Villages and Towns of Bhiti Tehsil of District Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh

Bhiti Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Ambedkar Nagar District, Uttar Pradesh India. Bhiti teshil is one of the teshil of Ambedkar Nagar district Uttar Pradesh. In Bhiti Teshil there are 257 villages and 0 towns. Out of 257 villages in Bhiti teshil in which Bhete is most populated village with population of 6974 and least populated village is Chak Daud having population only 0. There are 0 town in Bhiti sub-district which lies in Bhiti administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhiti Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bhiti teshil is 248669 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhiti teshil is 992 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhiti teshil is 70.07%.

Census Data of Bhiti Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
248669 992 70.07%

Demographics details of Bhiti Teshil

The population of Bhiti sub district is 248669 people, among them about 124816 are male and 123853 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhiti Teshil is 39969. Total Literates persons are 149124 in which total male literates are 85472 and female literates are 63652. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 35848, among them 18627 are boys and 17221 are girls.

Bhiti Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhiti
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameAmbedkar Nagar
Total Population248669
Total No of House Holds39969
Total Male Population124816
Total Female Population123853
0-6 Age group Total Population35848
0-6 Age group Male Population18627
0-6 Age group Male Population17221
Total Person Literates149124
Total Male Literates85472
Total Male Literates63652
Total Person Illiterates99545
Total Male Illiterates39344
Total Male Illiterates60201
Scheduled Cast Persons59296
Scheduled Cast Males29821
Scheduled Cast Females29475
Scheduled Tribe Persons94
Scheduled Tribe Males106
Scheduled Tribe Females94

Bhiti Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 643932 199973
Population (%) 258.95 % 80.42 %
Male Population 341030 104802
Female Population 302902 95171
Sex Ratio 888 908
Child Population (0-6) 62664 12633
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 915 911
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.63% 13.25%
Households in 111004 32679
Literates 279379 126264
Literacy % 53.32% 72.78%
Male Literacy 63.9% 75.65%
Female Literacy 41.33% 69.62%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhiti Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 227560 114435 113125 91.51% 64.51%
Muslim 20580 10113 10467 8.28% 5.43%
Christian 226 113 113 0.09% 0.06%
Sikh 35 20 15 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 48 28 20 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 24 8 16 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 1 1 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 195 98 97 0.08% 0.04%

Workers profile of Bhiti Teshil

Bhiti has 82027 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 56871 male and 25156 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhiti teshil are 46613 and 35414 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhiti Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 82027 56871 25156
Main Workers 46613 37242 9371
Main Workers Cultivators 21720 18763 2957
Agriculture Labourer 12792 9166 3626
Household Industries 2165 1556 609
Other Workers 9936 7757 2179
Marginal Workers 35414 19629 15785
Non Working Persons 166642 67945 98697

