about 78398 are male and 76338 are female. Total number of house holds in Arsha Teshil is 28868. Total Literates persons are 70413 in which total male literates are 45876 and female literates are 24537. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 26208, among them 13193 are boys and 13015 are girls.

Arsha Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameArsha
State NameWest Bengal
District NamePuruliya
Total Population154736
Total No of House Holds28868
Total Male Population78398
Total Female Population76338
0-6 Age group Total Population26208
0-6 Age group Male Population13193
0-6 Age group Male Population13015
Total Person Literates70413
Total Male Literates45876
Total Male Literates24537
Total Person Illiterates84323
Total Male Illiterates32522
Total Male Illiterates51801
Scheduled Cast Persons18294
Scheduled Cast Males9380
Scheduled Cast Females8914
Scheduled Tribe Persons16791
Scheduled Tribe Males16777
Scheduled Tribe Females16791

Arsha Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 161193 62025
Population (%) 104.17 % 40.08 %
Male Population 82709 31778
Female Population 78484 30247
Sex Ratio 949 952
Child Population (0-6) 9021 3277
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 966 965
Child Percentage (0-6) 11% 10.76%
Households in 35587 13311
Literates 116260 45287
Literacy % 81.04% 81.82%
Male Literacy 86.18% 86.17%
Female Literacy 75.62% 77.23%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Arsha Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 119561 60795 58766 77.27% 43.4%
Muslim 10344 5313 5031 6.68% 3.76%
Christian 495 281 214 0.32% 0.27%
Sikh 31 17 14 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 13 7 6 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 3 2 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 24064 11864 12200 15.55% 7.25%
Religion not stated 225 119 106 0.15% 0.07%

Workers profile of Arsha Teshil

Arsha has 73497 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 42256 male and 31241 female population are working population. Full time workers in Arsha teshil are 34714 and 38783 are marginal (part time) workers.

Arsha Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 73497 42256 31241
Main Workers 34714 26730 7984
Main Workers Cultivators 13896 12141 1755
Agriculture Labourer 8509 5693 2816
Household Industries 3215 1506 1709
Other Workers 9094 7390 1704
Marginal Workers 38783 15526 23257
Non Working Persons 81239 36142 45097

List of villages in Teshil-Arsha, District-Puruliya, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Sirkabad Arsha 6288
2 Arsha Arsha 5958
3 Satra Arsha 5857
4 Palpal Arsha 5511
5 Hesla Arsha 4574
6 Chatuhansa Arsha 4388
7 Rangamati Arsha 4365
8 Puara Arsha 3900
9 Kudagara Arsha 3774
10 Uparjari Arsha 3489
11 Beldi Arsha 3337
12 Rajpati Arsha 3084
13 Hetgugui Arsha 3029
14 Jhalda Arsha 2958
15 Patuara Arsha 2890
16 Ibirkola Alias Misirdi Arsha 2748
17 Mudali Arsha 2715
18 Upargugui Arsha 2656
19 Aharara Arsha 2639
20 Balia Arsha 2526
21 Phasko Arsha 2458
22 Upar Jambad Arsha 2426
23 Jhujhka Arsha 2344
24 Korarya Arsha 2198
25 Korang Arsha 2191
26 Baram Arsha 2129
27 Kumirdiha Arsha 1961
28 Ulugariya Arsha 1953
29 Tenyasi Arsha 1927
30 Hetjari Arsha 1915
31 Karandi Arsha 1910
32 Kantadi Arsha 1845
33 Mankiari Arsha 1784
34 Salaidahar Arsha 1719
35 Tumba Arsha 1679
36 Nunya Arsha 1648
37 Goradag Arsha 1603
38 Senabana Arsha 1603
39 Lachhamanpur Arsha 1576
40 Bhursa Arsha 1554
41 Pijhati Arsha 1537
42 Khukhramura Arsha 1529
43 Nagra Arsha 1491
44 Gandhabazar alias Raghunathganj Arsha 1444
45 Juri Arsha 1410
46 Chitidih Arsha 1408
47 Haranama Arsha 1403
48 Kadampur Arsha 1316
49 Kultanr Alias Paharpur Arsha 1281
50 Dhanara Arsha 1280
51 Rugri Arsha 1235
52 Torang Arsha 1148
53 Jaratanr Arsha 1062
54 Tanasi Arsha 1046
55 Thakursima Alias Simbhua Arsha 1006
56 Sadpuara Arsha 976
57 Ramjibanpur Arsha 941
58 Birchali Arsha 937
59 Tari Arsha 918
60 Harada Arsha 910
61 Kalabani Arsha 828
62 Gurahata Arsha 802
63 Siridi Arsha 777
64 Juradi Arsha 751
65 Bamandiha Arsha 716
66 Kenda Arsha 707
67 Pathardi Arsha 705
68 Piskapahari Arsha 682
69 Gayalikocha Arsha 673
70 Kanchanpur Arsha 667
71 Khedadi Arsha 643
72 Burahatu Alias Kashidih Arsha 630
73 Kulaghutu Arsha 618
74 Pattanr Arsha 612
75 Haramadih Arsha 579
76 Briddhitanr Alias Bandih Arsha 535
77 Jhariadi Arsha 488
78 Hethjambad Arsha 363
79 Bhelaidih Arsha 341
80 Kishanpur Arsha 338
81 Bhuda Arsha 336
82 Ghatiali Arsha 329
83 Sitarampur Arsha 310
84 Bhuiyandih Arsha 274
85 Chak Labarerdih alias Ghatban Arsha 255
86 Bamni Arsha 225
87 Parsiya Arsha 215
88 Gundligora Arsha 208
89 Bandudih Arsha 179
90 Manpur Arsha 176
91 Balarampur Arsha 137
92 Kanriyardih Arsha 118
93 Gourangdi Arsha 101
94 Puranaburudih Arsha 23
95 Kukurchirka Arsha 8
96 Detanar Arsha N/A
