Villages and Towns of Barhi Tehsil of District Katni , Madhya Pradesh

Barhi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Katni District, Madhya Pradesh India. Barhi teshil is one of the teshil of Katni district Madhya Pradesh. In Barhi Teshil there are 172 villages and 1 towns. Out of 172 villages in Barhi teshil in which Nagarbarsot is most populated village with population of 5974 and least populated village is Chundiagajua having population only 0. There are 1 town in Barhi sub-district which lies in Barhi administrative devision. Most populated town in Barhi Teshil is Barhi (NP) with population of 13946.

Total population of Barhi teshil is 103512 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Barhi teshil is 962 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Barhi teshil is 66.21%.

Census Data of Barhi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
103512 962 66.21%

Demographics details of Barhi Teshil

The population of Barhi sub district is 103512 people, among them about 52747 are male and 50765 are female. Total number of house holds in Barhi Teshil is 23344. Total Literates persons are 57397 in which total male literates are 34424 and female literates are 22973. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16825, among them 8670 are boys and 8155 are girls.

Barhi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBarhi
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameKatni
Total Population103512
Total No of House Holds23344
Total Male Population52747
Total Female Population50765
0-6 Age group Total Population16825
0-6 Age group Male Population8670
0-6 Age group Male Population8155
Total Person Literates57397
Total Male Literates34424
Total Male Literates22973
Total Person Illiterates46115
Total Male Illiterates18323
Total Male Illiterates27792
Scheduled Cast Persons10097
Scheduled Cast Males5112
Scheduled Cast Females4985
Scheduled Tribe Persons16676
Scheduled Tribe Males16833
Scheduled Tribe Females16676

Barhi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 363742 57581
Population (%) 351.4 % 55.63 %
Male Population 190366 30198
Female Population 173376 27383
Sex Ratio 911 907
Child Population (0-6) 26018 3091
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 927 856
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.78% 11.64%
Households in 80410 12148
Literates 220929 42998
Literacy % 70.45% 84.51%
Male Literacy 79.32% 89.55%
Female Literacy 60.68% 79%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Barhi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 101405 51657 49748 97.96% 64.6%
Muslim 1547 809 738 1.49% 1.24%
Christian 43 21 22 0.04% 0.04%
Sikh 9 8 1 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 4 2 2 0% 0%
Jain 17 10 7 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 427 208 219 0.41% 0.26%
Religion not stated 60 32 28 0.06% 0.03%

Workers profile of Barhi Teshil

Barhi has 43570 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 27188 male and 16382 female population are working population. Full time workers in Barhi teshil are 23068 and 20502 are marginal (part time) workers.

Barhi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 43570 27188 16382
Main Workers 23068 17177 5891
Main Workers Cultivators 7561 6274 1287
Agriculture Labourer 9410 6009 3401
Household Industries 664 381 283
Other Workers 5433 4513 920
Marginal Workers 20502 10011 10491
Non Working Persons 59942 25559 34383

List of Town/City of Barhi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Barhi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Katni is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Barhi (NP) 13946 934

