Villages and Towns of Babai Tehsil of District Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

Babai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Hoshangabad District, Madhya Pradesh India. Babai teshil is one of the teshil of Hoshangabad district Madhya Pradesh. In Babai Teshil there are 106 villages and 1 towns. Out of 106 villages in Babai teshil in which Sanga Kheda Kalan is most populated village with population of 5720 and least populated village is Mohna having population only 0. There are 1 town in Babai sub-district which lies in Babai administrative devision. Most populated town in Babai Teshil is Babai (NP) with population of 16741.

Total population of Babai teshil is 134364 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Babai teshil is 913 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Babai teshil is 70.37%.

Census Data of Babai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
134364 913 70.37%

Demographics details of Babai Teshil

The population of Babai sub district is 134364 people, among them about 70230 are male and 64134 are female. Total number of house holds in Babai Teshil is 27711. Total Literates persons are 81454 in which total male literates are 48519 and female literates are 32935. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 18609, among them 9686 are boys and 8923 are girls.

Babai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBabai
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameHoshangabad
Total Population134364
Total No of House Holds27711
Total Male Population70230
Total Female Population64134
0-6 Age group Total Population18609
0-6 Age group Male Population9686
0-6 Age group Male Population8923
Total Person Literates81454
Total Male Literates48519
Total Male Literates32935
Total Person Illiterates52910
Total Male Illiterates21711
Total Male Illiterates31199
Scheduled Cast Persons17642
Scheduled Cast Males9242
Scheduled Cast Females8400
Scheduled Tribe Persons6873
Scheduled Tribe Males7276
Scheduled Tribe Females6873

Babai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 130074 33664
Population (%) 96.81 % 25.05 %
Male Population 67624 17578
Female Population 62450 16086
Sex Ratio 923 915
Child Population (0-6) 9183 2200
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 905 922
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.45% 13.63%
Households in 30889 6827
Literates 83856 23150
Literacy % 74.49% 79.62%
Male Literacy 82.79% 86.45%
Female Literacy 65.53% 72.14%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Babai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 130031 67989 62042 96.78% 67.69%
Muslim 3870 2005 1865 2.88% 2.37%
Christian 78 45 33 0.06% 0.04%
Sikh 36 19 17 0.03% 0.01%
Buddhist 5 2 3 0% 0%
Jain 258 122 136 0.19% 0.2%
Other religions and persuasions 13 5 8 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 73 43 30 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Babai Teshil

Babai has 53793 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 37878 male and 15915 female population are working population. Full time workers in Babai teshil are 36677 and 17116 are marginal (part time) workers.

Babai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 53793 37878 15915
Main Workers 36677 29357 7320
Main Workers Cultivators 13501 12030 1471
Agriculture Labourer 15060 10722 4338
Household Industries 558 436 122
Other Workers 7558 6169 1389
Marginal Workers 17116 8521 8595
Non Working Persons 80571 32352 48219

List of Town/City of Babai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Babai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Hoshangabad is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Babai (NP) 16741 932

List of villages in Teshil-Babai, District-Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Sanga Kheda Kalan Babai 5720
2 Gujarwada Babai 4530
3 Managaon Babai 3645
4 Anchal Kheda Babai 3060
5 Ari Babai 2962
6 Jawali Babai 2628
7 Bajjarwada Babai 2487
8 Mohgaon Babai 2458
9 Samon Babai 2410
10 Ganera Babai 2403
11 Kajal Khedi Babai 2302
12 Chourahet Babai 2241
13 Ankhmau Babai 2207
14 Manwada Babai 2106
15 Bikor Babai 2026
16 Kotgaon Babai 1977
17 Sanga Kheda Khurd Babai 1971
18 Rajon Babai 1756
19 Pawar Kheda Khurd Babai 1751
20 Jhalon Babai 1735
21 Sirwad Babai 1727
22 Patni Babai 1708
23 Budhni Babai 1615
24 Satwasa Babai 1486
25 Khargawali Babai 1471
26 Baharpur Babai 1459
27 Sukkarwada Babai 1457
28 Gora Babai 1456
29 Nasirabad Babai 1418
30 Madhawan Babai 1407
31 Muhasa Babai 1398
32 Chaplasar Babai 1388
33 Baglon Babai 1362
34 Kharda Babai 1347
35 Mahendrawadi Babai 1309
36 Bachhwada Babai 1279
37 Suwakhedi Babai 1247
38 Talkesri Babai 1234
39 Khidiya Babai 1076
40 Nagwada Babai 1053
41 Sukkarwada Babai 1041
42 Gol Babai 1040
43 Guradiyakalan Babai 1021
44 Silari Kalan Babai 1002
45 Majojal Pur Babai 989
46 Meghli Babai 969
47 Dondhai Babai 941
48 Kans Kheda Babai 913
49 Mangrol Babai 898
50 Bhatwada Babai 872
51 Gondalwada Babai 836
52 Bagal Khedi Babai 826
53 Bhanpur Babai 817
54 Sendarwada Babai 817
55 Budhwada Babai 804
56 Bamhori Kalan Babai 785
57 Chichli Kalan Babai 784
58 Kondarwada Babai 783
59 Shivpur Babai 756
60 Mudhapar Babai 751
61 Umarkhedi Babai 733
62 Gudla Babai 702
63 Dolariyakhurd Babai 699
64 Furtala Babai 677
65 Tamcharu Babai 673
66 Jhalsargonth Babai 650
67 Maragaon Babai 636
68 Guradiya Moti Babai 631
69 Singhpur Babai 625
70 Chandla Babai 613
71 Raipura Babai 609
72 Bikori Babai 590
73 Mudiya Kheda Babai 537
74 Khairi Babai 527
75 Pilikarar Babai 526
76 Gulon Babai 525
77 Balabhent Babai 501
78 Sarra Kesli Babai 498
79 Simrodha Babai 478
80 Jhalsar Setn Babai 466
81 Dhamaniya Babai 464
82 Dhansi Babai 457
83 Jamuniya Babai 454
84 Piparpani Babai 448
85 Pehantala Babai 446
86 Chiladhon Babai 421
87 Bankhedi Babai 419
88 Aharkheda Babai 415
89 Kadhaiya Babai 409
90 Dobh Babai 401
91 Alakhedi Babai 377
92 Banshi Khairi Babai 360
93 Panwasa Babai 350
94 Panjra Khurd Babai 347
95 Dangiwada Babai 340
96 Khutiya Babai 285
97 Gajanpur Babai 239
98 Malhanwada Babai 234
99 Guradiyakhurd Babai 226
100 Bhatwadi Babai 223
101 Amkhedi Babai 183
102 Janakpur Babai 84
103 Makodiya Babai 82
104 Kansiya Babai 75
105 Magria Babai 71
106 Mohna Babai N/A
