Villages and Towns of Bhulath Tehsil of District Kapurthala , Punjab

Bhulath Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kapurthala District, Punjab India. Bhulath teshil is one of the teshil of Kapurthala district Punjab. In Bhulath Teshil there are 101 villages and 2 towns. Out of 101 villages in Bhulath teshil in which Nadala (64) is most populated village with population of 6733 and least populated village is Jhall Bajaj (14) having population only 0. There are 2 town in Bhulath sub-district which lies in Bhulath administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhulath Teshil is Bhulath (NP) with population of 10548.

Total population of Bhulath teshil is 104354 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhulath teshil is 973 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhulath teshil is 78.58%.

Census Data of Bhulath Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
104354 973 78.58%

Demographics details of Bhulath Teshil

The population of Bhulath sub district is 104354 people, among them about 52881 are male and 51473 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhulath Teshil is 22689. Total Literates persons are 73402 in which total male literates are 38654 and female literates are 34748. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 10939, among them 6138 are boys and 4801 are girls.

Bhulath Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhulath
State NamePunjab
District NameKapurthala
Total Population104354
Total No of House Holds22689
Total Male Population52881
Total Female Population51473
0-6 Age group Total Population10939
0-6 Age group Male Population6138
0-6 Age group Male Population4801
Total Person Literates73402
Total Male Literates38654
Total Male Literates34748
Total Person Illiterates30952
Total Male Illiterates14227
Total Male Illiterates16725
Scheduled Cast Persons17394
Scheduled Cast Males8998
Scheduled Cast Females8396
Scheduled Tribe Persons0
Scheduled Tribe Males0
Scheduled Tribe Females0

Bhulath Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 83690 20664
Population (%) 80.2 % 19.8 %
Male Population 42391 10490
Female Population 41299 10174
Sex Ratio 974 970
Child Population (0-6) 4899 988
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 778 797
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.41% 10.78%
Households in 18088 4601
Literates 58909 14493
Literacy % 78.57% 78.61%
Male Literacy 82.83% 82.13%
Female Literacy 74.3% 75.06%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhulath Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 19697 10345 9352 18.88% 13.79%
Muslim 901 491 410 0.86% 0.42%
Christian 1944 988 956 1.86% 1.32%
Sikh 81499 40892 40607 78.1% 62.82%
Buddhist 21 12 9 0.02% 0.01%
Jain 15 10 5 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 15 11 4 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 262 132 130 0.25% 0.2%

Workers profile of Bhulath Teshil

Bhulath has 30331 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26054 male and 4277 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhulath teshil are 25610 and 4721 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhulath Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 30331 26054 4277
Main Workers 25610 22502 3108
Main Workers Cultivators 9494 9050 444
Agriculture Labourer 3112 2787 325
Household Industries 1129 711 418
Other Workers 11875 9954 1921
Marginal Workers 4721 3552 1169
Non Working Persons 74023 26827 47196

List of Town/City of Bhulath Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bhulath with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kapurthala is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bhulath (NP) 10548 943
2 Begowal (NP) 10116 999

