Villages and Towns of Bundwan Tehsil of District Puruliya, West Bengal

Bundwan Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Puruliya District, West Bengal India. Bundwan teshil is one of the teshil of Puruliya district West Bengal. In Bundwan Teshil there are 134 villages and 1 towns. Out of 134 villages in Bundwan teshil in which Supudi is most populated village with population of 2567 and least populated village is Berabanka having population only 0. There are 1 town in Bundwan sub-district which lies in Bundwan administrative devision. Most populated town in Bundwan Teshil is Bandoan (CT) with population of 5993.

Total population of Bundwan teshil is 94929 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Bundwan teshil is 986 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Bundwan teshil is 61.38%.

Census Data of Bundwan Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
94929 986 61.38%

Demographics details of Bundwan Teshil

The population of Bundwan sub district is 94929 people, among them about 47798 are male and 47131 are female. Total number of house holds in Bundwan Teshil is 20325. Total Literates persons are 50810 in which total male literates are 31016 and female literates are 19794. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 12150, among them 6227 are boys and 5923 are girls.

Bundwan Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameBundwan
State NameWest Bengal
District NamePuruliya
Total Population94929
Total No of House Holds20325
Total Male Population47798
Total Female Population47131
0-6 Age group Total Population12150
0-6 Age group Male Population6227
0-6 Age group Male Population5923
Total Person Literates50810
Total Male Literates31016
Total Male Literates19794
Total Person Illiterates44119
Total Male Illiterates16782
Total Male Illiterates27337
Scheduled Cast Persons5630
Scheduled Cast Males2888
Scheduled Cast Females2742
Scheduled Tribe Persons24744
Scheduled Tribe Males24488
Scheduled Tribe Females24744

Bundwan Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 140116 81384
Population (%) 147.6 % 85.73 %
Male Population 72270 41599
Female Population 67846 39785
Sex Ratio 939 956
Child Population (0-6) 8546 4567
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 918 967
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.7% 11.41%
Households in 30557 17812
Literates 103538 60984
Literacy % 83.68% 84.59%
Male Literacy 87.98% 88.04%
Female Literacy 79.12% 80.97%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Bundwan Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 52940 26818 26122 55.77% 35.36%
Muslim 558 290 268 0.59% 0.45%
Christian 153 79 74 0.16% 0.11%
Sikh 7 3 4 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 2 2 0 0% 0%
Jain 0 0 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 41156 20546 20610 43.35% 25.39%
Religion not stated 113 60 53 0.12% 0.07%

Workers profile of Bundwan Teshil

Bundwan has 47396 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26869 male and 20527 female population are working population. Full time workers in Bundwan teshil are 19424 and 27972 are marginal (part time) workers.

Bundwan Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 47396 26869 20527
Main Workers 19424 14552 4872
Main Workers Cultivators 5346 4795 551
Agriculture Labourer 7586 5134 2452
Household Industries 1275 705 570
Other Workers 5217 3918 1299
Marginal Workers 27972 12317 15655
Non Working Persons 47533 20929 26604

List of Town/City of Bundwan Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Bundwan with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Puruliya is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bandoan (CT) 5993 926

