Villages and Towns of Bellary Tehsil of District Bellary, Karnataka

Bellary Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bellary District, Karnataka India. Bellary teshil is one of the teshil of Bellary district Karnataka. In Bellary Teshil there are 103 villages and 1 towns. Out of 103 villages in Bellary teshil in which Kurugodu is most populated village with population of 21952 and least populated village is Chandur having population only 0. There are 1 town in Bellary sub-district which lies in Bellary administrative devision. Most populated town in Bellary Teshil is Bellary (M Corp.) with population of 410445.

Total population of Bellary teshil is 770929 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bellary teshil is 988 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bellary teshil is 68.61%.

Census Data of Bellary Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
770929 988 68.61%

Demographics details of Bellary Teshil

The population of Bellary sub district is 770929 people, among them about 387744 are male and 383185 are female. Total number of house holds in Bellary Teshil is 156081. Total Literates persons are 457122 in which total male literates are 258801 and female literates are 198321. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 104716, among them 53297 are boys and 51419 are girls.

Bellary Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBellary
State NameKarnataka
District NameBellary
Total Population770929
Total No of House Holds156081
Total Male Population387744
Total Female Population383185
0-6 Age group Total Population104716
0-6 Age group Male Population53297
0-6 Age group Male Population51419
Total Person Literates457122
Total Male Literates258801
Total Male Literates198321
Total Person Illiterates313807
Total Male Illiterates128943
Total Male Illiterates184864
Scheduled Cast Persons138979
Scheduled Cast Males69334
Scheduled Cast Females69645
Scheduled Tribe Persons66404
Scheduled Tribe Males65762
Scheduled Tribe Females66404

Bellary Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 152177 16817
Population (%) 19.74 % 2.18 %
Male Population 75553 8397
Female Population 76624 8420
Sex Ratio 1014 1003
Child Population (0-6) 6973 709
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 930 918
Child Percentage (0-6) 8.84% 8.81%
Households in 37841 4260
Literates 105498 13656
Literacy % 76.05% 89.05%
Male Literacy 84.91% 93.5%
Female Literacy 67.39% 84.65%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bellary Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 623864 314029 309835 80.92% 54.74%
Muslim 132085 66429 65656 17.13% 12.21%
Christian 7876 3818 4058 1.02% 0.92%
Sikh 412 210 202 0.05% 0.04%
Buddhist 126 66 60 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 3392 1739 1653 0.44% 0.42%
Other religions and persuasions 17 6 11 0% 0%
Religion not stated 3157 1447 1710 0.41% 0.27%

Workers profile of Bellary Teshil

Bellary has 337272 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 220431 male and 116841 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bellary teshil are 300206 and 37066 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bellary Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 337272 220431 116841
Main Workers 300206 203491 96715
Main Workers Cultivators 61645 40374 21271
Agriculture Labourer 77671 36563 41108
Household Industries 5934 4034 1900
Other Workers 154956 122520 32436
Marginal Workers 37066 16940 20126
Non Working Persons 433657 167313 266344

List of Town/City of Bellary Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bellary with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bellary is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bellary (M Corp.) 410445 991

List of villages in Teshil-Bellary , District-Bellary, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kurugodu Bellary 21952
2 Kudathini Bellary 18215
3 Emmiganur Bellary 13868
4 Moka Bellary 11690
5 Kolagallu Bellary 11585
6 Sanganakal Bellary 9184
7 Badanahatti Bellary 8594
8 Sidaragadda Bellary 8349
9 Somasamudra Bellary 7958
10 Kappagallu Bellary 7227
11 Korlagundi Bellary 6906
12 Sirivaram Bellary 6244
13 Siddammanahalli Bellary 6133
14 Genikihal Bellary 6040
15 Kolur Bellary 5872
16 Belagal Bellary 5826
17 Bennikallu Bellary 5355
18 Sindegeri Bellary 5252
19 Yarringaligi Bellary 5119
20 Byluru Bellary 5105
21 Nelludi Bellary 4800
22 Yerragudi Bellary 4656
23 Sindhavalam Bellary 4654
24 Yettinabudihal Bellary 4627
25 Halakundi Bellary 4620
26 Rupanagudi Bellary 4595
27 Vaddahatti Bellary 4397
28 Dammur Bellary 4187
29 Chanahal Bellary 4069
30 Yelubemchi Bellary 4050
31 Byradevanahalli Bellary 3927
32 Havinahal Veerapura Bellary 3874
33 Mincheri Bellary 3786
34 Sanjeevarayanakote Bellary 3740
35 Somalapura Bellary 3658
36 Hirehadagali Bellary 3557
37 Shankarabanda Bellary 3488
38 Chaganur Bellary 3365
39 Honnahalli Bellary 3307
40 Handihal Bellary 3104
41 Kallukamba Bellary 3038
42 Vannenur Bellary 3020
43 Sidiginamola Bellary 3018
44 Mustagatta Bellary 2979
45 Orvai Bellary 2971
46 Kotal Camp Bellary 2825
47 Dammur Kaggal Bellary 2781
48 Yalpi Kaggalu Bellary 2749
49 Guttiganur Bellary 2639
50 Basarakodu Bellary 2634
51 Paramadevanahalli Bellary 2623
52 Kuntanahal Bellary 2600
53 Haraginadone Bellary 2573
54 Karekal Veerapura Bellary 2549
55 Asundi Bellary 2517
56 Kakkabevinahalli Bellary 2410
57 Mokagonahal Bellary 2349
58 Veniveerapura Bellary 2326
59 Kammarchedu Bellary 2252
60 Chellagurki Bellary 2232
61 Yalpi Bellary 2208
62 Thimmalapura Bellary 2191
63 Ibrampura Bellary 2180
64 Jalibenchi Bellary 2139
65 Jalihal Bellary 2123
66 Gudadur Bellary 2040
67 Dasara Nagenahalli Bellary 2018
68 Pattanasaragu Bellary 1905
69 Karekal Bellary 1895
70 Lakshmipura Bellary 1874
71 Gotur Bellary 1859
72 Janikunte Bellary 1854
73 Karichedu Bellary 1595
74 Kyadigehal Bellary 1557
75 Meenahalli Bellary 1460
76 Tegginabudihal Bellary 1427
77 Kallukutiganahalu Bellary 1389
78 Bevinahalli Bellary 1355
79 Tolamamidi Bellary 1343
80 Karikeri Bellary 1342
81 Bommanahal Bellary 1247
82 Rayapura Bellary 1247
83 Masudipura Bellary 1223
84 Amarapura Bellary 1223
85 Gollanaganahalli Bellary 1171
86 Joladarasi Bellary 1079
87 Bobbukunta Bellary 1011
88 Byalachinte Bellary 957
89 Burranayakanahalli Bellary 789
90 Tambrahalli Bellary 719
91 Godehal Bellary 716
92 Lingadevanahalli Bellary 707
93 Bellary[R] Bellary 696
94 Singadevanahalli Bellary 690
95 Chitiginahalu Bellary 687
96 Banapura Bellary 477
97 Mallapura (Shrothriyam) Bellary 71
98 Bisalahalli Bellary N/A
99 Bellary Gonahal Bellary N/A
100 Andralu Bellary N/A
101 Patrabudhihal Bellary N/A
102 Aladahalli Bellary N/A
103 Chandur Bellary N/A
