Villages and Towns of Bhum Tehsil of District Osmanabad, Maharashtra

Bhum Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Osmanabad District, Maharashtra India. Bhum teshil is one of the teshil of Osmanabad district Maharashtra. In Bhum Teshil there are 96 villages and 1 towns. Out of 96 villages in Bhum teshil in which Ieet is most populated village with population of 6745 and least populated village is Aliyabadwadi having population only 0. There are 1 town in Bhum sub-district which lies in Bhum administrative devision. Most populated town in Bhum Teshil is Bhum (M Cl) with population of 18561.

Total population of Bhum teshil is 136745 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bhum teshil is 905 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bhum teshil is 76.11%.

Census Data of Bhum Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
136745 905 76.11%

Demographics details of Bhum Teshil

The population of Bhum sub district is 136745 people, among them about 71772 are male and 64973 are female. Total number of house holds in Bhum Teshil is 29976. Total Literates persons are 91508 in which total male literates are 52788 and female literates are 38720. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16511, among them 9120 are boys and 7391 are girls.

Bhum Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBhum
State NameMaharashtra
District NameOsmanabad
Total Population136745
Total No of House Holds29976
Total Male Population71772
Total Female Population64973
0-6 Age group Total Population16511
0-6 Age group Male Population9120
0-6 Age group Male Population7391
Total Person Literates91508
Total Male Literates52788
Total Male Literates38720
Total Person Illiterates45237
Total Male Illiterates18984
Total Male Illiterates26253
Scheduled Cast Persons18234
Scheduled Cast Males9388
Scheduled Cast Females8846
Scheduled Tribe Persons892
Scheduled Tribe Males935
Scheduled Tribe Females892

Bhum Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 421244 64401
Population (%) 308.05 % 47.1 %
Male Population 218793 32735
Female Population 202451 31666
Sex Ratio 925 967
Child Population (0-6) 29055 3835
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 872 907
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.91% 12.52%
Households in 86320 13252
Literates 276908 47369
Literacy % 75.48% 84.08%
Male Literacy 83.48% 89.91%
Female Literacy 66.91% 78.11%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bhum Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 125375 65946 59429 91.69% 69.62%
Muslim 8482 4354 4128 6.2% 4.85%
Christian 68 31 37 0.05% 0.04%
Sikh 40 22 18 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 1726 891 835 1.26% 0.94%
Jain 447 222 225 0.33% 0.32%
Other religions and persuasions 11 5 6 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 596 301 295 0.44% 0.32%

Workers profile of Bhum Teshil

Bhum has 72518 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 41085 male and 31433 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bhum teshil are 65535 and 6983 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bhum Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 72518 41085 31433
Main Workers 65535 37981 27554
Main Workers Cultivators 36480 21559 14921
Agriculture Labourer 19369 9171 10198
Household Industries 1291 639 652
Other Workers 8395 6612 1783
Marginal Workers 6983 3104 3879
Non Working Persons 64227 30687 33540

List of Town/City of Bhum Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bhum with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Osmanabad is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bhum (M Cl) 18561 919

List of villages in Teshil-Bhum, District-Osmanabad, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ieet Bhum 6745
2 Mankeshwar Bhum 5173
3 Pathrud Bhum 3746
4 Walwad Bhum 3658
5 Bhum(rural) Bhum 3512
6 Deolali Bhum 2598
7 Ambi Bhum 2588
8 Chinchpur (D) Bhum 2405
9 Ashta Bhum 2023
10 Walha Bhum 2005
11 Wangi Bk. Bhum 1913
12 Patsangvi Bhum 1907
13 Dokewadi Bhum 1857
14 Sawargaon Bhum 1838
15 Sukta Bhum 1824
16 Antargaon Bhum 1780
17 Songiri Bhum 1757
18 Ganegaon Bhum 1727
19 Chincholi Bhum 1708
20 Arsoli Bhum 1692
21 Pakhrud Bhum 1677
22 Tintraj Bhum 1632
23 Jamb Bhum 1533
24 Ida Bhum 1527
25 Wanjarwadi Bhum 1520
26 Hadongi Bhum 1497
27 Gikhali Bhum 1483
28 Ulup Bhum 1437
29 Tambewadi Bhum 1430
30 Ghatnandur Bhum 1411
31 Bavi Bhum 1388
32 Wakwad Bhum 1383
33 Andrud Bhum 1344
34 Rameshwar Bhum 1310
35 Jotibachiwadi Bhum 1308
36 Wangi kh. Bhum 1303
37 Anjan soda Bhum 1231
38 Hiwara Bhum 1220
39 Jejla Bhum 1211
40 Golegaon Bhum 1208
41 Lanjeshwar Bhum 1204
42 Ramkund Bhum 1192
43 Antarwali Bhum 1190
44 Warud Bhum 1126
45 Jayavantnagar Bhum 1123
46 Nipani Bhum 1119
47 Chumbli Bhum 1113
48 Chandwad Bhum 1030
49 Warewadgaon Bhum 1021
50 Matrewadi Bhum 1012
51 Shekhapur Bhum 1004
52 Devangra Bhum 977
53 Dandegaon Bhum 972
54 Irachiwadi Bhum 912
55 Naliwadgaon Bhum 900
56 Nagewadi Bhum 900
57 Ralesangvi Bhum 877
58 Dindori Bhum 871
59 Malewadi Bhum 870
60 Hiwarda Bhum 823
61 Sawargaon Bhum 780
62 Bhogalgaon Bhum 771
63 Sadesangvi Bhum 721
64 Giralgaon Bhum 714
65 Dudhodi Bhum 706
66 Sannewadi Bhum 671
67 Bhawanwadi Bhum 662
68 Gormala Bhum 634
69 Bhongiri Bhum 630
70 Bhawanwadi Bhum 622
71 Umachiwadi Bhum 618
72 Kanadi Bhum 615
73 Nali Bhum 611
74 Barhanpur Bhum 605
75 Padoli Bhum 562
76 Wadachiwadi Bhum 553
77 Dukkarwadi Bhum 548
78 Kasari Bhum 512
79 Anandwadi Bhum 502
80 Samangaon Bhum 496
81 Ashtewadi Bhum 474
82 Panhalwadi Bhum 468
83 Belgaon Bhum 455
84 Bedarwadi Bhum 441
85 Pimpalgaon Bhum 415
86 Pandharewadi Bhum 415
87 Nannajwadi Bhum 364
88 Pida Bhum 355
89 Burudwadi Bhum 353
90 Bagalwadi Bhum 335
91 Nawalgaon Bhum 283
92 Krishnapur Bhum 232
93 Birobachiwadi Bhum 154
94 Hangewadi Bhum 146
95 Rosamba Bhum 16
96 Aliyabadwadi Bhum N/A