List of villages in Teshil-Bundwan, District-Puruliya, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Supudi Bundwan 2567
2 Gangamanna Bundwan 2331
3 Kunchia Bundwan 2279
4 Sirisgora Bundwan 2261
5 Chilla Bundwan 2217
6 Dhadka Bundwan 1896
7 Pargela Bundwan 1861
8 Saga Bundwan 1782
9 Rajgram Bundwan 1610
10 Gurur Bundwan 1500
11 Kendapara Bundwan 1488
12 Chirudi Bundwan 1415
13 Haludbani Bundwan 1405
14 Mangal Bundwan 1400
15 Udalbani Bundwan 1365
16 Roladi Bundwan 1332
17 Bhalu Bundwan 1307
18 Dhabani Bundwan 1275
19 Rithugora Bundwan 1208
20 Chandra Bundwan 1193
21 Bhamragora Bundwan 1168
22 Baratalpat Bundwan 1152
23 Madhupur Bundwan 1133
24 Chirugora Bundwan 1120
25 Barakaram Bundwan 1120
26 Sirka Bundwan 1072
27 Harada Bundwan 1048
28 Mirgichami Bundwan 1040
29 Kuilapal Bundwan 985
30 Saira Bundwan 916
31 Dhabani Bundwan 916
32 Parbad Bundwan 878
33 Jitan Bundwan 859
34 Jharibad Bundwan 851
35 Bahadurpur Bundwan 842
36 Jashpur Bundwan 840
37 Nanna Bundwan 823
38 Poradih Bundwan 813
39 Aspara Bundwan 811
40 Madhuban Bundwan 811
41 Lata Bundwan 770
42 Popo Bundwan 766
43 Chhota Parasia Bundwan 737
44 Kantagora Bundwan 737
45 Kesra Bundwan 733
46 Hetyakol Bundwan 731
47 Punsa Bundwan 717
48 Karru Bundwan 706
49 Churku Bundwan 705
50 Paharpur Bundwan 685
51 Satara Bundwan 665
52 Pukhurkata Bundwan 657
53 Makopali Bundwan 657
54 Bara Parasia Bundwan 648
55 Kumirdih Bundwan 646
56 Liki Bundwan 636
57 Kumra Bundwan 631
58 Tasgan Bundwan 612
59 Ghoratika Bundwan 595
60 Patkita Bundwan 590
61 Laupal Bundwan 588
62 Shamnagar Bundwan 576
63 Dangarjuri Bundwan 566
64 Rajauli Bundwan 566
65 Panrra Bundwan 562
66 Kaera Bundwan 557
67 Shalidih Bundwan 547
68 Asanpani Bundwan 503
69 Sirugaru Bundwan 496
70 Shalbani Bundwan 489
71 Ghaghra Bundwan 478
72 Mahulabana Bundwan 472
73 Jobnagora Bundwan 468
74 Bhasamkata Bundwan 457
75 Chhotakaram Bundwan 447
76 Pargora Bundwan 445
77 Beko Bundwan 432
78 Gholhunra Bundwan 430
79 Golkata Bundwan 425
80 Sursinga Bundwan 422
81 Kapatdanga Bundwan 415
82 Jorasal Bundwan 413
83 Barudih Bundwan 411
84 Senkebasa Bundwan 407
85 Burhigora Bundwan 405
86 Dulukdih Samil Kendapara Bundwan 405
87 Hargara Bundwan 401
88 Pachapani Bundwan 398
89 Burijhor Bundwan 373
90 Kuriapara Bundwan 372
91 Bhogidi Bundwan 364
92 Ghatihuli Bundwan 358
93 Digha Bundwan 351
94 Sarga Bundwan 327
95 Katgora Bundwan 310
96 Khereyadi Bundwan 309
97 Karmatanr Bundwan 305
98 Radhanagar Bundwan 304
99 Ledam Bundwan 299
100 Lukapani Bundwan 286
101 Chanora Bundwan 286
102 Janijhor Bundwan 281
103 Kukrudabar Bundwan 273
104 Bamandi Bundwan 268
105 Lailamdi Bundwan 265
106 Ledashol Bundwan 256
107 Sindruli Bundwan 244
108 Bangrisamil Alias Jaragora Bundwan 244
109 Latajharna Bundwan 240
110 Rasiknagar Bundwan 232
111 Barakhula Bundwan 232
112 Danga Bundwan 225
113 Nutandi Bundwan 216
114 Mahulbani Bundwan 203
115 Kushbani Bundwan 191
116 Jamjora Bundwan 177
117 Korpa Bundwan 173
118 Banbahal Bundwan 172
119 Paradih Alias Gurpana Bundwan 155
120 Tuitanr Bundwan 154
121 Dabladih Bundwan 137
122 Poabad Bundwan 137
123 Barakala Bundwan 135
124 Barshol Bundwan 91
125 Dhanpora Bundwan 86
126 Chalunia Bundwan 78
127 Kadaya Bundwan 50
128 Bamandera Bundwan 50
129 Andharjhor Bundwan 14
130 Simabad Bundwan 13
131 Dhobagora Bundwan 5
132 Chhotatalpat Bundwan N/A
133 Kenddi Bundwan N/A
134 Berabanka Bundwan N/A
