Villages and Towns of Bagalkot Tehsil of District Bagalkot , Karnataka

Bagalkot Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bagalkot District, Karnataka India. Bagalkot teshil is one of the teshil of Bagalkot district Karnataka. In Bagalkot Teshil there are 96 villages and 1 towns. Out of 96 villages in Bagalkot teshil in which Kaladgi is most populated village with population of 13676 and least populated village is Bagalkot (Rural) having population only 0. There are 1 town in Bagalkot sub-district which lies in Bagalkot administrative devision. Most populated town in Bagalkot Teshil is Bagalkot (CMC) with population of 111933.

Total population of Bagalkot teshil is 285114 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bagalkot teshil is 991 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bagalkot teshil is 73.97%.

Census Data of Bagalkot Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
285114 991 73.97%

Demographics details of Bagalkot Teshil

The population of Bagalkot sub district is 285114 people, among them about 143220 are male and 141894 are female. Total number of house holds in Bagalkot Teshil is 55836. Total Literates persons are 182569 in which total male literates are 103801 and female literates are 78768. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 38293, among them 19933 are boys and 18360 are girls.

Bagalkot Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBagalkot
State NameKarnataka
District NameBagalkot
Total Population285114
Total No of House Holds55836
Total Male Population143220
Total Female Population141894
0-6 Age group Total Population38293
0-6 Age group Male Population19933
0-6 Age group Male Population18360
Total Person Literates182569
Total Male Literates103801
Total Male Literates78768
Total Person Illiterates102545
Total Male Illiterates39419
Total Male Illiterates63126
Scheduled Cast Persons47174
Scheduled Cast Males23575
Scheduled Cast Females23599
Scheduled Tribe Persons9188
Scheduled Tribe Males9042
Scheduled Tribe Females9188

Bagalkot Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 147155 19109
Population (%) 51.61 % 6.7 %
Male Population 73670 9526
Female Population 73485 9583
Sex Ratio 997 1006
Child Population (0-6) 7181 833
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 964 903
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.59% 9.18%
Households in 33327 4423
Literates 110449 16190
Literacy % 83.01% 93.29%
Male Literacy 88.81% 96.35%
Female Literacy 77.23% 90.29%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bagalkot Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 241358 121246 120112 84.65% 62.11%
Muslim 41685 20945 20740 14.62% 11.22%
Christian 333 166 167 0.12% 0.1%
Sikh 51 25 26 0.02% 0.02%
Buddhist 86 52 34 0.03% 0.03%
Jain 696 357 339 0.24% 0.24%
Other religions and persuasions 6 2 4 0% 0%
Religion not stated 899 427 472 0.32% 0.25%

Workers profile of Bagalkot Teshil

Bagalkot has 118075 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 75849 male and 42226 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bagalkot teshil are 94105 and 23970 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bagalkot Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 118075 75849 42226
Main Workers 94105 65308 28797
Main Workers Cultivators 16313 13639 2674
Agriculture Labourer 27747 12804 14943
Household Industries 3155 2137 1018
Other Workers 46890 36728 10162
Marginal Workers 23970 10541 13429
Non Working Persons 167039 67371 99668

List of Town/City of Bagalkot Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bagalkot with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bagalkot is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bagalkot (CMC) 111933 985

List of villages in Teshil-Bagalkot, District-Bagalkot , Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kaladgi Bagalkot 13676
2 Sirur Bagalkot 12623
3 Simikeri Bagalkot 7653
4 Bevoor Bagalkot 5881
5 Gaddankeri Bagalkot 5603
6 Rampur Bagalkot 4816
7 Tulasigeri Bagalkot 4612
8 Sigikeri Bagalkot 4148
9 Bevinamatti-S.Haveli Bagalkot 4047
10 Neelanagar Bagalkot 3444
11 Hallur Bagalkot 3343
12 Benakatti Bagalkot 3203
13 Mugalalli Bagalkot 2921
14 Kirasur Bagalkot 2782
15 Bhagavati Bagalkot 2740
16 Niralkeri Bagalkot 2737
17 Muchakhandi Bagalkot 2692
18 Khajjidoni Bagalkot 2549
19 Nainegali Bagalkot 2547
20 Siraguppi Bagalkot 2429
21 Honnakatti Bagalkot 2359
22 Bennur Bagalkot 2185
23 Anadinni Bagalkot 2182
24 Hire-Shellikeri Bagalkot 2158
25 Timmapur Bagalkot 2123
26 Jadramakunti Bagalkot 2112
27 Sutagundar Bagalkot 2107
28 Bilkerur Bagalkot 2011
29 Chickka-Shellikeri Bagalkot 1904
30 Chebbi Bagalkot 1884
31 Achanur Bagalkot 1844
32 Sokanadgi Bagalkot 1828
33 Bodanayakdinni Bagalkot 1815
34 Choudapur Bagalkot 1781
35 Bhairamatti Bagalkot 1760
36 Bommanagi Bagalkot 1698
37 Mankani Bagalkot 1666
38 Kadalimatti Bagalkot 1663
39 Chikkgulabal Bagalkot 1661
40 Durganagar Bagalkot 1658
41 Devanal Bagalkot 1601
42 Yadahalli Bagalkot 1601
43 Mannikatti Bagalkot 1593
44 Durgadevinagar Bagalkot 1541
45 Sangapur Bagalkot 1532
46 Udagatti Bagalkot 1284
47 Hire-Sansi Bagalkot 1278
48 Domanal Bagalkot 1264
49 Govindkopp Bagalkot 1247
50 Ankalagi Bagalkot 1201
51 Chick Myageri Bagalkot 1186
52 Muranal Bagalkot 1147
53 Veerapur Bagalkot 1139
54 Sorakopp Bagalkot 1046
55 Kadampur Bagalkot 992
56 Devalapur (S.M.) Bagalkot 978
57 Dharmnagar Bagalkot 977
58 Yankachi Bagalkot 915
59 Mudapaljivi Bagalkot 893
60 Hosur Bagalkot 874
61 Hire Myageri Bagalkot 862
62 Sharadal Bagalkot 825
63 Chitaginakopp Bagalkot 821
64 Nagaral Bagalkot 804
65 Nakargundi Bagalkot 753
66 Nagasampagi Bagalkot 734
67 Handaragala Bagalkot 733
68 Ingalagi Bagalkot 697
69 Kalasakopp Bagalkot 690
70 Chick Sitimani Bagalkot 676
71 Chikk-Sansi Bagalkot 672
72 Manahalli Bagalkot 658
73 Mudavinkopp Bagalkot 630
74 Muttatti Bagalkot 560
75 Hiregulabal Bagalkot 554
76 Chick Hodlur Bagalkot 493
77 Bannidinni Bagalkot 483
78 Hire-Hodlur Bagalkot 440
79 Sangondi Bagalkot 423
80 Sindagi Bagalkot 402
81 Lavaleshavar Bagalkot 398
82 Kesanur * Bagalkot 393
83 Honaralli Bagalkot 383
84 Salagundi Bagalkot 360
85 Sitimani Bagalkot 324
86 Basavanagar Bagalkot 315
87 Mastihal Bagalkot 245
88 Mallapur Bagalkot 177
89 Talagihal Bagalkot 148
90 Ilal Bagalkot 98
91 Chikkmuramatti Bagalkot 88
92 Andamuranal Bagalkot 81
93 Alur Bagalkot 73
94 Sidnal Bagalkot 54
95 Hiremuramatti Bagalkot N/A
96 Bagalkot (Rural) Bagalkot N/A
