Villages and Towns of Barpeta Tehsil of District Barpeta, Assam

Barpeta Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Barpeta District, Assam India. Barpeta teshil is one of the teshil of Barpeta district Assam. In Barpeta Teshil there are 137 villages and 2 towns. Out of 137 villages in Barpeta teshil in which Barbala is most populated village with population of 8277 and least populated village is Ganak Kuchi Gaon having population only 0. There are 2 town in Barpeta sub-district which lies in Barpeta administrative devision. Most populated town in Barpeta Teshil is Barpeta (MB) with population of 42649.

Total population of Barpeta teshil is 365608 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Barpeta teshil is 950 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Barpeta teshil is 67.38%.

Census Data of Barpeta Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
365608 950 67.38%

Demographics details of Barpeta Teshil

The population of Barpeta sub district is 365608 people, among them about 187495 are male and 178113 are female. Total number of house holds in Barpeta Teshil is 73224. Total Literates persons are 206179 in which total male literates are 114718 and female literates are 91461. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 59636, among them 30376 are boys and 29260 are girls.

Barpeta Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBarpeta
State NameAssam
District NameBarpeta
Total Population365608
Total No of House Holds73224
Total Male Population187495
Total Female Population178113
0-6 Age group Total Population59636
0-6 Age group Male Population30376
0-6 Age group Male Population29260
Total Person Literates206179
Total Male Literates114718
Total Male Literates91461
Total Person Illiterates159429
Total Male Illiterates72777
Total Male Illiterates86652
Scheduled Cast Persons22799
Scheduled Cast Males11688
Scheduled Cast Females11111
Scheduled Tribe Persons642
Scheduled Tribe Males678
Scheduled Tribe Females642

Barpeta Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 322523 8052
Population (%) 88.22 % 2.2 %
Male Population 163773 4050
Female Population 158750 4002
Sex Ratio 969 988
Child Population (0-6) 27568 572
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 983 973
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.95% 14.41%
Households in 64959 1716
Literates 180936 5431
Literacy % 67.55% 78.8%
Male Literacy 70.97% 82.26%
Female Literacy 64.01% 75.31%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Barpeta Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 85460 43099 42361 23.37% 22.05%
Muslim 279657 144144 135513 76.49% 45.25%
Christian 244 119 125 0.07% 0.05%
Sikh 10 5 5 0% 0%
Buddhist 11 7 4 0% 0%
Jain 54 29 25 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 2 1 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 170 91 79 0.05% 0.02%

Workers profile of Barpeta Teshil

Barpeta has 116580 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 96780 male and 19800 female population are working population. Full time workers in Barpeta teshil are 96364 and 20216 are marginal (part time) workers.

Barpeta Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 116580 96780 19800
Main Workers 96364 85913 10451
Main Workers Cultivators 32292 30866 1426
Agriculture Labourer 9784 8790 994
Household Industries 3567 2140 1427
Other Workers 50721 44117 6604
Marginal Workers 20216 10867 9349
Non Working Persons 249028 90715 158313

List of Town/City of Barpeta Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Barpeta with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Barpeta is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Barpeta (MB) 42649 1008
2 Howli (TC) 18301 948

