Villages and Towns of Bhinay Tehsil of District Ajmer, Rajasthan

Bhinay Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Ajmer District, Rajasthan India. Bhinay teshil is one of the teshil of Ajmer district Rajasthan. In Bhinay Teshil there are 95 villages and 0 towns. Out of 95 villages in Bhinay teshil in which Bhinay is most populated village with population of 9283 and least populated village is Rooppura having population only 85. There are 0 town in Bhinay sub-district which lies in Bhinay administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhinay Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bhinay teshil is 126466 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhinay teshil is 971 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhinay teshil is 54.84%.

Census Data of Bhinay Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
126466 971 54.84%

Demographics details of Bhinay Teshil

The population of Bhinay sub district is 126466 people, among them about 64154 are male and 62312 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhinay Teshil is 23916. Total Literates persons are 58279 in which total male literates are 39408 and female literates are 18871. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20188, among them 10408 are boys and 9780 are girls.

Bhinay Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhinay
State NameRajasthan
District NameAjmer
Total Population126466
Total No of House Holds23916
Total Male Population64154
Total Female Population62312
0-6 Age group Total Population20188
0-6 Age group Male Population10408
0-6 Age group Male Population9780
Total Person Literates58279
Total Male Literates39408
Total Male Literates18871
Total Person Illiterates68187
Total Male Illiterates24746
Total Male Illiterates43441
Scheduled Cast Persons26695
Scheduled Cast Males13511
Scheduled Cast Females13184
Scheduled Tribe Persons2485
Scheduled Tribe Males2501
Scheduled Tribe Females2485

Bhinay Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 219968 1633
Population (%) 173.93 % 1.29 %
Male Population 114242 857
Female Population 105726 776
Sex Ratio 925 905
Child Population (0-6) 17182 137
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 908 913
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.91% 17.58%
Households in 44990 321
Literates 101357 301
Literacy % 54.15% 22.36%
Male Literacy 68.87% 28.57%
Female Literacy 38.29% 15.49%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhinay Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 120543 61191 59352 95.32% 51.14%
Muslim 4861 2431 2430 3.84% 2.88%
Christian 52 23 29 0.04% 0.03%
Sikh 23 15 8 0.02% 0.02%
Buddhist 3 1 2 0% 0%
Jain 913 446 467 0.72% 0.73%
Other religions and persuasions 2 1 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 69 46 23 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Bhinay Teshil

Bhinay has 64228 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 34632 male and 29596 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhinay teshil are 50235 and 13993 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhinay Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 64228 34632 29596
Main Workers 50235 30111 20124
Main Workers Cultivators 32134 17515 14619
Agriculture Labourer 5785 2913 2872
Household Industries 891 649 242
Other Workers 11425 9034 2391
Marginal Workers 13993 4521 9472
Non Working Persons 62238 29522 32716

List of villages in Teshil-Bhinay, District-Ajmer, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bhinay Bhinay 9283
2 Bandanwara Bhinay 7610
3 Deoliya Kalan Bhinay 5811
4 Barli Bhinay 4466
5 Chapaneri Bhinay 4357
6 Singhawal Bhinay 2723
7 Ratakot Bhinay 2609
8 Kerot Bhinay 2357
9 Nagola Bhinay 2355
10 Bargaon Bhinay 2148
11 Kumhariya Bhinay 2124
12 Padaliya Bhinay 2046
13 Gurha Khurd Bhinay 1981
14 Ekalseenga Bhinay 1974
15 Karati Bhinay 1923
16 Kurthal Bhinay 1905
17 Nandsi Bhinay 1860
18 Kheri Bhinay 1860
19 Barla @ Kala Talab Bhinay 1776
20 Keriya Khurd Bhinay 1731
21 Padanga Bhinay 1721
22 Gowaliya Bhinay 1660
23 Bagrai Bhinay 1635
24 Jetpura Bhinay 1596
25 Rammaliya Bhinay 1568
26 Keetap Bhinay 1527
27 Ghana Bhinay 1483
28 Udaigarh Khera Bhinay 1463
29 Gurha Kalan Bhinay 1462
30 Neemera Bhinay 1438
31 Neemra Bhinay 1431
32 Raghunath Garh Bhinay 1415
33 Sedariya Bhinay 1398
34 Heerapura Bhinay 1349
35 Ganahera Bhinay 1299
36 Boobkiya Bhinay 1289
37 Hiyaliya Bhinay 1279
38 Chhachhundra Bhinay 1264
39 Jheepiya Bhinay 1251
40 Dhantol Bhinay 1192
41 Deopura Bhinay 1168
42 Raghunathpura Bhinay 1123
43 Kheri Bhinay 1054
44 Baneriya Bhinay 1030
45 Lamgara Bhinay 1014
46 Sobri Bhinay 1006
47 Kachariya Bhinay 1002
48 Khayra Bhinay 1001
49 Chawandiya Bhinay 989
50 Kanai Khurd Bhinay 970
51 Peepaliya Bhinay 956
52 Rooppura Bhinay 920
53 Telara Bhinay 911
54 Gopalpura Bhinay 849
55 Ren Bhinay 832
56 Gajjanadi Bhinay 818
57 Chawandiya Bhinay 788
58 Kanai Kalan Bhinay 769
59 Sargaon Bhinay 714
60 Peeloda Bhinay 660
61 Pratappura Bhinay 658
62 Arjunpura Bhinay 645
63 Gujarwara Bhinay 628
64 Jhanbarkiya Bhinay 619
65 Pandonlai Bhinay 617
66 Sol Kalan Bhinay 616
67 Mataji Ka Khera Bhinay 613
68 Amargarh Bhinay 608
69 Bagrai Bhinay 603
70 Balapura Bhinay 602
71 Daulatpura Bhinay 572
72 Sawaipura Bhinay 565
73 Mathaniya Bhinay 555
74 Khatanon Ka Khera Bhinay 548
75 Jorawarpura Bhinay 542
76 Solkhurd Bhinay 523
77 Sapnikhera Bhinay 515
78 Soorajpura Bhinay 493
79 Beeliya Bhinay 475
80 Udaipura Khera Bhinay 469
81 Pratappura Bhinay 457
82 Balapura Bhinay 452
83 Laxmipura Bhinay 416
84 Bhairoo Khera Bhinay 404
85 Kadolai Bhinay 393
86 Barla Khera Bhinay 384
87 Motipura Bhinay 377
88 Moondiya Khera Bhinay 351
89 Gordhanpura Bhinay 298
90 Kumhariya Khera Bhinay 289
91 Rampura Bhinay 278
92 Dhandhon Ka Khera Bhinay 239
93 Ratanpura Bhinay 197
94 Dhani Bhinay 187
95 Rooppura Bhinay 85
