Villages and Towns of Bahadurgarh Tehsil of District Jhajjar, Haryana

Bahadurgarh Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jhajjar District, Haryana India. Bahadurgarh teshil is one of the teshil of Jhajjar district Haryana. In Bahadurgarh Teshil there are 64 villages and 2 towns. Out of 64 villages in Bahadurgarh teshil in which Chhara(17) is most populated village with population of 12989 and least populated village is Habibpur Viran (90) having population only 0. There are 2 town in Bahadurgarh sub-district which lies in Bahadurgarh administrative devision. Most populated town in Bahadurgarh Teshil is Ladrawan (CT) with population of 6905.

Total population of Bahadurgarh teshil is 403746 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bahadurgarh teshil is 848 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bahadurgarh teshil is 82.84%.

Census Data of Bahadurgarh Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
403746 848 82.84%

Demographics details of Bahadurgarh Teshil

The population of Bahadurgarh sub district is 403746 people, among them about 218433 are male and 185313 are female. Total number of house holds in Bahadurgarh Teshil is 79101. Total Literates persons are 292686 in which total male literates are 171129 and female literates are 121557. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 50446, among them 28439 are boys and 22007 are girls.

Bahadurgarh Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBahadurgarh
State NameHaryana
District NameJhajjar
Total Population403746
Total No of House Holds79101
Total Male Population218433
Total Female Population185313
0-6 Age group Total Population50446
0-6 Age group Male Population28439
0-6 Age group Male Population22007
Total Person Literates292686
Total Male Literates171129
Total Male Literates121557
Total Person Illiterates111060
Total Male Illiterates47304
Total Male Illiterates63756
Scheduled Cast Persons65835
Scheduled Cast Males35279
Scheduled Cast Females30556
Scheduled Tribe Persons0
Scheduled Tribe Males0
Scheduled Tribe Females0

Bahadurgarh Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 226074 177672
Population (%) 55.99 % 44.01 %
Male Population 122895 95538
Female Population 103179 82134
Sex Ratio 840 860
Child Population (0-6) 15906 9987
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 756 797
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.35% 12.68%
Households in 42756 36345
Literates 161310 131376
Literacy % 81.41% 84.68%
Male Literacy 89.84% 90.37%
Female Literacy 71.51% 78.13%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bahadurgarh Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 396040 214187 181853 98.09% 81.65%
Muslim 5034 2828 2206 1.25% 0.61%
Christian 400 225 175 0.1% 0.09%
Sikh 714 380 334 0.18% 0.17%
Buddhist 54 26 28 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 591 302 289 0.15% 0.14%
Other religions and persuasions 8 3 5 0% 0%
Religion not stated 905 482 423 0.22% 0.17%

Workers profile of Bahadurgarh Teshil

Bahadurgarh has 134532 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 107390 male and 27142 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bahadurgarh teshil are 109456 and 25076 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bahadurgarh Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 134532 107390 27142
Main Workers 109456 92420 17036
Main Workers Cultivators 24226 20193 4033
Agriculture Labourer 6291 5016 1275
Household Industries 3864 3102 762
Other Workers 75075 64109 10966
Marginal Workers 25076 14970 10106
Non Working Persons 269214 111043 158171

List of Town/City of Bahadurgarh Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bahadurgarh with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jhajjar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Ladrawan (CT) 6905 809
2 Bahadurgarh (M Cl) 170767 862

List of villages in Teshil-Bahadurgarh, District-Jhajjar, Haryana as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chhara(17) Bahadurgarh 12989
2 Badli(72) Bahadurgarh 12670
3 Mandothi(53) Bahadurgarh 10612
4 Rohad(25) Bahadurgarh 9256
5 Dulhera(56) Bahadurgarh 8586
6 Bupania(59) Bahadurgarh 8162
7 Asoda Todran(28) Bahadurgarh 7460
8 Bhaproda(22) Bahadurgarh 6902
9 Kharhar(21) Bahadurgarh 6124
10 Kanonda(33) Bahadurgarh 5604
11 Barahi(40) Bahadurgarh 5539
12 Mattan(20) Bahadurgarh 5514
13 Bamnoli(35) Bahadurgarh 5141
14 Gubhana (70) Bahadurgarh 5027
15 Nuna Majra(46) Bahadurgarh 4830
16 Nilothi(19) Bahadurgarh 4553
17 Kasar(43) Bahadurgarh 4506
18 Kheri Jasaur(18) Bahadurgarh 4481
19 Jasaurkheri(17) Bahadurgarh 4405
20 Barkatabad(63) Bahadurgarh 4282
21 Daboda Khurd(49) Bahadurgarh 4096
22 Kulasi(30) Bahadurgarh 4069
23 Badsa(77) Bahadurgarh 3905
24 Jakhauda(41) Bahadurgarh 3799
25 Soldha(62) Bahadurgarh 3745
26 Chhudani(93) Bahadurgarh 3533
27 Kharman(55) Bahadurgarh 3511
28 Lawa Khurd(47) Bahadurgarh 3430
29 Goela Kalan(58) Bahadurgarh 3261
30 Majri(71) Bahadurgarh 3179
31 Asauda Sewan (29) Bahadurgarh 3121
32 Kherka Gujar(57) Bahadurgarh 2912
33 Dahkora(26) Bahadurgarh 2902
34 Asanda(23) Bahadurgarh 2598
35 Balaur(64) Bahadurgarh 2555
36 Sarai Aurangabad(44) Bahadurgarh 2430
37 Daryapur(73) Bahadurgarh 2410
38 Munda Khera(78) Bahadurgarh 2353
39 Loharheri(27) Bahadurgarh 2322
40 Luksar(68) Bahadurgarh 2229
41 Isarheri(66) Bahadurgarh 2150
42 Rewari Khera(19) Bahadurgarh 2092
43 Asmayalpur(79) Bahadurgarh 2091
44 Daboda Kalan(51) Bahadurgarh 1947
45 Lowa Kalan(65) Bahadurgarh 1919
46 Tandaheri(52) Bahadurgarh 1910
47 Shidipur(67) Bahadurgarh 1899
48 Khairpur(32) Bahadurgarh 1563
49 Silothi(54) Bahadurgarh 1376
50 Lohat(76) Bahadurgarh 1358
51 Zardakpur(61) Bahadurgarh 1255
52 Dever Khana(75) Bahadurgarh 1227
53 Mahandipur(50) Bahadurgarh 1221
54 Lagarpur(74) Bahadurgarh 1188
55 Gangarwa(69) Bahadurgarh 1062
56 Mukandpur(34) Bahadurgarh 968
57 Shahpur(60) Bahadurgarh 674
58 Desalpur(48) Bahadurgarh 665
59 Mahmoodpur Majra(88) Bahadurgarh 477
60 Kherka Musalman(45) Bahadurgarh 29
61 Agarpur(14) Bahadurgarh N/A
62 Majra Asanda(24) Bahadurgarh N/A
63 Saidpur(42) Bahadurgarh N/A
64 Habibpur Viran (90) Bahadurgarh N/A
