Villages and Towns of Butchayyapeta Tehsil of District Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Butchayyapeta Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh India. Butchayyapeta teshil is one of the teshil of Visakhapatnam district Andhra Pradesh. In Butchayyapeta Teshil there are 40 villages and 0 towns. Out of 40 villages in Butchayyapeta teshil in which Vaddadi is most populated village with population of 8822 and least populated village is Nimmalova having population only 0. There are 0 town in Butchayyapeta sub-district which lies in Butchayyapeta administrative devision. Most populated town in Butchayyapeta Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Butchayyapeta teshil is 66214 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Butchayyapeta teshil is 1013 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Butchayyapeta teshil is 52.3%.

Census Data of Butchayyapeta Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
66214 1013 52.3%

Demographics details of Butchayyapeta Teshil

The population of Butchayyapeta sub district is 66214 people, among them about 32896 are male and 33318 are female. Total number of house holds in Butchayyapeta Teshil is 16936. Total Literates persons are 30559 in which total male literates are 17749 and female literates are 12810. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 7787, among them 4087 are boys and 3700 are girls.

Butchayyapeta Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameButchayyapeta
State NameAndhra Pradesh
District NameVisakhapatnam
Total Population66214
Total No of House Holds16936
Total Male Population32896
Total Female Population33318
0-6 Age group Total Population7787
0-6 Age group Male Population4087
0-6 Age group Male Population3700
Total Person Literates30559
Total Male Literates17749
Total Male Literates12810
Total Person Illiterates35655
Total Male Illiterates15147
Total Male Illiterates20508
Scheduled Cast Persons5904
Scheduled Cast Males2934
Scheduled Cast Females2970
Scheduled Tribe Persons125
Scheduled Tribe Males152
Scheduled Tribe Females125

Butchayyapeta Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 81115 56864
Population (%) 122.5 % 85.88 %
Male Population 40548 28115
Female Population 40567 28749
Sex Ratio 1000 1023
Child Population (0-6) 4231 2819
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 980 948
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.33% 10.19%
Households in 22845 16044
Literates 47829 38087
Literacy % 65.76% 74.58%
Male Literacy 68.18% 78.77%
Female Literacy 63.34% 70.51%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Butchayyapeta Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 65621 32602 33019 99.1% 51.76%
Muslim 172 83 89 0.26% 0.17%
Christian 296 141 155 0.45% 0.28%
Sikh 1 0 1 0% 0%
Buddhist 4 1 3 0.01% 0%
Jain 8 2 6 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 112 67 45 0.17% 0.09%

Workers profile of Butchayyapeta Teshil

Butchayyapeta has 34654 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 19153 male and 15501 female population are working population. Full time workers in Butchayyapeta teshil are 23977 and 10677 are marginal (part time) workers.

Butchayyapeta Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 34654 19153 15501
Main Workers 23977 14713 9264
Main Workers Cultivators 5247 3541 1706
Agriculture Labourer 14517 8050 6467
Household Industries 400 280 120
Other Workers 3813 2842 971
Marginal Workers 10677 4440 6237
Non Working Persons 31560 13743 17817

List of villages in Teshil-Butchayyapeta, District-Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Vaddadi Butchayyapeta 8822
2 Butchayyapeta Butchayyapeta 4405
3 Rajam Butchayyapeta 3090
4 Vijayaramarajupeta Butchayyapeta 3019
5 Dibbidi Butchayyapeta 2706
6 Peda Madina Butchayyapeta 2664
7 Gunnempudi Butchayyapeta 2623
8 Chintapaka Butchayyapeta 2376
9 Pottidorapalem Butchayyapeta 2108
10 Pedapudi Agraharam Butchayyapeta 2107
11 Turakalapudi Butchayyapeta 2054
12 Lopudi Butchayyapeta 2011
13 Mangalapuram Butchayyapeta 1963
14 Pedapudi Butchayyapeta 1898
15 R. Bheemavaram Butchayyapeta 1722
16 Mallam Butchayyapeta 1511
17 Chinappannapalem Butchayyapeta 1466
18 Kandipudi Butchayyapeta 1408
19 Typuram Butchayyapeta 1343
20 Komallapudi Butchayyapeta 1322
21 P. Bheemavaram Butchayyapeta 1265
22 Polepalle Butchayyapeta 1258
23 Chittiyyapalem Butchayyapeta 1246
24 Lingabhupala Puram Agraharam Butchayyapeta 1212
25 Kondapalem Agraharam Butchayyapeta 1151
26 Aithampudi Butchayyapeta 1064
27 Kondempudi Butchayyapeta 1026
28 R. Sivarampuram Butchayyapeta 980
29 Kondapalem Butchayyapeta 979
30 Karaka Butchayyapeta 859
31 Neelakantapuram Butchayyapeta 841
32 Gantikorlam Butchayyapeta 818
33 Pangidi Butchayyapeta 670
34 China Madina Butchayyapeta 663
35 L.Singavaram Butchayyapeta 606
36 Mallam Bhupathipalem Butchayyapeta 506
37 Appampalem Butchayyapeta 415
38 Bhatlova Butchayyapeta 37
39 Laluru Butchayyapeta N/A
40 Nimmalova Butchayyapeta N/A
