Villages and Towns of Bhowraguri Tehsil of District Kokrajhar, Assam

Bhowraguri Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kokrajhar District, Assam India. Bhowraguri teshil is one of the teshil of Kokrajhar district Assam. In Bhowraguri Teshil there are 93 villages and 0 towns. Out of 93 villages in Bhowraguri teshil in which Tengnarbhita is most populated village with population of 5495 and least populated village is Fulkumari Pt.-I having population only 61. There are 0 town in Bhowraguri sub-district which lies in Bhowraguri administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhowraguri Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Bhowraguri teshil is 78061 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhowraguri teshil is 949 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhowraguri teshil is 62.86%.

Census Data of Bhowraguri Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
78061 949 62.86%

Demographics details of Bhowraguri Teshil

The population of Bhowraguri sub district is 78061 people, among them about 40045 are male and 38016 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhowraguri Teshil is 15736. Total Literates persons are 40773 in which total male literates are 23105 and female literates are 17668. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 13200, among them 6672 are boys and 6528 are girls.

Bhowraguri Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhowraguri
State NameAssam
District NameKokrajhar
Total Population78061
Total No of House Holds15736
Total Male Population40045
Total Female Population38016
0-6 Age group Total Population13200
0-6 Age group Male Population6672
0-6 Age group Male Population6528
Total Person Literates40773
Total Male Literates23105
Total Male Literates17668
Total Person Illiterates37288
Total Male Illiterates16940
Total Male Illiterates20348
Scheduled Cast Persons2791
Scheduled Cast Males1464
Scheduled Cast Females1327
Scheduled Tribe Persons3828
Scheduled Tribe Males3854
Scheduled Tribe Females3828

Bhowraguri Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 279444 26162
Population (%) 357.98 % 33.51 %
Male Population 141609 13223
Female Population 137835 12939
Sex Ratio 973 979
Child Population (0-6) 28734 1858
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 977 936
Child Percentage (0-6) 20.33% 14.69%
Households in 66371 5969
Literates 106350 16058
Literacy % 47.77% 71.94%
Male Literacy 51.74% 76.33%
Female Literacy 43.68% 67.49%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhowraguri Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 29111 14987 14124 37.29% 28.52%
Muslim 48434 24812 23622 62.05% 33.9%
Christian 395 196 199 0.51% 0.36%
Sikh 4 1 3 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 33 14 19 0.04% 0.03%
Jain 1 0 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 3 0 3 0% 0%
Religion not stated 80 35 45 0.1% 0.06%

Workers profile of Bhowraguri Teshil

Bhowraguri has 26910 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 21196 male and 5714 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhowraguri teshil are 21428 and 5482 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhowraguri Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 26910 21196 5714
Main Workers 21428 18014 3414
Main Workers Cultivators 10805 9106 1699
Agriculture Labourer 4064 3271 793
Household Industries 487 375 112
Other Workers 6072 5262 810
Marginal Workers 5482 3182 2300
Non Working Persons 51151 18849 32302

