Villages and Towns of Barauni Tehsil of District Begusarai, Bihar

Barauni Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Begusarai District, Bihar India. Barauni teshil is one of the teshil of Begusarai district Bihar. In Barauni Teshil there are 86 villages and 3 towns. Out of 86 villages in Barauni teshil in which Semaria is most populated village with population of 25059 and least populated village is Milki Zamira having population only 0. There are 3 town in Barauni sub-district which lies in Barauni administrative devision. Most populated town in Barauni Teshil is Nurpur (CT) with population of 7202.

Total population of Barauni teshil is 273414 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Barauni teshil is 890 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Barauni teshil is 67.9%.

Census Data of Barauni Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
273414 890 67.9%

Demographics details of Barauni Teshil

The population of Barauni sub district is 273414 people, among them about 144697 are male and 128717 are female. Total number of house holds in Barauni Teshil is 52069. Total Literates persons are 152516 in which total male literates are 89805 and female literates are 62711. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 48788, among them 25493 are boys and 23295 are girls.

Barauni Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBarauni
State NameBihar
District NameBegusarai
Total Population273414
Total No of House Holds52069
Total Male Population144697
Total Female Population128717
0-6 Age group Total Population48788
0-6 Age group Male Population25493
0-6 Age group Male Population23295
Total Person Literates152516
Total Male Literates89805
Total Male Literates62711
Total Person Illiterates120898
Total Male Illiterates54892
Total Male Illiterates66006
Scheduled Cast Persons33872
Scheduled Cast Males18004
Scheduled Cast Females15868
Scheduled Tribe Persons208
Scheduled Tribe Males227
Scheduled Tribe Females208

Barauni Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 282127 0
Population (%) 103.19 % 0 %
Male Population 147972 0
Female Population 134155 0
Sex Ratio 907 0
Child Population (0-6) 32743 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 918 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 22.27% 0%
Households in 55344 0
Literates 103835 0
Literacy % 47.35% 0%
Male Literacy 56.05% 0%
Female Literacy 37.71% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Barauni Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 214565 114103 100462 78.48% 56.2%
Muslim 57582 29903 27679 21.06% 11.37%
Christian 289 151 138 0.11% 0.06%
Sikh 46 23 23 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 32 16 16 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 36 17 19 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 26 14 12 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 838 470 368 0.31% 0.23%

Workers profile of Barauni Teshil

Barauni has 76024 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 62699 male and 13325 female population are working population. Full time workers in Barauni teshil are 49556 and 26468 are marginal (part time) workers.

Barauni Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 76024 62699 13325
Main Workers 49556 43232 6324
Main Workers Cultivators 5806 5276 530
Agriculture Labourer 13247 11392 1855
Household Industries 2222 1439 783
Other Workers 28281 25125 3156
Marginal Workers 26468 19467 7001
Non Working Persons 197390 81998 115392

List of Town/City of Barauni Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Barauni with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Begusarai is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Nurpur (CT) 7202 914
2 Bihat (Nagar Parishad) 67952 889
3 Malhipur (CT) 12439 880

List of villages in Teshil-Barauni, District-Begusarai, Bihar as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Semaria Barauni 25059
2 Ninga Barauni 11335
3 Papraur Barauni 11200
4 Maida Babhangawan Barauni 10014
5 Pipra Dewas Barauni 9643
6 Amarpur Barauni 8276
7 Sahuri Barauni 7574
8 Kesabe Barauni 6205
9 Hajipur Barauni 6171
10 Bathauli Barauni 5664
11 Babhanganwan Barauni 5183
12 Chhapki Barauni 5155
13 Asurari Barauni 4988
14 Chak Balli Barauni 4580
15 Mahna Barauni 4303
16 Ganga Prasad Barauni 4181
17 Gobindpur Barauni 3805
18 Mobarakpur Barauni 3697
19 Deonah Barauni 3687
20 Lagauli Barauni 3179
21 Malti Barauni 2885
22 Telar Barauni 2748
23 Singdaha Barauni 2685
24 Mosaedpur Barauni 2514
25 Sabaura Barauni 2485
26 Hawaspur Barauni 2428
27 Mirzapur Chand Barauni 2385
28 Ladaura Barauni 1626
29 Zamira Barauni 1608
30 Ibrahimpur Barauni 1456
31 Kari Chak Barauni 1413
32 Bakhatpur Barauni 1380
33 Makardahi Barauni 1311
34 Rupaspur Barauni 1123
35 Sabaura Barauni 1110
36 Bhabhaur Barauni 1029
37 Siswa Barauni 1020
38 Narayanpur Barauni 864
39 Fatehpur Barauni 798
40 Saidpur Hans Barauni 730
41 Bishunpur Chand Barauni 696
42 RampurBahuara Barauni 666
43 Daulatpur Barauni 619
44 Badh Mirzapur Barauni 587
45 Sultanpur Barauni 552
46 Ckak Ahmad Barauni 550
47 Jamalpur Barauni 531
48 Makhopur Barauni 520
49 Bhaskara Barauni 465
50 Hajipur Barauni 460
51 Almo Chak Barauni 390
52 Sabaura Barauni 388
53 Pipraur Barauni 383
54 Saidpur Hansa Barauni 342
55 Chak Kakim Barauni 331
56 Semrauna Barauni 279
57 Dholipur Barauni 247
58 Chak Risalatpur Barauni 217
59 Rajaura Bhagwanpur Barauni 101
60 Hajipur Barauni N/A
61 Rajaura Barauni N/A
62 Sograha Barauni N/A
63 Malti Barauni N/A
64 Mahammadpur Baro Barauni N/A
65 Sograha Arazi Barauni N/A
66 Sograha Barauni N/A
67 Chak Bal Barauni N/A
68 Malti Barauni N/A
69 Pipradewas Barauni N/A
70 Mahammadpur Baro Barauni N/A
71 Chckbal Sirinath Barauni N/A
72 Khem Karanpur Barauni N/A
73 Semaria Barauni N/A
74 Semaria Barauni N/A
75 Semaria Barauni N/A
76 Malti Barauni N/A
77 Dihpur Barauni N/A
78 Khutaun Barauni N/A
79 Telar Barauni N/A
80 Chak Aziz Barauni N/A
81 Deonah Barauni N/A
82 Narayanpur Barauni N/A
83 Narayanpur Barauni N/A
84 Ibrahimpur Barauni N/A
85 Narayanpur Barauni N/A
86 Milki Zamira Barauni N/A