List of villages in Teshil-Bhulath, District-Kapurthala , Punjab as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Nadala (64) Bhulath 6733
2 Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan (54) Bhulath 4875
3 Nangal Lubana (32) Bhulath 4318
4 Khassan (113) Bhulath 3094
5 Maqsudpur (19) Bhulath 2717
6 Talwara (72) Bhulath 2401
7 Pandori (121) Bhulath 2349
8 Raipur Araian (61) Bhulath 2239
9 Bhadas (16) Bhulath 2222
10 Miani Bhagu Purian (25) Bhulath 2198
11 Raipur Peerbakhshwala (18) Bhulath 2059
12 Boparai (132) Bhulath 2001
13 Bassi (12) Bhulath 1952
14 Tandi (135) Bhulath 1944
15 Jaid (139) Bhulath 1725
16 Habibwal (57) Bhulath 1506
17 Ramgarh (115) Bhulath 1448
18 Mana Talwandi (112) Bhulath 1447
19 Ballo Chak (24) Bhulath 1382
20 Nadali (11) Bhulath 1290
21 Bajaj (133) Bhulath 1254
22 Baryar (1) Bhulath 1233
23 Fatehgarh Sikri (20) Bhulath 1206
24 Bagrian (130) Bhulath 1205
25 Lamman (138) Bhulath 1177
26 Akbarpur (8) Bhulath 1175
27 Lit (114) Bhulath 1151
28 Akala (131) Bhulath 1144
29 Awan (2) Bhulath 1143
30 Bhatnura Kalan (136) Bhulath 1129
31 Bagwanpur (15) Bhulath 1027
32 Metlan Khairabad (127) Bhulath 974
33 Dabulian (76) Bhulath 930
34 Mand Kulla (28) Bhulath 836
35 Karnail Ganj (13) Bhulath 795
36 Chogawan (58) Bhulath 768
37 Talwandi Koka (43) Bhulath 758
38 Dala (69) Bhulath 756
39 Mubarakpur (17) Bhulath 675
40 Feroz Sangowal (23) Bhulath 658
41 Mehmadpur (117) Bhulath 641
42 Sidhwan Bet (129) Bhulath 622
43 Bhagwanpur (125) Bhulath 608
44 Bhatnura Khurd (137) Bhulath 599
45 Surak (119) Bhulath 549
46 Naurangpur (6) Bhulath 545
47 Billpur (75) Bhulath 507
48 Talwandi Purdil (80) Bhulath 495
49 Jabbowal (5) Bhulath 464
50 Bakarpur (70) Bhulath 462
51 Musa Khail (118) Bhulath 435
52 Saitpur (73) Bhulath 392
53 Sher Singhwala (120) Bhulath 389
54 Kaluwal (4) Bhulath 385
55 Sarupwal (9) Bhulath 374
56 Bhakuwal (60) Bhulath 368
57 Khalil (67) Bhulath 368
58 Raipur Rajputan (65) Bhulath 358
59 Rawan (42) Bhulath 358
60 Mandi Road (31) Bhulath 353
61 Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan (53) Bhulath 348
62 Isbucha (3) Bhulath 347
63 Mand Talwandi Kuka (44) Bhulath 306
64 Bulewal (74) Bhulath 290
65 Dhakran (39) Bhulath 278
66 Daulowal (22) Bhulath 275
67 Hussainpur (30) Bhulath 261
68 Shadipur (116) Bhulath 247
69 Passiewal (66) Bhulath 246
70 Inowal (7) Bhulath 246
71 Fatehpur (134) Bhulath 239
72 Kamalpur (38) Bhulath 209
73 Mand Allahabad (50) Bhulath 162
74 Husewal (78) Bhulath 161
75 Hassuwal (59) Bhulath 158
76 Mand Sardar Sahibwala (49) Bhulath 145
77 Sheruwal (79) Bhulath 98
78 Mand Hussainpur (33) Bhulath 94
79 Mand Raipur Araian (62) Bhulath 80
80 Mand Gurdaspur (47) Bhulath 45
81 Mand Miani Jhadduwala (48) Bhulath 44
82 Mand Faridkot (46) Bhulath 43
83 Mand Sandhi Khanwala (45) Bhulath 40
84 Mand Dograwala (51) Bhulath 29
85 Miranpur (71) Bhulath 25
86 Mand Nangal Lubana (36) Bhulath 21
87 Chak Purana (21) Bhulath 18
88 Ibrahimwal Taraf Gulam Nabi Khan (55) Bhulath 16
89 Mandi Mand Kulla (29) Bhulath 15
90 Chakshah Alladin (68) Bhulath 13
91 Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Gulam Nabi Khan (56) Bhulath 10
92 Mand Dhakran (40) Bhulath 7
93 Mand Maini Bhagu Purian (34) Bhulath 7
94 Mand Ahmedwala (52) Bhulath 1
95 Chak Shah Kala (77) Bhulath N/A
96 Mand Rawan (41) Bhulath N/A
97 Mand Kamalpur (37) Bhulath N/A
98 Mand Aslampur (35) Bhulath N/A
99 Chak Dom (27) Bhulath N/A
100 Chak Som (26) Bhulath N/A
101 Jhall Bajaj (14) Bhulath N/A
