Villages and Towns of Bhatwari Tehsil of District Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand

Bhatwari Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand India. Bhatwari teshil is one of the teshil of Uttarkashi district Uttarakhand. In Bhatwari Teshil there are 100 villages and 2 towns. Out of 100 villages in Bhatwari teshil in which Ladari is most populated village with population of 3796 and least populated village is Kaneth having population only 6. There are 2 town in Bhatwari sub-district which lies in Bhatwari administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhatwari Teshil is Uttarkashi (MB) with population of 17475.

Total population of Bhatwari teshil is 75056 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhatwari teshil is 869 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhatwari teshil is 84.61%.

Census Data of Bhatwari Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
75056 869 84.61%

Demographics details of Bhatwari Teshil

The population of Bhatwari sub district is 75056 people, among them about 40164 are male and 34892 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhatwari Teshil is 17529. Total Literates persons are 55908 in which total male literates are 33356 and female literates are 22552. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 8976, among them 4800 are boys and 4176 are girls.

Bhatwari Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhatwari
State NameUttarakhand
District NameUttarkashi
Total Population75056
Total No of House Holds17529
Total Male Population40164
Total Female Population34892
0-6 Age group Total Population8976
0-6 Age group Male Population4800
0-6 Age group Male Population4176
Total Person Literates55908
Total Male Literates33356
Total Male Literates22552
Total Person Illiterates19148
Total Male Illiterates6808
Total Male Illiterates12340
Scheduled Cast Persons9344
Scheduled Cast Males4852
Scheduled Cast Females4492
Scheduled Tribe Persons514
Scheduled Tribe Males525
Scheduled Tribe Females514

Bhatwari Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 57471 17585
Population (%) 76.57 % 23.43 %
Male Population 30466 9698
Female Population 27005 7887
Sex Ratio 886 813
Child Population (0-6) 3747 828
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 894 786
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.35% 10.7%
Households in 13350 4179
Literates 41708 14200
Literacy % 82.79% 90.42%
Male Literacy 93.92% 95.56%
Female Literacy 70.22% 84.13%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhatwari Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 72954 38767 34187 97.2% 82.24%
Muslim 1596 1048 548 2.13% 1.74%
Christian 176 133 43 0.23% 0.25%
Sikh 81 66 15 0.11% 0.12%
Buddhist 101 74 27 0.13% 0.14%
Jain 5 3 2 0.01% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 16 11 5 0.02% 0.01%
Religion not stated 127 62 65 0.17% 0.11%

Workers profile of Bhatwari Teshil

Bhatwari has 33387 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 20609 male and 12778 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhatwari teshil are 27600 and 5787 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhatwari Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 33387 20609 12778
Main Workers 27600 17778 9822
Main Workers Cultivators 13690 6091 7599
Agriculture Labourer 434 301 133
Household Industries 916 582 334
Other Workers 12560 10804 1756
Marginal Workers 5787 2831 2956
Non Working Persons 41669 19555 22114

List of Town/City of Bhatwari Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bhatwari with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Uttarkashi is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Uttarkashi (MB) 17475 820
2 Gangotri (NP) 110 134

List of villages in Teshil-Bhatwari, District-Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ladari Bhatwari 3796
2 Tiloth Bhatwari 2994
3 Kansen Bhatwari 2307
4 Dang Bhatwari 1640
5 Joshiyara Bhatwari 1343
6 Netala Bhatwari 1311
7 Maneri Bhatwari 1271
8 Bhatwari Bhatwari 1268
9 Harshil Bhatwari 1205
10 Gawana Bhatwari 1196
11 Kotiyal Gaon Bhatwari 1148
12 Manpur Bhatwari 1123
13 Raithal Bhatwari 1005
14 Kisanpur Bhatwari 955
15 Nalda Urf Bodhar Bhatwari 931
16 Sangrali Bhatwari 859
17 Malla Bhatwari 849
18 Gorsali Bhatwari 838
19 Uttron Bhatwari 824
20 Siror Bhatwari 757
21 Hina Bhatwari 735
22 Sald Urph Maja Gaon Bhatwari 719
23 Gajoli Bhatwari 709
24 Kuroli Bhatwari 691
25 Barahat Range Bhatwari 683
26 Mukhawa Bhatwari 680
27 Dilsaur Bhatwari 675
28 Bonga Bhatwari 645
29 Jhala Bhatwari 644
30 Nismor Bhatwari 643
31 Athali Bhatwari 637
32 Mando Bhatwari 637
33 Dharali Bhatwari 583
34 Wayra May Lunthu Bhatwari 575
35 Thalan Bhatwari 570
36 Bongari Bhatwari 570
37 Bagori Bhatwari 567
38 Sukki Bhatwari 525
39 Naugaon Bhatwari 517
40 Saura Bhatwari 512
41 Silla Bhatwari 492
42 Syawa Bhatwari 475
43 Bhankoli Bhatwari 470
44 Barsu Bhatwari 469
45 Kankrari Bhatwari 468
46 Kamar Bhatwari 463
47 Tihar Bhatwari 459
48 Bhailuda Bhatwari 459
49 Sari Bhatwari 443
50 Kunjan Bhatwari 442
51 Agoda Bhatwari 442
52 Gamdid Gaun Bhatwari 434
53 Salang Bhatwari 432
54 Bagyal Gaon Bhatwari 408
55 Gyanja Bhatwari 406
56 Lata Bhatwari 403
57 Dwari Bhatwari 401
58 Aleth Bhatwari 394
59 Pata Bhatwari 384
60 Didsari Bhatwari 383
61 Jamak Bhatwari 355
62 Sainj Bhatwari 352
63 Pilang Bhatwari 349
64 Seku Bhatwari 343
65 Pala Maradi Bhatwari 340
66 Pahi Bhatwari 338
67 Kyark Bhatwari 334
68 Mukhem Range Bhatwari 326
69 Hurri Bhatwari 313
70 Bandrani Bhatwari 312
71 Aungee Bhatwari 302
72 Jaspur Bhatwari 286
73 Vasuga Bhatwari 280
74 Dhanpur Bhatwari 274
75 Bhangeli Bhatwari 274
76 Jakhol Bhatwari 271
77 Sara Bhatwari 271
78 Mastari Bhatwari 268
79 Salu Bhatwari 263
80 Purali Bhatwari 253
81 Jaspur Bhatwari 231
82 Pokhari Bhatwari 207
83 Natin Bhatwari 198
84 Kumalti Bhatwari 194
85 Dasda Bhatwari 187
86 Silyar Bhatwari 186
87 Bhukki Bhatwari 154
88 Bhela Tipri Bhatwari 153
89 Chamkot Bhatwari 147
90 Dandalka Bhatwari 142
91 Jadao Bhatwari 132
92 Sarag Bhatwari 128
93 Jokani Bhatwari 107
94 Sungar Bhatwari 96
95 Nirakot Bhatwari 83
96 Taknaur Range Bhatwari 57
97 Nelang Bhatwari 48
98 Jadung Bhatwari 29
99 Dovalga Thalan Bhatwari 18
100 Kaneth Bhatwari 6