List of villages in Teshil-Barhi, District-Katni , Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Nagarbarsot Barhi 5974
2 Gauria Karma Barhi 5964
3 Rasoia Dhamna Barhi 5625
4 Pipariya Kalan Barhi 5205
5 Baran Mahgawan Barhi 4887
6 Hadarhata Barhi 4497
7 Dhanwar Barhi 4345
8 Kuthiya Mahgawan (Muhga) Barhi 4233
9 Khitauli Barhi 4128
10 Bichpura Barhi 3969
11 Karaundi Khurd Barhi 3772
12 Karela Barhi 3741
13 Salaiya Sihora Barhi 3407
14 Kuwan Barhi 3220
15 Bijaia Barhi 3055
16 Bujbuja Barhi 3022
17 Jaguwa Barhi 2836
18 Kariat Pur Chotti Barhi 2805
19 Malkoko Barhi 2675
20 Dapokh Barhi 2608
21 Khonra Ahar Barhi 2597
22 Nadawan Barhi 2516
23 Karso Barhi 2492
24 Kanor Barhi 2445
25 Karaundi Kalan Barhi 2403
26 Dulmaha Barhi 2395
27 Bamhori Barhi 2356
28 Gurio Barhi 2301
29 Bendgi Barhi 2134
30 Kedorat Barhi 2107
31 Jhiriya Barhi 2089
32 Kolhua Kalan Barhi 2053
33 Sutari Barhi 1937
34 Garjamu Barhi 1920
35 Khanna Banjari Barhi 1832
36 Harila Barhi 1808
37 Paraswara Kalan Barhi 1780
38 Basaria Barhi 1778
39 Chhindahai Pipariya Barhi 1589
40 Bela Barhi 1574
41 Khurdjawar Barhi 1571
42 Tilaia Barhi 1525
43 Bagaiha Barhi 1523
44 Barmani Barhi 1521
45 Bhandaro Barhi 1516
46 Padaria Barhi 1462
47 Lurmi Barhi 1443
48 Kharaun Barhi 1423
49 Dudhpania Barhi 1392
50 Padirma Barhi 1358
51 Orparta Barhi 1331
52 Deochanda Barhi 1287
53 Lakhna Barhi 1221
54 Bahirghata Barhi 1215
55 Kunrwa Barhi 1208
56 Bundu Barhi 1200
57 Khirhni Barhi 1184
58 Koili Barhi 1184
59 Dumardih Barhi 1183
60 Mohni Barhi 1176
61 Harrwah Barhi 1154
62 Bairisal Barhi 1153
63 Badagaon Barhi 1133
64 Jarahia Barhi 1111
65 Singpuroraia Barhi 1094
66 Chatro Barhi 1059
67 Sironja Gadariya Barhi 1045
68 Belhara Barhi 1021
69 Bangaon Barhi 1020
70 Hathgada Barhi 1006
71 Ranichunwa Barhi 1002
72 Tilodih Barhi 996
73 Kewal Barhi 990
74 Gabdi Nipaniya Barhi 978
75 Kachhdari Barhi 974
76 Katiaun Barhi 965
77 Baherabad Barhi 961
78 Pipraghoghar Barhi 943
79 Alagdiha Barhi 935
80 Ujaina Barhi 925
81 Burhidih Alias Malikidih Barhi 917
82 Simariya Sani Barhi 914
83 Ralo Barhi 911
84 Midara Barhi 893
85 Bagdara Barhi 869
86 Gadauwa (Gadauha) Barhi 846
87 Garlahi Barhi 834
88 Beladohar Barhi 834
89 Keolari Barhi 822
90 Karimati Barhi 807
91 Aragara Barhi 803
92 Madhopur Barhi 780
93 Banjar Barela Barhi 779
94 Chalanga Barhi 755
95 Jajagarh Barhi 747
96 Bejladih Barhi 696
97 Midaki Barhi 695
98 Purhara Barhi 685
99 Daurwa Barhi 679
100 Kutma Barhi 662
101 Tali Rohaniya Barhi 647
102 Mahugara Barhi 646
103 Kulanga Barhi 637
104 Kadwa Barhi 608
105 Kargaio Barhi 594
106 Purhara Barhi 586
107 Dhobiapahri Barhi 576
108 Poraia Barhi 567
109 Jitpur Barhi 551
110 Kolhua Khurd Alias Jawar Barhi 542
111 Karma Barhi 531
112 Bariatha Barhi 522
113 Bodiajawar Barhi 520
114 Barela Barhi 512
115 Karchulha Barhi 494
116 Kajra Barhi 422
117 Banganwa Barhi 401
118 Mahuatanr Barhi 398
119 Bagdari Barhi 386
120 Bardag Barhi 384
121 Lathia Barhi 378
122 Salon Barhi 349
123 Ghiahi Barhi 349
124 Tetaria Bhandaro Barhi 333
125 Dhobghat Barhi 321
126 Machhmachha Barhi 303
127 Pipratanr Barhi 252
128 Chandabigha Barhi 252
129 Karharia Barhi 243
130 Bitkia Barhi 220
131 Kendua Barhi 208
132 Dhuargargi Alias Bishunpur Barhi 205
133 Bamhandih Barhi 204
134 Biruhali Barhi 173
135 Baghmara Barhi 150
136 Madanpur Barhi 140
137 Bakshidih Barhi 128
138 Shahpur Barhi 128
139 Singhpur Khurd Barhi 120
140 Kandaghoghar Barhi 114
141 Surajpura Barhi 111
142 Banjar Kothiya Mahgawan Barhi 109
143 Paharpur Barhi 82
144 Hutuwa Barhi 77
145 Narsinghwa Barhi 74
146 Dhamli Barhi 46
147 Singhpur Kalan Barhi 36
148 Godhan Kap Barhi 36
149 Kohudag Barhi 29
150 Gamharia Barhi 26
151 Jabaria Barhi N/A
152 Chorgarha Barhi N/A
153 Mahua Para Barhi N/A
154 Aradiri Barhi N/A
155 Chakura Barhi N/A
156 Nathuamaran Barhi N/A
157 Chachro Barhi N/A
158 Murlikatia Barhi N/A
159 Balauri Barhi N/A
160 Chilodih Barhi N/A
161 Bhadea Barhi N/A
162 Chitrao Barhi N/A
163 Goas Barhi N/A
164 Balidih Barhi N/A
165 Nawadih Barhi N/A
166 Rohania Barhi N/A
167 Halmata Barhi N/A
168 Jogibandh Barhi N/A
169 Majhganwa Barhi N/A
170 Gojo Barhi N/A
171 Lachhudih Barhi N/A
172 Chundiagajua Barhi N/A
