Villages and Towns of Atarra Tehsil of District Banda, Uttar Pradesh

Atarra Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Banda District, Uttar Pradesh India. Atarra teshil is one of the teshil of Banda district Uttar Pradesh. In Atarra Teshil there are 108 villages and 3 towns. Out of 108 villages in Atarra teshil in which Atarra (Rural) is most populated village with population of 13453 and least populated village is Bambura having population only 0. There are 3 town in Atarra sub-district which lies in Atarra administrative devision. Most populated town in Atarra Teshil is Oran (NP) with population of 7212.

Total population of Atarra teshil is 360838 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Atarra teshil is 869 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Atarra teshil is 65.04%.

Census Data of Atarra Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
360838 869 65.04%

Demographics details of Atarra Teshil

The population of Atarra sub district is 360838 people, among them about 193031 are male and 167807 are female. Total number of house holds in Atarra Teshil is 64695. Total Literates persons are 195963 in which total male literates are 124555 and female literates are 71408. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 59522, among them 31142 are boys and 28380 are girls.

Atarra Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameAtarra
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameBanda
Total Population360838
Total No of House Holds64695
Total Male Population193031
Total Female Population167807
0-6 Age group Total Population59522
0-6 Age group Male Population31142
0-6 Age group Male Population28380
Total Person Literates195963
Total Male Literates124555
Total Male Literates71408
Total Person Illiterates164875
Total Male Illiterates68476
Total Male Illiterates96399
Scheduled Cast Persons98408
Scheduled Cast Males52298
Scheduled Cast Females46110
Scheduled Tribe Persons40
Scheduled Tribe Males42
Scheduled Tribe Females40

Atarra Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 599760 10788
Population (%) 166.21 % 2.99 %
Male Population 295940 5607
Female Population 303820 5181
Sex Ratio 1027 924
Child Population (0-6) 44833 688
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 915 889
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.32% 13.55%
Households in 92451 1576
Literates 369861 7592
Literacy % 71.97% 81.41%
Male Literacy 84.12% 87.27%
Female Literacy 60.36% 75.09%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Atarra Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 346041 185213 160828 95.9% 62.4%
Muslim 14153 7453 6700 3.92% 2.5%
Christian 229 126 103 0.06% 0.05%
Sikh 24 13 11 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 23 15 8 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 159 89 70 0.04% 0.05%
Other religions and persuasions 9 4 5 0% 0%
Religion not stated 200 118 82 0.06% 0.02%

Workers profile of Atarra Teshil

Atarra has 151724 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 98193 male and 53531 female population are working population. Full time workers in Atarra teshil are 107781 and 43943 are marginal (part time) workers.

Atarra Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 151724 98193 53531
Main Workers 107781 80195 27586
Main Workers Cultivators 44355 34852 9503
Agriculture Labourer 38950 25647 13303
Household Industries 2150 1613 537
Other Workers 22326 18083 4243
Marginal Workers 43943 17998 25945
Non Working Persons 209114 94838 114276

List of Town/City of Atarra Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Atarra with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Banda is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Oran (NP) 7212 862
2 Atarra (NPP) 47419 889
3 Bisanda Buzurg (NP) 11611 892

List of villages in Teshil-Atarra , District-Banda, Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Atarra (Rural) Atarra 13453
2 Dubariya Atarra 9346
3 Singhpur Mafi Atarra 8909
4 Turra Atarra 7784
5 Badousa Atarra 7225
6 Oran (Rural) Atarra 7128
7 Ballan Atarra 6894
8 Bil Gaon Atarra 6648
9 Tendura Atarra 6307
10 Pouhar Atarra 6185
11 Punahur Atarra 5921
12 Bagha Atarra 5903
13 Khurhand Atarra 5815
14 Chaunsarh Atarra 5771
15 Dadhwa Manpur Atarra 5739
16 Khamhaura Atarra 5547
17 Chandour Atarra 5407
18 Utarwan Atarra 5386
19 Mahotara Atarra 5013
20 Mahuwa Atarra 4805
21 Nagnedhi Atarra 4692
22 Chhibaon Atarra 4567
23 Gadaon Atarra 4465
24 Tera(B) Atarra 4455
25 Amwan Atarra 4028
26 Nandan Mau Atarra 3880
27 Pawai Atarra 3866
28 Mahuta Atarra 3830
29 Shahpur Sani Atarra 3805
30 Hastam Atarra 3714
31 Ajit Para Atarra 3688
32 Para Atarra 3509
33 Dabhani Atarra 3457
34 Barachha Atarra 3391
35 Kullu Khera Atarra 3247
36 Anathuwa Atarra 3175
37 Barehenda Atarra 3115
38 Bhadawal Atarra 2924
39 Sahewa Atarra 2906
40 Jabarapur Atarra 2776
41 Siklodhi Atarra 2759
42 Gumai Atarra 2751
43 Makari Atarra 2710
44 Oraha Atarra 2485
45 Pindkhar Atarra 2399
46 Hadaha Mafi Atarra 2349
47 Thanair Atarra 2332
48 Au Atarra 2248
49 Baghela Wari Atarra 2157
50 Dixit Wara Atarra 2073
51 Itara Malauli Atarra 2027
52 Bhusasi Atarra 1995
53 Koorahu Atarra 1992
54 Bisanda (Rural) Atarra 1975
55 Kusama Atarra 1890
56 Udaipur Atarra 1881
57 Semariya Kushal Atarra 1858
58 Ludhoura Atarra 1835
59 Ghoori Atarra 1825
60 Jamrehi Atarra 1822
61 Lamehta Atarra 1762
62 Nai Atarra 1757
63 Adharori Atarra 1736
64 Barchha Dodiya Atarra 1718
65 Tarsuma Atarra 1668
66 Jakhni Atarra 1621
67 Chandrayal Atarra 1434
68 Basrehi Atarra 1381
69 Nagwara Atarra 1357
70 Syohad Atarra 1353
71 Itara Khurd Atarra 1316
72 Semaria Mirdaha Atarra 1300
73 Barsanda Buzurg Atarra 1265
74 Beri Birhand Atarra 1234
75 Umrehanda Atarra 1224
76 Durai Mafi Atarra 1206
77 Nandna Atarra 1200
78 Rahusat Atarra 1145
79 Sangrampur Atarra 1141
80 Barsanda Khurd Atarra 1137
81 Kheriya Atarra 1081
82 Ghuraunda Atarra 1068
83 Bigahna Atarra 1053
84 Kergehana Atarra 952
85 Khataura Atarra 943
86 Tenduhi Atarra 924
87 Bahoran Purwa Atarra 910
88 Anchwara Atarra 868
89 Pahari Khurd Atarra 765
90 Gajpatipur Khurd Atarra 732
91 Takuli Atarra 727
92 Banai Atarra 635
93 Madhwara Atarra 626
94 Dongari Atarra 611
95 Chak Takuli Atarra 508
96 Gajpatipur Kalan Atarra 491
97 Partappur Atarra 478
98 Kandohara Atarra 417
99 Birampur Atarra 337
100 Semariya Jadid Atarra 324
101 Chhantupur Kalan Atarra 117
102 Palpur Atarra 35
103 Chak Amhar Atarra N/A
104 Chak Mochaha Atarra N/A
105 Budhauli Atarra N/A
106 Chhachupur Khurd Atarra N/A
107 Lakhanpur Atarra N/A
108 Bambura Atarra N/A