List of villages in Teshil-Bhiti, District-Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bhete Bhiti 6974
2 Kache Bhiti 4536
3 Semare Bhiti 4261
4 Baramad Pur Jariyare Bhiti 4131
5 Hede Pakariya Bhiti 3981
6 Parvar Bhare Bhiti 3842
7 Jalalpur Sahara Bhiti 3754
8 Mizoda Bhiti 3626
9 Matane Bhiti 3523
10 Cahacikpur Bhiti 3147
11 Maharuva Bhiti 2971
12 Ramnagar Karre Bhiti 2967
13 Basant Pur Bhiti 2803
14 Van Gaon Bhiti 2672
15 Bhadar Bhate Bhiti 2636
16 Panday Pakoole Bhiti 2573
17 Rudaupur Bhiti 2553
18 Karampur Bhiti 2515
19 Savana Bhiti 2470
20 Adanpur Bhiti 2457
21 Umarawa Bhiti 2455
22 Khemapur Bhiti 2224
23 Rampur Grint Bhiti 2190
24 Pigiryav Bhiti 2169
25 Pratapepur Bhiti 2150
26 Chandapur Bhiti 2140
27 Sugote Bhiti 2105
28 Kadariyava Bhiti 2048
29 Atarora Bhiti 2040
30 Saya Bhiti 1991
31 Atvai Bhiti 1976
32 Bala Pakoole Bhiti 1973
33 Pamole Bhiti 1881
34 Dullahpur Bhiti 1874
35 Jaitpur Bhiti 1851
36 Itva Bhiti 1791
37 Mohmamdpur Bhiti 1749
38 Sarayavir Singh Bhiti 1736
39 Bastepur Bhiti 1698
40 Bhagwan Patti Bhiti 1695
41 Radle Bhiti 1675
42 Baijpur Bhiti 1642
43 Khjure Bhiti 1564
44 Karagpur Bhiti 1540
45 Mustfabad Bhiti 1527
46 Sonava Bhiti 1512
47 Jatpur Nadiyawan Bhiti 1497
48 Katariya Badagaon Bhiti 1473
49 Naraharpur Bhiti 1462
50 Roshan Para Bhiti 1461
51 Pura Darbar Bhiti 1456
52 Chaturi Patti Bhiti 1453
53 Bebe Pur Tandoule Bhiti 1438
54 Bane Pur Bhiti 1399
55 Rampur Nonsila Bhiti 1350
56 Subakhar Pur Bhiti 1342
57 Dare Deha Bhiti 1316
58 Madhupur Meganpur Bhiti 1314
59 Dilavarpur Bhiti 1266
60 Boora Bhiti 1254
61 Balai Pur Bhiti 1241
62 Bela Bhiti 1217
63 Silvat Bhiti 1205
64 Pakadi Najaupur Bhiti 1205
65 Dahema Bhiti 1194
66 Jaitpur Khas Bhiti 1174
67 Mahapara Bhiti 1173
68 Pethapur Bhiti 1153
69 Belvana Bhiti 1131
70 Buthuva Bhiti 1116
71 Govindpur Bhiti 1108
72 Jivdarpur Bhiti 1104
73 Rauna Bhiti 1102
74 Hirdaypur Bhiti 1080
75 Kavare Parmanand Bhiti 1043
76 Muhmamdpur Rayganj Bhiti 1041
77 Mallapur Bhiti 1039
78 Basupur Variyane Bhiti 1038
79 Arjunpur Bhiti 1009
80 Ranepur Mohan Bhiti 1008
81 Dharamganj Bhiti 1008
82 Naser Pur Pakadapur Bhiti 982
83 Ranev Karamjeet Bhiti 964
84 Lariya Kala Bhiti 945
85 Goitha Bhiti 942
86 Tandole Bhiti 939
87 Loha Zara Bhiti 935
88 Nasade Bhiti 935
89 Tariiya Bhiti 925
90 Samantha Bhiti 921
91 Harepur Bhiti 920
92 Baraha Bhiti 917
93 Asahajeet Pur Ahiran Bhiti 917
94 Peatahapur Asahajeet Pur Bhiti 917
95 Chandooka Bhiti 911
96 Kichute Bhiti 894
97 Sammanpur Chitoniya Bhiti 887
98 Pakde Dallapur Bhiti 877
99 Jalalpur Parsurampur Bhiti 873
100 Mohammdpur Chamara Bhiti 863
101 Basohare Bhiti 861
102 Pichvara Khas Bhiti 858
103 Bhavanipur Bhiti 853
104 Kodar Chak Bhiti 851
105 Tema Bhiti 848
106 Narsingh Pur Bhiti 841
107 Kurra Bhiti 838
108 Tikre Bhiti 832
109 Ranepur Grint Bhiti 832
110 Gope Pur Bhiti 828
111 Singara Bhiti 805
112 Takiya Kanungo Bhiti 795
113 Dhrvas Pur Choubey Bhiti 793
114 Pariyaa Bhiti 791
115 Senpur Bhiti 791
116 Faredpur Bhiti 782
117 Rasalpara Bhiti 777
118 Samsudeenpur Bhiti 776
119 Saray Jungal Bhiti 770
120 Vahorik Pur Bhiti 765
121 Vajiidpur Bhiti 753
122 Udarana Bhiti 738
123 Khojad Pur Bhiti 738
124 Ragalpur Bhiti 725
125 Sakhona Perpur Bhiti 720
126 Visunpur Bhiti 716
127 Manikpur Bhiti 705