List of villages in Teshil-Barpeta, District-Barpeta, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Barbala Barpeta 8277
2 Palhaji Barpeta 6953
3 Dhan Bandha Barpeta 5952
4 Hajipara Barpeta 5944
5 Kumulli Para (Kumulia Para) Barpeta 5916
6 Bheraldi Barpeta 5442
7 Baniara Para Barpeta 5341
8 Kaljar Barpeta 4960
9 Pakabetbaripam N.C. Barpeta 4898
10 Kuriha Barpeta 4795
11 Bhakuamari Barpeta 4787
12 Khandakar Para Barpeta 4783
13 Bhella Barpeta 4626
14 Itarbheta Barpeta 4299
15 Radhakuchi Barpeta 3960
16 Ata Barpeta 3838
17 Bunbahar (Bonbaha) Barpeta 3834
18 Pakabetbari Gaon Barpeta 3830
19 Kahikuchi Barpeta 3596
20 Keotkuchi Barpeta 3594
21 Jaher Pam (Johar Pam) Barpeta 3586
22 Dabalia Para Barpeta 3573
23 Bhayraguri Pam Barpeta 3569
24 Dhakalia Para (Dhakia Para) Barpeta 3561
25 Kathlijar Barpeta 3476
26 Putlar Tari Barpeta 3422
27 Ghilajari Barpeta 3375
28 Garemara Gaon Barpeta 3220
29 Chakir Bhitha Barpeta 3220
30 Khandar Par Barpeta 3127
31 Moiramara Barpeta 3094
32 Khablar Bhitha Barpeta 3069
33 Kharua Para (Nagaon Kharuapara Barpeta 3068
34 Jogir Pam Barpeta 2903
35 Damal Jar Barpeta 2874
36 Rahampur Barpeta 2860
37 Kadam Guri Barpeta 2815
38 Nagarjar Barpeta 2768
39 Deuri Kuchi Barpeta 2758
40 Bhalukabari Pathar Barpeta 2709
41 Datta Kuchi Barpeta 2707
42 Banti Pur Barpeta 2629
43 Kahibari Barpeta 2617
44 Bagaijan Para Barpeta 2592
45 Milekuchi (Mail Kuchi) Barpeta 2587
46 Garemari Pathar Barpeta 2584
47 Nagaon Barpeta 2583
48 Khankarpara Barpeta 2556
49 Sundaridia Barpeta 2524
50 Radhakuchi Habi Barpeta 2515
51 Bahmura Barpeta 2457
52 Jarabari Barpeta 2455
53 Sila Barpeta 2446
54 Bagudi (Bagadi) Barpeta 2434
55 Hatijana Barpeta 2420
56 Garemara Pathar Barpeta 2363
57 Kharadhara Pathar (Kharadhara) Barpeta 2320
58 Bar Agdia Barpeta 2320
59 Suha Bil Daloni(Sohabil Doloni Barpeta 2232
60 Dangarkuchi Barpeta 2193
61 Maricha Barpeta 2186
62 Dhakua Barpeta 2179
63 Gaher Pam Barpeta 2157
64 Joti Gaon Barpeta 2075
65 Kamalpur Barpeta 2068
66 Jochihati Barpeta 1981
67 Bar Suha (Barsoha) Barpeta 1964
68 Bhalukabari Gaon Barpeta 1934
69 Hahchara Barpeta 1931
70 Dongra Barpeta 1902
71 Banbaria Barpeta 1900
72 Debradi (Debrodi) Barpeta 1879
73 Dona Kuchi Barpeta 1863
74 Batikuriha Barpeta 1817
75 Betbari Pathar Barpeta 1803
76 Kathalor Tari Barpeta 1755
77 Kujarpith Barpeta 1703
78 Charag Para Barpeta 1641
79 Kamalpur Pam Barpeta 1629
80 Keot Para Barpeta 1617
81 Belortari Barpeta 1594
82 Joypur Barpeta 1590
83 Taparbori Barpeta 1574
84 Garemari Habi Barpeta 1558
85 Tatikuchi Barpeta 1552
86 Garemari Gaon Barpeta 1518
87 Patbaushi Barpeta 1514
88 Teklabala (Tekelabala) Barpeta 1499
89 Major Gaon Barpeta 1488
90 Omura (Gumura) Barpeta 1451
91 Pahumara (Pomara) Barpeta 1425
92 Nangalkur Barpeta 1398
93 Nunmati Barpeta 1392
94 Phulkipara Barpeta 1381
95 Fulor Guri Barpeta 1380
96 Pajar Bhanga Barpeta 1293
97 Majkuchi Barpeta 1287
98 Temura Barpeta 1284
99 Suagpur Barpeta 1236
100 Khandarkur Barpeta 1217
101 Pakda Bilor Pathar(Pakdahabila Barpeta 1209
102 Marolor Tari Barpeta 1201
103 Dambra Bawa (Damradoa) Barpeta 1189
104 Fatig Grah Barpeta 1163
105 Bamun Baradi Barpeta 1151
106 Betbari Gaon Barpeta 1139
107 Bamun Bari Barpeta 1100
108 Baramara Barpeta 1081
109 Balarbhitha Barpeta 1072
110 Dewlipara Barpeta 1048
111 Bar Baradi Barpeta 1005
112 Baradi Barpeta 994
113 Dakreswar Barpeta 940
114 Satra Baradi Barpeta 915
115 Paka Betbari Pathar Barpeta 884
116 Bamuna Barpeta 858
117 Bara Barpeta 831
118 Bariar Pathar Barpeta 796
119 Barbila Barpeta 766
120 Panichilla Barpeta 653
121 Bar Ghol Barpeta 592
122 Aichara Para Barpeta 557
123 Ambari Barpeta 553
124 Moukhari (Manikhari) Barpeta 523
125 Chaka Bausi Gaon Barpeta 515
126 Gandhi Barpeta 400
127 Kaljahi Barpeta 399
128 Chakda (Chakada) Barpeta 383
129 Nasatra Barpeta 363
130 Chaka Bausi Pathar Barpeta 342
131 Bamun Kuchi Barpeta 297
132 Khapan Baria Bhitha Barpeta 273
133 Jabrikuchi Barpeta 236
134 Kachari Para Barpeta 236
135 Dokania Barpeta 89
136 Rangialor Tari Barpeta 84
137 Ganak Kuchi Gaon Barpeta N/A
