Villages and Towns of Bhiwapur Tehsil of District Nagpur, Maharashtra

Bhiwapur Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nagpur District, Maharashtra India. Bhiwapur teshil is one of the teshil of Nagpur district Maharashtra. In Bhiwapur Teshil there are 137 villages and 0 towns. Out of 137 villages in Bhiwapur teshil in which Bhiwapur is most populated village with population of 14268 and least populated village is Saigaon having population only 0. There are 0 town in Bhiwapur sub-district which lies in Bhiwapur administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhiwapur Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bhiwapur teshil is 81519 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhiwapur teshil is 989 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhiwapur teshil is 78.76%.

Census Data of Bhiwapur Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
81519 989 78.76%

Demographics details of Bhiwapur Teshil

The population of Bhiwapur sub district is 81519 people, among them about 40978 are male and 40541 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhiwapur Teshil is 19990. Total Literates persons are 57493 in which total male literates are 31517 and female literates are 25976. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 8521, among them 4324 are boys and 4197 are girls.

Bhiwapur Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhiwapur
State NameMaharashtra
District NameNagpur
Total Population81519
Total No of House Holds19990
Total Male Population40978
Total Female Population40541
0-6 Age group Total Population8521
0-6 Age group Male Population4324
0-6 Age group Male Population4197
Total Person Literates57493
Total Male Literates31517
Total Male Literates25976
Total Person Illiterates24026
Total Male Illiterates9461
Total Male Illiterates14565
Scheduled Cast Persons16468
Scheduled Cast Males8314
Scheduled Cast Females8154
Scheduled Tribe Persons6920
Scheduled Tribe Males6878
Scheduled Tribe Females6920

Bhiwapur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 115594 0
Population (%) 141.8 % 0 %
Male Population 58201 0
Female Population 57393 0
Sex Ratio 986 0
Child Population (0-6) 6197 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 948 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.45% 0%
Households in 26543 0
Literates 87677 0
Literacy % 84.7% 0%
Male Literacy 91.88% 0%
Female Literacy 77.45% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhiwapur Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 65647 32941 32706 80.53% 63.25%
Muslim 876 445 431 1.07% 0.93%
Christian 82 41 41 0.1% 0.07%
Sikh 126 59 67 0.15% 0.11%
Buddhist 14262 7221 7041 17.5% 13.93%
Jain 18 10 8 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 150 76 74 0.18% 0.13%
Religion not stated 358 185 173 0.44% 0.32%

Workers profile of Bhiwapur Teshil

Bhiwapur has 44856 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 24990 male and 19866 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhiwapur teshil are 38723 and 6133 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhiwapur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 44856 24990 19866
Main Workers 38723 22467 16256
Main Workers Cultivators 11653 7822 3831
Agriculture Labourer 21971 10877 11094
Household Industries 433 342 91
Other Workers 4666 3426 1240
Marginal Workers 6133 2523 3610
Non Working Persons 36663 15988 20675

