Villages and Towns of Badarpur Tehsil of District Karimganj, Assam

Badarpur Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Karimganj District, Assam India. Badarpur teshil is one of the teshil of Karimganj district Assam. In Badarpur Teshil there are 81 villages and 4 towns. Out of 81 villages in Badarpur teshil in which Mirjapur Pt I is most populated village with population of 7640 and least populated village is Lamajuar Pt III having population only 0. There are 4 town in Badarpur sub-district which lies in Badarpur administrative devision. Most populated town in Badarpur Teshil is Badarpur Rly. Town (CT) with population of 8882.

Total population of Badarpur teshil is 164703 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Badarpur teshil is 962 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Badarpur teshil is 85.45%.

Census Data of Badarpur Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
164703 962 85.45%

Demographics details of Badarpur Teshil

The population of Badarpur sub district is 164703 people, among them about 83926 are male and 80777 are female. Total number of house holds in Badarpur Teshil is 32898. Total Literates persons are 118117 in which total male literates are 63157 and female literates are 54960. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 26481, among them 13582 are boys and 12899 are girls.

Badarpur Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBadarpur
State NameAssam
District NameKarimganj
Total Population164703
Total No of House Holds32898
Total Male Population83926
Total Female Population80777
0-6 Age group Total Population26481
0-6 Age group Male Population13582
0-6 Age group Male Population12899
Total Person Literates118117
Total Male Literates63157
Total Male Literates54960
Total Person Illiterates46586
Total Male Illiterates20769
Total Male Illiterates25817
Scheduled Cast Persons15507
Scheduled Cast Males7872
Scheduled Cast Females7635
Scheduled Tribe Persons29
Scheduled Tribe Males35
Scheduled Tribe Females29

Badarpur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 250853 15847
Population (%) 152.31 % 9.62 %
Male Population 128348 7936
Female Population 122505 7911
Sex Ratio 954 997
Child Population (0-6) 22865 708
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 968 908
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.94% 9.39%
Households in 48403 3563
Literates 130596 13138
Literacy % 63.44% 91.5%
Male Literacy 68.44% 94.51%
Female Literacy 58.18% 88.5%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Badarpur Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 56800 28740 28060 34.49% 33.69%
Muslim 106909 54687 52222 64.91% 51.21%
Christian 605 306 299 0.37% 0.34%
Sikh 15 7 8 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 134 67 67 0.08% 0.09%
Jain 69 36 33 0.04% 0.04%
Other religions and persuasions 85 36 49 0.05% 0.05%
Religion not stated 86 47 39 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Badarpur Teshil

Badarpur has 47221 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 41139 male and 6082 female population are working population. Full time workers in Badarpur teshil are 36282 and 10939 are marginal (part time) workers.

Badarpur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 47221 41139 6082
Main Workers 36282 33173 3109
Main Workers Cultivators 6839 6476 363
Agriculture Labourer 3417 3138 279
Household Industries 774 480 294
Other Workers 25252 23079 2173
Marginal Workers 10939 7966 2973
Non Working Persons 117482 42787 74695

List of Town/City of Badarpur Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Badarpur with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Karimganj is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Badarpur Rly. Town (CT) 8882 984
2 Mosli Pt I (CT) 5087 974
3 Badarpur (TC) 13298 974
4 Chapra (CT) 11220 950

List of villages in Teshil-Badarpur, District-Karimganj, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Mirjapur Pt I Badarpur 7640
2 Dattapur Badarpur 6074
3 Hasanpur Badarpur 5774
4 Kankalesh Pt I Badarpur 5264
5 Basail Badarpur 4816
6 Srigauri Badarpur 4733
7 Umarpur Pt I Badarpur 4725
8 Lamajuar Pt I Badarpur 4165
9 Kandigram Malua Badarpur 3872
10 Mahakal Pt II Badarpur 3759
11 Kankalesh Pt II Badarpur 3645
12 Chinipatan Badarpur 2893
13 Mahakal Pt I Badarpur 2676
14 Harinadik Badarpur 2611
15 Siberchak Badarpur 2261
16 Marjat Kandi Badarpur 2260
17 Mirjapur Pt II Badarpur 2249
18 Basla Badarpur 2124
19 Tikarpara Badarpur 2074
20 Ghoramara Pt I Badarpur 1978
21 Umarpur Pt III Badarpur 1949
22 Arengabad Badarpur 1933
23 Niz Malua Badarpur 1903
24 Patharkandi Badarpur 1825
25 Khola Pt II Badarpur 1823
26 Ghatudaram Badarpur 1804
27 Alekargool Badarpur 1764
28 Jikar Badarpur 1719
29 Dakshin Gram Badarpur 1683
30 Ghoramara Pt II Badarpur 1634
31 Haldigool Badarpur 1581
32 Barbari Badarpur 1470
33 Hazipur Badarpur 1445
34 Mosli Pt II Badarpur 1434
35 Nairgram Badarpur 1416
36 Mahakal Pt VII Badarpur 1407
37 Alakulipur Badarpur 1343
38 Mugrapur Badarpur 1323
39 Jum Pt V Badarpur 1260
40 Naharpur Badarpur 1202
41 Mahakal Pt VI Badarpur 1199
42 Kandigram Chaitanya Nagar Badarpur 1149
43 Umarpur Pt II Badarpur 1043
44 Piratikar Badarpur 916
45 Adarkona Pt IV Badarpur 913
46 Khola Pt I Badarpur 848
47 Jum Pt IV Badarpur 795
48 Raj Pasha Badarpur 774
49 Robbania Pt I T.E. Badarpur 756
50 Adarkona Pt III Badarpur 674
51 Goabari Badarpur 645
52 Robbania Pt II T.E. Badarpur 605
53 Barthal Pt IX Badarpur 601
54 Barthal Pt X Badarpur 571
55 Barthal Pt I Badarpur 569
56 Kuchilargool Badarpur 554
57 Mazar Gool Badarpur 508
58 Lamajuar Pt IV Badarpur 467
59 Lamajuar Pt II Badarpur 431
60 Adarkona Pt I Badarpur 405
61 Barthal Pt VI Badarpur 404
62 Barthal Pt XI Badarpur 392
63 Jum Pt VII Badarpur 360
64 Barthal Pt XII Badarpur 356
65 Barthal Pt IV Badarpur 313
66 Mahakal Pt V Badarpur 308
67 Bargool Badarpur 303
68 Barthal Pt VIII Badarpur 286
69 Medalbeel Badarpur 282
70 Adarkona Pt II Badarpur 239
71 Barthal Pt II (Sribehula T.E.) Badarpur 235
72 Jum Pt VI Badarpur 161
73 Barthal Pt VII(Sribehula T.E.) Badarpur 145
74 Kalakuri Badarpur 132
75 Jum Pt I Badarpur 123
76 Barthal Pt III Badarpur 86
77 Jum Pt II Badarpur 68
78 Mahakal Pt IV Badarpur 32
79 Barthal Pt V Badarpur 29
80 Mahakal Pt III Badarpur 28
81 Lamajuar Pt III Badarpur N/A
