Villages and Towns of Bharari Tehsil of District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh

Bharari Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bilaspur District, Himachal Pradesh India. Bharari teshil is one of the teshil of Bilaspur district Himachal Pradesh. In Bharari Teshil there are 102 villages and 0 towns. Out of 102 villages in Bharari teshil in which Hatwar (340) is most populated village with population of 3821 and least populated village is Jangal Chhanjyar (252/1) having population only 0. There are 0 town in Bharari sub-district which lies in Bharari administrative devision. Most populated town in Bharari Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bharari teshil is 45713 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bharari teshil is 1063 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bharari teshil is 87.55%.

Census Data of Bharari Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
45713 1063 87.55%

Demographics details of Bharari Teshil

The population of Bharari sub district is 45713 people, among them about 22160 are male and 23553 are female. Total number of house holds in Bharari Teshil is 10174. Total Literates persons are 35987 in which total male literates are 18501 and female literates are 17486. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 4609, among them 2381 are boys and 2228 are girls.

Bharari Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBharari
State NameHimachal Pradesh
District NameBilaspur
Total Population45713
Total No of House Holds10174
Total Male Population22160
Total Female Population23553
0-6 Age group Total Population4609
0-6 Age group Male Population2381
0-6 Age group Male Population2228
Total Person Literates35987
Total Male Literates18501
Total Male Literates17486
Total Person Illiterates9726
Total Male Illiterates3659
Total Male Illiterates6067
Scheduled Cast Persons10358
Scheduled Cast Males5086
Scheduled Cast Females5272
Scheduled Tribe Persons210
Scheduled Tribe Males215
Scheduled Tribe Females210

Bharari Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 45713 0
Population (%) 100 % 0 %
Male Population 22160 0
Female Population 23553 0
Sex Ratio 1063 0
Child Population (0-6) 2381 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 936 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.08% 0%
Households in 10174 0
Literates 35987 0
Literacy % 87.55% 0%
Male Literacy 93.54% 0%
Female Literacy 82% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bharari Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 44943 21790 23153 98.32% 86.2%
Muslim 665 318 347 1.45% 1.15%
Christian 5 3 2 0.01% 0.01%
Sikh 51 23 28 0.11% 0.1%
Buddhist 5 3 2 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 0 0 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 44 23 21 0.1% 0.08%

Workers profile of Bharari Teshil

Bharari has 24725 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 12111 male and 12614 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bharari teshil are 15382 and 9343 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bharari Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 24725 12111 12614
Main Workers 15382 8676 6706
Main Workers Cultivators 8859 3220 5639
Agriculture Labourer 81 52 29
Household Industries 176 130 46
Other Workers 6266 5274 992
Marginal Workers 9343 3435 5908
Non Working Persons 20988 10049 10939

List of villages in Teshil-Bharari, District-Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Hatwar (340) Bharari 3821
2 Lehri Sarail (272) Bharari 2639
3 Barota (277) Bharari 2456
4 Marhana (324) Bharari 2375
5 Kot (339) Bharari 2161
6 Bam (343) Bharari 1981
7 Pantera (345) Bharari 1533
8 Bhapral (317) Bharari 1444
9 Taraun (274) Bharari 1329
10 Dangar (256) Bharari 1290
11 Ghandalwin (281) Bharari 1082
12 Dadhol Kalan (265) Bharari 956
13 Hari Talyangar (273) Bharari 947
14 Ladhyani (294) Bharari 915
15 Hambot (335) Bharari 788
16 Jandot (328) Bharari 673
17 Padyalag (267) Bharari 631
18 Lanjhta (311) Bharari 619
19 Lahot (290) Bharari 586
20 Chokhna (253) Bharari 540
21 Salaon Uparli (347) Bharari 534
22 Mihara (291) Bharari 532
23 Barichauk (282) Bharari 466
24 Damehr (287) Bharari 456
25 Jarora (300) Bharari 454
26 Dadhol Khurd (266) Bharari 454
27 Padohari (303) Bharari 439
28 Chhajoli (271) Bharari 429
29 Bah (305) Bharari 414
30 Bauni Dhalyani (320) Bharari 387
31 Dakhiot Nichla (255) Bharari 374
32 Dehlwin (307) Bharari 372
33 Padhian (308) Bharari 360
34 Kothi (285) Bharari 357
35 Saunkhar (333) Bharari 325
36 Patta Ranuta (329) Bharari 317
37 Bani Bhapralyan (319) Bharari 309
38 Balota (276) Bharari 307
39 Lethawin (296) Bharari 295
40 Dipar (344) Bharari 289
41 Bhater (298) Bharari 289
42 Chakrana (315) Bharari 285
43 Thandora (314) Bharari 280
44 Bari Kalan (269) Bharari 277
45 Kotlu (341) Bharari 255
46 Jaswani (263) Bharari 255
47 Bhatwara (326) Bharari 252
48 Kamli (284) Bharari 252
49 Bapyar (325) Bharari 247
50 Bhararwan (280) Bharari 244
51 Kanjyana (337) Bharari 233
52 Phagat (346) Bharari 228
53 Samlah (283) Bharari 225
54 Gahar (310) Bharari 221
55 Samari (316) Bharari 215
56 Gatwar (295) Bharari 214
57 Balli Lawana (338) Bharari 202
58 Lalwan (297) Bharari 201
59 Patta Malotra (257) Bharari 200
60 Dugahan (286) Bharari 191
61 Bhadsin (293) Bharari 191
62 Dakhiot Uperla (254) Bharari 182
63 Karot (275) Bharari 181
64 Bhagarwan (270) Bharari 181
65 Damehra (288) Bharari 178
66 Bani Pandtan (342) Bharari 166
67 Badsara (292) Bharari 164
68 Gugal (289) Bharari 163
69 Makri (348) Bharari 162
70 Chanjeen (278) Bharari 155
71 Bhel (264) Bharari 151
72 Muhana (309) Bharari 149
73 Barog (312) Bharari 147
74 Thandoh (330) Bharari 140
75 Kurnadi (334) Bharari 137
76 Mariyani (260) Bharari 134
77 Doharu (259) Bharari 133
78 Chhandoh (262) Bharari 118
79 Baraun (313) Bharari 113
80 Chhewin (332) Bharari 109
81 Bani Brahmnna (318) Bharari 100
82 Kangri (336) Bharari 99
83 Salaon Bhaparaliyan (349) Bharari 94
84 Tikri (323) Bharari 92
85 Bari Khurd (268) Bharari 92
86 Khaswin (301) Bharari 91
87 Panyali (261) Bharari 90
88 Chudawani (306) Bharari 82
89 Gator (279) Bharari 81
90 Ket (302) Bharari 80
91 Nalog (322) Bharari 75
92 Sawara (299) Bharari 65
93 Khatot (350) Bharari 61
94 Palami (327) Bharari 47
95 Tunsu (321) Bharari 47
96 Balaunni (331) Bharari 28
97 Panjaila (258) Bharari 17
98 Darahal (304) Bharari 16
99 Jangal Padyalag (267/1) Bharari N/A
100 Jangal Drahla Da Phat (256/1) Bharari N/A
101 Jangal Chhanjyar (252/2) Bharari N/A
102 Jangal Chhanjyar (252/1) Bharari N/A