List of villages in Teshil-Bhowraguri, District-Kokrajhar, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tengnarbhita Bhowraguri 5495
2 Gossaigaon Bhowraguri 3341
3 Panijani Pt.-I Bhowraguri 2346
4 Balapara Pt.-I Bhowraguri 2265
5 Kumguri Bhowraguri 2198
6 Tokeamari-II Bhowraguri 2178
7 Kachukata Bhowraguri 2163
8 Joypur Bhowraguri 2123
9 Ushatari Bhowraguri 2036
10 Mokrambil Bhowraguri 1896
11 Bhawraguri Baruapara Pt.-II Bhowraguri 1806
12 Bhawraguri Baruapara Pt.-I Bhowraguri 1798
13 Balapara Pt.-II Bhowraguri 1786
14 Bhowraguri Mandalpara Bhowraguri 1728
15 Hongshibil Bhowraguri 1634
16 Panbari-III Bhowraguri 1580
17 Kholisanimari Bhowraguri 1564
18 Bamunigaon Bhowraguri 1492
19 Patialpara Ahmedpur Bhowraguri 1432
20 Musalmanpara Bhowraguri 1320
21 Tajpur Bhowraguri 1286
22 Jamunatari Bhowraguri 1249
23 Dakhin Musalmanpara Pt.-II Bhowraguri 1198
24 Choutara Bhowraguri 1159
25 Asharikandi (Kartimari) Bhowraguri 1149
26 Harbhanga Bhowraguri 1057
27 Rupshi Pt.-II Bhowraguri 1041
28 Faluguri Bhowraguri 944
29 Jogirbhata Bhowraguri 918
30 Mowamari Bhowraguri 853
31 Bhumka Bhowraguri 809
32 Rimijhimighat Pt.I Bhowraguri 807
33 Boalkamari Bhowraguri 795
34 Asharikandi Bhowraguri 788
35 Banglabari Bhowraguri 718
36 Tulsibil Bhowraguri 715
37 Aminkata Bhowraguri 709
38 Kartaymari Pt.-II Bhowraguri 704
39 Rimijhimi Ghop Bhowraguri 700
40 Tokeamari-I Bhowraguri 690
41 Patialpara Bhowraguri 670
42 Chakma Bhowraguri 659
43 Patakata Bhowraguri 637
44 Ghonapara Bhowraguri 622
45 Silbari Bhowraguri 569
46 Panbari Pt.-II Bhowraguri 542
47 Khuriabari Bhowraguri 540
48 Bhobanichora Bhowraguri 536
49 Fulkumari Pt.-II Bhowraguri 529
50 Bodla Bhowraguri 523
51 Patialpara Mohendrapur Bhowraguri 509
52 Rimijhimighat Pt.II Bhowraguri 507
53 Ai-Bhandar Pt.-II Bhowraguri 494
54 Kusumbil Pt.-II Bhowraguri 483
55 Rupshi Pt.-I Bhowraguri 459
56 Kusumbil Pt.-I Bhowraguri 449
57 Dangaimara Bhowraguri 445
58 Basirchar Bhowraguri 412
59 Singimari-II Bhowraguri 392
60 Thakthakpara Bhowraguri 388
61 Somaijhora Bhowraguri 375
62 Pachim Dangaimara Bhowraguri 372
63 Panijani Pt.-II Bhowraguri 372
64 Kartaymari Pt.-I Bhowraguri 365
65 Purba Kamalsing Bhowraguri 359
66 Kursamari Bhowraguri 352
67 Dakhin Musalmanpara Pt.-I Bhowraguri 340
68 Kamansing Bhowraguri 323
69 Singimari-I Bhowraguri 320
70 Khangkhuraibari Pt.-I Bhowraguri 300
71 Halghora Bhowraguri 281
72 Kunjadoba Bhowraguri 255
73 Dudumari-I Bhowraguri 218
74 Hashdoha Bhowraguri 213
75 Bhogijhora Bhowraguri 207
76 Panbari Pt.-I Bhowraguri 202
77 Kochugaon Bhowraguri 200
78 Palashkandi Bhowraguri 199
79 Patimari Bhowraguri 197
80 Boalimari Bhowraguri 185
81 Dudumari-II Bhowraguri 178
82 Gendabil Pt.-II Bhowraguri 170
83 Daimaguri Pt.-II Bhowraguri 145
84 Ghutihara Bhowraguri 145
85 Nutunpara Bhowraguri 138
86 Sukanjhora Saljhar Bhowraguri 136
87 Dakhin Patakata Bhowraguri 119
88 Ai-Bhandar Pt.-I Bhowraguri 107
89 Daimaguri Pt.-I Bhowraguri 106
90 Khangkhuraibari Pt.-II Bhowraguri 98
91 Gendabil Pt.-I Bhowraguri 96
92 Balapara Saljhar Bhowraguri 92
93 Fulkumari Pt.-I Bhowraguri 61
