Villages and Towns of Bantala Tehsil of District Anugul , Odisha

Bantala Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Anugul District, Odisha India. Bantala teshil is one of the teshil of Anugul district Odisha. In Bantala Teshil there are 91 villages and 0 towns. Out of 91 villages in Bantala teshil in which Pokatunga is most populated village with population of 4176 and least populated village is Ramachandrapur having population only 0. There are 0 town in Bantala sub-district which lies in Bantala administrative devision. Most populated town in Bantala Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bantala teshil is 71713 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bantala teshil is 971 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bantala teshil is 76.07%.

Census Data of Bantala Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
71713 971 76.07%

Demographics details of Bantala Teshil

The population of Bantala sub district is 71713 people, among them about 36378 are male and 35335 are female. Total number of house holds in Bantala Teshil is 16787. Total Literates persons are 48125 in which total male literates are 27233 and female literates are 20892. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 8445, among them 4388 are boys and 4057 are girls.

Bantala Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBantala
State NameOdisha
District NameAnugul
Total Population71713
Total No of House Holds16787
Total Male Population36378
Total Female Population35335
0-6 Age group Total Population8445
0-6 Age group Male Population4388
0-6 Age group Male Population4057
Total Person Literates48125
Total Male Literates27233
Total Male Literates20892
Total Person Illiterates23588
Total Male Illiterates9145
Total Male Illiterates14443
Scheduled Cast Persons16457
Scheduled Cast Males8275
Scheduled Cast Females8182
Scheduled Tribe Persons2570
Scheduled Tribe Males2559
Scheduled Tribe Females2570

Bantala Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 129054 21865
Population (%) 179.96 % 30.49 %
Male Population 66212 11272
Female Population 62842 10593
Sex Ratio 949 940
Child Population (0-6) 7793 1079
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 884 873
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.38% 10.59%
Households in 28840 4566
Literates 94566 16690
Literacy % 82.68% 85.37%
Male Literacy 89.44% 91.32%
Female Literacy 75.63% 79.09%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bantala Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 71386 36216 35170 99.54% 75.74%
Muslim 114 52 62 0.16% 0.1%
Christian 107 56 51 0.15% 0.12%
Sikh 7 3 4 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 1 1 0 0% 0%
Jain 0 0 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 1 0 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 97 50 47 0.14% 0.09%

Workers profile of Bantala Teshil

Bantala has 27255 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 20099 male and 7156 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bantala teshil are 18626 and 8629 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bantala Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 27255 20099 7156
Main Workers 18626 15147 3479
Main Workers Cultivators 5680 4872 808
Agriculture Labourer 4418 3399 1019
Household Industries 1358 972 386
Other Workers 7170 5904 1266
Marginal Workers 8629 4952 3677
Non Working Persons 44458 16279 28179

List of villages in Teshil-Bantala , District-Anugul , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Pokatunga Bantala 4176
2 Bantala Bantala 3615
3 Talagarh Bantala 3087
4 Sankhapur Bantala 2473
5 Basala Bantala 2398
6 Baragounia Bantala 2310
7 Dhokata Bantala 2290
8 Gadatarasa Bantala 2214
9 Khinda Bantala 2007
10 Hamamira Bantala 1998
11 Khalagaon Bantala 1950
12 Tumuni Bantala 1686
13 Nuakheta Bantala 1565
14 Kanja Bantala 1344
15 Balanga Bantala 1302
16 Jamunda Bantala 1137
17 Dalabeherasahi Bantala 1137
18 Badadandasahi Bantala 1105
19 Brahmapur Bantala 1095
20 Jararpur Bantala 1069
21 Nandapur Bantala 1059
22 Ragadiapada Bantala 1047
23 Badahinso Bantala 1044
24 Matiasahi Bantala 1043
25 Madhupur Bantala 1039
26 Badakantakul Bantala 1030
27 Madanmohan patna Bantala 1013
28 Badakera Bantala 1008
29 Maranda Bantala 987
30 Jamugadia Bantala 965
31 Bandanpasi Bantala 922
32 Chandanpur Bantala 882
33 Bedashasana Bantala 854
34 Sasan Bantala 844
35 Lokeipasi Bantala 840
36 Gaudasahi Bantala 768
37 Karamangasahi Bantala 742
38 Lachhabandha Bantala 742
39 Manapur Bantala 724
40 Saharagoda Bantala 710
41 Baniasahi Bantala 664
42 Guranga Bantala 662
43 Madhapur Bantala 660
44 Karatpata Bantala 645
45 Kaleipada Bantala 574
46 Talisara Bantala 563
47 Talaberena Bantala 561
48 Gopalpur Bantala 553
49 Talapada Bantala 531
50 Kantamegha Bantala 527
51 Panjiasahi Bantala 439
52 Champatimunda Bantala 436
53 Bramhanasahi Bantala 427
54 Maidharapada Bantala 409
55 Sanakantakul Bantala 409
56 Aradiha Bantala 395
57 Khindagobindapur Bantala 386
58 Banamira Bantala 383
59 Ragadiapada Bantala 376
60 Baradasahi Bantala 362
61 Panagobindapur Bantala 331
62 Kanhei Nagar Bantala 266
63 Chatiagaji Bantala 237
64 Surendrapur Bantala 234
65 Sachina Bantala 201
66 Bhurukundi Bantala 200
67 Magurakhala Bantala 198
68 Nuagan Bantala 189
69 Sorisapal Bantala 185
70 Bherubania Bantala 183
71 Raigoda Bantala 182
72 Sudasahi Bantala 175
73 Nukhuripada Bantala 141
74 Gohirapasi Bantala 139
75 Bhubanapurjungle Bantala 135
76 Sanahinso Bantala 121
77 Karabira Bantala 82
78 Madhapur jungle Bantala 71
79 Saruali Bantala 69
80 Narayanpur Bantala 68
81 Baulapur Bantala 51
82 Godibandha Bantala 23
83 Purunagada Bantala 20
84 Kusumapat Bantala 16
85 Raigodaforest Beat Bantala 7
86 Panabhuin Bantala 5
87 Haripur Bantala 1
88 Barabandha Bantala N/A
89 Gopinathapur Bantala N/A
90 Gopalpur Jungle Bantala N/A
91 Ramachandrapur Bantala N/A