List of villages in Teshil-Bhiwapur, District-Nagpur, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bhiwapur Bhiwapur 14268
2 Nand Bhiwapur 4561
3 Tas Bhiwapur 2593
4 Besur Bhiwapur 2209
5 Kargaon Bhiwapur 1868
6 Mangrud Bhiwapur 1761
7 Malewada Bhiwapur 1759
8 Mahalgaon Bhiwapur 1624
9 Mandwa Bhiwapur 1614
10 Jaoli Bhiwapur 1571
11 Bhagwanpur Bhiwapur 1356
12 Nakshi Bhiwapur 1311
13 Chichala Bhiwapur 1244
14 Pirawa Bhiwapur 1202
15 Shiwapur Bhiwapur 1066
16 Somanala Bhiwapur 1033
17 Pullar Bhiwapur 992
18 Dhamangaon Bhiwapur 900
19 Pahami Bhiwapur 888
20 Salebhatti Bhiwapur 856
21 Thutanbori Bhiwapur 847
22 Bhagebori Bhiwapur 847
23 Wasi Bhiwapur 839
24 Adyal Bhiwapur 833
25 Taka Bhiwapur 813
26 Manora Bhiwapur 805
27 Medha Bhiwapur 803
28 Mokhebardi Bhiwapur 792
29 Pandharabodi Bhiwapur 779
30 Salebhatti Bhiwapur 773
31 Mandwa Bhiwapur 771
32 Wadadha Bhiwapur 764
33 Saleshahari Bhiwapur 760
34 Marupar Bhiwapur 721
35 Zamkoli Bhiwapur 703
36 Seloti Bhiwapur 695
37 Dhamangaon Bhiwapur 675
38 Alesur Bhiwapur 672
39 Sarandi Bhiwapur 671
40 Pandharwani Bhiwapur 655
41 Wani Bhiwapur 652
42 Botezari Bhiwapur 651
43 Indapur Bhiwapur 646
44 Zilbodi Bhiwapur 630
45 Chikhalapar Bhiwapur 609
46 Bhivi Bhiwapur 604
47 Gondbori Bhiwapur 596
48 Shionfal Bhiwapur 583
49 Ranmangli Bhiwapur 564
50 Kaodasi Bhiwapur 560
51 Ukhali Bhiwapur 557
52 Navegaon Bhiwapur 553
53 Virkhandi Bhiwapur 550
54 Nagtaroli Bhiwapur 545
55 Kolari Bhiwapur 492
56 Mangli Bhiwapur 483
57 Wakeshwar Bhiwapur 482
58 Salebhatti Bhiwapur 463
59 Chargaon (g) Bhiwapur 448
60 Tatoli Bhiwapur 443
61 Dhaparla Bhiwapur 435
62 Kinhikala Bhiwapur 434
63 Chikhali Bhiwapur 429
64 Saigaon Bhiwapur 413
65 Lonara Bhiwapur 412
66 Mokhala Bhiwapur 412
67 Kinhikhurda Bhiwapur 376
68 Chargaon Bhiwapur 360
69 Kinhala Bhiwapur 355
70 Nad Bhiwapur 346
71 Murharpur Bhiwapur 343
72 Kholdoda Bhiwapur 333
73 Panjarepar Bhiwapur 315
74 Khatkheda Bhiwapur 307
75 Rohana Bhiwapur 301
76 Khandalzari Bhiwapur 297
77 Dhaparla Bhiwapur 297
78 Khairgaon Bhiwapur 276
79 Somanala Bhiwapur 273
80 Polgaon Bhiwapur 270
81 Borgaon Bhiwapur 266
82 Urkudpar Bhiwapur 260
83 Sawargaon Bhiwapur 246
84 Bordkala Bhiwapur 236
85 Kharkada Bhiwapur 233
86 Hattibodi Bhiwapur 217
87 Panjarepar Bhiwapur 211
88 Kitadi Bhiwapur 211
89 Gardapar Bhiwapur 210
90 Chorvihara Bhiwapur 204
91 Khapari Bhiwapur 201
92 Jawrabodi Bhiwapur 184
93 Bellarpar Bhiwapur 153
94 Neri Bhiwapur 150
95 Dongargaon Bhiwapur 107
96 Parsodi Bhiwapur 73
97 Sukali Bhiwapur 70
98 Gadeghat Bhiwapur 65
99 Tukumbori Bhiwapur 65
100 Pendhari Bhiwapur 34
101 Jambhurda Bhiwapur 33
102 Tidkepar Bhiwapur 27
103 Bhowari Bhiwapur 22
104 Welwa Bhiwapur 17
105 Nandikheda Bhiwapur 17
106 Mankapur Bhiwapur 10
107 Keslapar Bhiwapur 4
108 Yedsambha Bhiwapur 2
109 Gohodli Bhiwapur 2
110 Dhanjimet Bhiwapur N/A
111 Kondapur Bhiwapur N/A
112 Sukali Bhiwapur N/A
113 Kharkada Bhiwapur N/A
114 Dharmapar Bhiwapur N/A
115 Khursapar Bhiwapur N/A
116 Sakara Bhiwapur N/A
117 Jamgaon Bhiwapur N/A
118 Kalandri Bhiwapur N/A
119 Akalabodi Bhiwapur N/A
120 Chikhali Bhiwapur N/A
121 Piparda Bhiwapur N/A
122 Bopeshwar Bhiwapur N/A
123 Mahadapur Bhiwapur N/A
124 Sonepada Bhiwapur N/A
125 Bhowari Bhiwapur N/A
126 Kitadi Bhiwapur N/A
127 Ghatumari Bhiwapur N/A
128 Hatimunda Bhiwapur N/A
129 Pawargaondi Bhiwapur N/A
130 Mhashadongri Bhiwapur N/A
131 Pimpalgaon Bhiwapur N/A
132 Kanhalgaon Bhiwapur N/A
133 Bhumkotargata Bhiwapur N/A
134 Sonegaon Bhiwapur N/A
135 Khairi Bhiwapur N/A
136 Bordkhurd Bhiwapur N/A
137 Saigaon Bhiwapur N/A