128 Narayanpur Bhiti 700
129 Vahar Pur Bhiti 699
130 Haribans Pur Bhiti 691
131 Gora Bhiti 686
132 Badaya Bhiti 686
133 Barahe Bhiti 676
134 Sazava Bhiti 668
135 Nagahara Bhiti 661
136 Dakhpur Bhiti 657
137 Uze Pura (Ujepara) Bhiti 657
138 Sigvanpur Pursootam Patti Bhiti 656
139 Vikya Jeetpur Bhiti 654
140 Chanaga Bhiti 653
141 Vadariya Bhiti 650
142 Medava Bhiti 650
143 Kavatahie Bhiti 633
144 Bibipur Sirkahva Bhiti 633
145 Khachasare Patti Bhiti 631
146 Milai Bhiti 630
147 Medva Raghubanse Bhiti 626
148 Asahajeet Pur Kalan Bhiti 626
149 Khandra Bhiti 609
150 Ragu Patti Bhiti 602
151 Asagavan Bhiti 600
152 Rukmagadpur Bhiti 586
153 Savar Singhpur Bhiti 583
154 Paru Dava Bhiti 576
155 Chiute Para Bhiti 569
156 Husainpur Hede Bhiti 569
157 Juva Bhiti 566
158 Chapra Bhiti 565
159 Aanapur Bhiti 550
160 Takiya Kalu Bhiti 549
161 Kasanda Bhiti 546
162 Khandasa Bhiti 543
163 Ataullahapur Bhiti 542
164 Aame Bhiti 537
165 Dama Patti Bhiti 532
166 Mohammdapur Bhiti 526
167 Mazava Bhiti 523
168 Bikhare Pur Bhiti 508
169 Rasava Rudau Bhiti 489
170 Lakhepur Bhiti 486
171 Darupur Bhiti 482
172 Varsava Bhiti 480
173 Ataullahapur Bhiti 478
174 Bhgola Bhiti 475
175 Sukhipur Bhiti 466
176 Sultanpur Bhiti 462
177 Udaipur Bhiti 457
178 Panhute Bhiti 453
179 Beras Pur Bhiti 445
180 Sarang Pur Bhiti 444
181 Narhariya Bhiti 439
182 Dhane Pur Bhiti 437
183 Nukarapur Bhiti 436
184 Bhatpura Bhiti 426
185 Billolpur Bhiti 425
186 Thariya Khurd Bhiti 414
187 Harinath Pur Bhiti 410
188 Ichhpur Bhiti 405
189 Varahei Bhiti 404
190 Kavare Shrepal Bhiti 401
191 Bhatote Bhiti 400
192 Ravan Deeh Bhiti 391
193 Abhay Chandpur Bhiti 381
194 Gopalpur Pandey Bhiti 379
195 Mukundepur Bhiti 370
196 Pakhanpur Pakdapur Bhiti 363
197 Bataspur Bhiti 357
198 Muredpur Bhiti 354
199 Khanpur Bhiti 350
200 Atar Deha Bhiti 349
201 Mazanpur Bhiti 348
202 Shahpur Maniyar Patti Bhiti 348
203 Prannath Pur Bhiti 343
204 Gopalpur Chaudhry Bhiti 336
205 Kakrahiya Bhiti 332
206 Bhojpur Bhiti 324
207 Karnaepur Bhiti 316
208 Gajanpur Bhiti 315
209 Pure Gangaram Bhiti 313
210 Parsoole Bhiti 309
211 Sumerpur Bhiti 299
212 Serva Bhiti 293
213 Khadava Jarvva Bhiti 287
214 Mukeri Pur Bhiti 283
215 Saraya Bhiti 280
216 Chaksan Pur Bhiti 280
217 Ranepur Kodvar Bhiti 278
218 Sisva Bhiti 277
219 Makaranand Pur Bhiti 276
220 Dharampur Bhiti 273
221 Nurudeenpur Bhiti 272
222 Bhekhepur Bhiti 260
223 Damupur Bhiti 256
224 Danvare Bhiti 250
225 Rampur Harinandan Bhiti 245
226 Jadopur Bhiti 239
227 Loknath Pur Bhiti 228
228 Saraaya Nambardare Bhiti 225
229 Rajpal Sonva Bhiti 216
230 Vada Mare Bhiti 212
231 Ghatam Patti Bhiti 210
232 Chak Kaliyan Bhiti 200
233 Sahamalpur Bhiti 191
234 Dupahe Bhiti 189
235 Ratnatpur Bhiti 182
236 Kanga Saraya Bhiti 167
237 Kajepur Bhiti 151
238 Chauveypur Bhiti 143
239 Jotu Birmakat Bhiti 125
240 Parmanand Pur Bhiti 125
241 Ganapur Bhiti 117
242 Aalapur Bhiti 110
243 Rajpal Dharuva Bhiti 89
244 Jajora Bhiti 80
245 Pitambar Pur Bhiti 65
246 Chak Hase Bhiti 60
247 Palahan Pur Bhiti 60
248 Mohamamdabad Samra Bhiti 47
249 Makdumpur Bhiti 20
250 Bidtalapur Bhiti 8
251 Ahiradeh Bhiti 1
252 Sakhuna Doruva Bhiti N/A
253 Vahad Pur Bhiti N/A
254 Kapur Pur Bhiti N/A
255 Bhagana Patti Bhiti N/A
256 Dagdagva Bhiti N/A
257 Chak Daud Bhiti N/A
