Villages and Towns of Buldana Tehsil of District Buldana, Maharashtra

Buldana Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Buldana District, Maharashtra India. Buldana teshil is one of the teshil of Buldana district Maharashtra. In Buldana Teshil there are 97 villages and 2 towns. Out of 97 villages in Buldana teshil in which Deulghat is most populated village with population of 13805 and least populated village is Buldana (Rural) having population only 0. There are 2 town in Buldana sub-district which lies in Buldana administrative devision. Most populated town in Buldana Teshil is Buldana (M Cl) with population of 67431.

Total population of Buldana teshil is 286992 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Buldana teshil is 927 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Buldana teshil is 82.5%.

Census Data of Buldana Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
286992 927 82.5%

Demographics details of Buldana Teshil

The population of Buldana sub district is 286992 people, among them about 148958 are male and 138034 are female. Total number of house holds in Buldana Teshil is 60847. Total Literates persons are 207390 in which total male literates are 116479 and female literates are 90911. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 35595, among them 19406 are boys and 16189 are girls.

Buldana Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBuldana
State NameMaharashtra
District NameBuldana
Total Population286992
Total No of House Holds60847
Total Male Population148958
Total Female Population138034
0-6 Age group Total Population35595
0-6 Age group Male Population19406
0-6 Age group Male Population16189
Total Person Literates207390
Total Male Literates116479
Total Male Literates90911
Total Person Illiterates79602
Total Male Illiterates32479
Total Male Illiterates47123
Scheduled Cast Persons52924
Scheduled Cast Males26997
Scheduled Cast Females25927
Scheduled Tribe Persons4940
Scheduled Tribe Males5755
Scheduled Tribe Females4940

Buldana Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 145917 67907
Population (%) 50.84 % 23.66 %
Male Population 75060 34703
Female Population 70857 33204
Sex Ratio 944 957
Child Population (0-6) 8774 3981
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 926 902
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.58% 12.36%
Households in 34538 13095
Literates 110321 52791
Literacy % 85.51% 88.71%
Male Literacy 91.5% 91.99%
Female Literacy 79.17% 85.31%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Buldana Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 197756 103429 94327 68.91% 57.15%
Muslim 48768 24971 23797 16.99% 13.78%
Christian 763 384 379 0.27% 0.25%
Sikh 153 76 77 0.05% 0.04%
Buddhist 37484 19056 18428 13.06% 10.62%
Jain 1718 881 837 0.6% 0.58%
Other religions and persuasions 78 36 42 0.03% 0.02%
Religion not stated 272 125 147 0.09% 0.06%

Workers profile of Buldana Teshil

Buldana has 125970 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 77141 male and 48829 female population are working population. Full time workers in Buldana teshil are 115261 and 10709 are marginal (part time) workers.

Buldana Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 125970 77141 48829
Main Workers 115261 71724 43537
Main Workers Cultivators 33637 19953 13684
Agriculture Labourer 50511 26863 23648
Household Industries 1439 839 600
Other Workers 29674 24069 5605
Marginal Workers 10709 5417 5292
Non Working Persons 161022 71817 89205

List of Town/City of Buldana Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Buldana with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Buldana is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Buldana (M Cl) 67431 954
2 Sundarkhed (CT) 13317 919

List of villages in Teshil-Buldana, District-Buldana, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Deulghat Buldana 13805
2 Dhad Buldana 12340
3 Sagwan Buldana 10275
4 Chandol Buldana 8645
5 Raipur Buldana 7325
6 Dongar Khandala Buldana 6287
7 Sakhali Bk. Buldana 5937
8 Pimpalgaon Sarai Buldana 5592
9 Yelgaon Buldana 4901
10 Kolwad Buldana 4796
11 Masrul Buldana 4553
12 Nandrakoli Buldana 4437
13 Bhadola Buldana 4433
14 Shirpur Buldana 4232
15 Warwand Buldana 3798
16 Dalsawangi Buldana 3083
17 Dahid Bk. Buldana 2953
18 Gummi Buldana 2845
19 Satgaon mahsala Buldana 2811
20 Ruikhed Buldana 2712
21 Pangri Pr.Deulghat Buldana 2677
22 Jamb Buldana 2627
23 Hatedi Bk. Buldana 2523
24 Ambhoda Buldana 2467
25 Dhamangaon Buldana 2428
26 Padli Buldana 2376
27 Warud Buldana 2362
28 Bhadgaon Buldana 2223
29 Jamathi Buldana 2210
30 Madh Buldana 2134
31 Taradkhed Buldana 2102
32 Sao Buldana 1996
33 Malwandi Buldana 1943
34 Malvihir Buldana 1936
35 Kesapur Buldana 1932
36 Mhasla Bk. Buldana 1889
37 Dudha Buldana 1767
38 Januna Buldana 1741
39 Ruikhed Buldana 1736
40 Domrul Buldana 1690
41 Deepur Buldana 1679
42 Chautha Buldana 1678
43 Mondhala Buldana 1593
44 Birsingpur Buldana 1591
45 Tandulwadi Buldana 1559
46 Sawali Buldana 1547
47 Kulamkhed Buldana 1473
48 Kumbhefal Buldana 1430
49 Sakhali Kh. Buldana 1361
50 Matala Buldana 1331
51 Nandraghat Buldana 1324
52 Ajispur Buldana 1281
53 Kardi Buldana 1247
54 Chikhala Buldana 1187
55 Khupgaon Buldana 1165
56 Palaskhed Bhat Buldana 1148
57 Soyagaon Buldana 1131
58 Irala Buldana 1099
59 Jambharun Buldana 1063
60 Hatedi Kh. Buldana 1056
61 Dasalwadi Buldana 1020
62 Atakal Buldana 985
63 Borkhed Buldana 981
64 Girda Buldana 940
65 Pokhari Buldana 931
66 Borkhed Buldana 926
67 Bodegaon Buldana 894
68 Palaskhed Naik Buldana 875
69 Mhasla Kh. Buldana 844
70 Tarapur Buldana 838
71 Shindkhed Buldana 824
72 Dahid Kh. Buldana 798
73 Umala Buldana 714
74 Takli Buldana 677
75 Ijalapur Buldana 654
76 Antriteli Buldana 554
77 Pangarkhed Buldana 551
78 Sawala Buldana 533
79 Devhari Buldana 529
80 Dattapur Buldana 512
81 Pimparkhed Buldana 500
82 Palaskhed Nago Buldana 498
83 Ismailpur Buldana 484
84 Zari Buldana 483
85 Mohoj Buldana 463
86 Dhangarpur Buldana 437
87 Kherdi Buldana 425
88 Paldhag Buldana 357
89 Gondhankhed Buldana 330
90 Hanwatkhed Buldana 259
91 Shekapur Buldana 255
92 Afjalpur Buldana 214
93 Umarkhed Buldana 188
94 Awalkhed Buldana 143
95 Gondhankhed Buldana 94
96 Melkhed Buldana 72
97 Buldana (Rural) Buldana N/A
