Villages and Towns of Chamorshi Tehsil of District Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

Chamorshi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra India. Chamorshi teshil is one of the teshil of Gadchiroli district Maharashtra. In Chamorshi Teshil there are 203 villages and 1 towns. Out of 203 villages in Chamorshi teshil in which Chamorshi is most populated village with population of 15952 and least populated village is Darli Rith having population only 0. There are 1 town in Chamorshi sub-district which lies in Chamorshi administrative devision. Most populated town in Chamorshi Teshil is Ashti (CT) with population of 5634.

Total population of Chamorshi teshil is 179120 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Chamorshi teshil is 974 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Chamorshi teshil is 75.76%.

Census Data of Chamorshi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
179120 974 75.76%

Demographics details of Chamorshi Teshil

The population of Chamorshi sub district is 179120 people, among them about 90759 are male and 88361 are female. Total number of house holds in Chamorshi Teshil is 43931. Total Literates persons are 121169 in which total male literates are 68000 and female literates are 53169. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 19187, among them 9740 are boys and 9447 are girls.

Chamorshi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameChamorshi
State NameMaharashtra
District NameGadchiroli
Total Population179120
Total No of House Holds43931
Total Male Population90759
Total Female Population88361
0-6 Age group Total Population19187
0-6 Age group Male Population9740
0-6 Age group Male Population9447
Total Person Literates121169
Total Male Literates68000
Total Male Literates53169
Total Person Illiterates57951
Total Male Illiterates22759
Total Male Illiterates35192
Scheduled Cast Persons16135
Scheduled Cast Males8098
Scheduled Cast Females8037
Scheduled Tribe Persons16154
Scheduled Tribe Males16469
Scheduled Tribe Females16154

Chamorshi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 79936 401822
Population (%) 44.63 % 224.33 %
Male Population 41268 206290
Female Population 38668 195532
Sex Ratio 937 948
Child Population (0-6) 4585 18856
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 950 924
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.18% 9.77%
Households in 19788 93641
Literates 56290 323031
Literacy % 79.29% 89.1%
Male Literacy 85.38% 93.01%
Female Literacy 72.77% 84.98%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chamorshi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 162556 82483 80073 90.75% 68.16%
Muslim 1405 655 750 0.78% 0.6%
Christian 305 153 152 0.17% 0.13%
Sikh 58 40 18 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 13997 7038 6959 7.81% 6.51%
Jain 98 53 45 0.05% 0.05%
Other religions and persuasions 270 131 139 0.15% 0.1%
Religion not stated 431 206 225 0.24% 0.17%

Workers profile of Chamorshi Teshil

Chamorshi has 97969 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 54902 male and 43067 female population are working population. Full time workers in Chamorshi teshil are 68075 and 29894 are marginal (part time) workers.

Chamorshi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 97969 54902 43067
Main Workers 68075 41780 26295
Main Workers Cultivators 30675 19230 11445
Agriculture Labourer 26435 13893 12542
Household Industries 1118 778 340
Other Workers 9847 7879 1968
Marginal Workers 29894 13122 16772
Non Working Persons 81151 35857 45294

List of Town/City of Chamorshi Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Chamorshi with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Gadchiroli is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Ashti (CT) 5634 952

List of villages in Teshil-Chamorshi, District-Gadchiroli, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chamorshi Chamorshi 15952
2 Kunghada Raiyyatwari Chamorshi 6836
3 Ghot Chamorshi 3885
4 Talodhi Mokasa Chamorshi 3597
5 Lakhamapur Bori Chamorshi 3056
6 Murkhala Chamorshi 2782
7 Ankhoda Chamorshi 2779
8 Illur Chamorshi 2748
9 Amgaon Mahal Chamorshi 2491
10 Navegaon Raiyyatwari Chamorshi 2281
11 Konsari Chamorshi 2116
12 Bhendala Chamorshi 2097
13 Regadi Chamorshi 2072
14 Kurul Chamorshi 2018
15 Subhashgram Chamorshi 1990
16 Anantpur Chamorshi 1989
17 Ganpur Raiyyatwari Chamorshi 1950
18 Sonapur Chamorshi 1891
19 Netajinagar Chamorshi 1650
20 Thakari Chamorshi 1642
21 Vasantpur Chamorshi 1623
22 Farada Chamorshi 1561
23 Wagholi Chamorshi 1559
24 Jairampur Chamorshi 1556
25 Ghargaon Chamorshi 1521
26 Jamgiri Chamorshi 1479
27 Durgapur Chamorshi 1445
28 Gilgaon Chamorshi 1437
29 Jaynagar Chamorshi 1412
30 Makepalli Mal Chamorshi 1369
31 Murkhala Chak Chamorshi 1322
32 Saganapur Chamorshi 1321
33 Krishnanagar Chamorshi 1314
34 Gauripur Chamorshi 1301
35 Kanholi Chamorshi 1245
36 Fokurdi Chamorshi 1240
37 Vikaspalli Chamorshi 1212
38 Maler Mal Chamorshi 1208
39 Ramala Chamorshi 1201
40 Bahadupur Chamorshi 1175
41 Markanda Kansoba Chamorshi 1159
42 Kishtapur Chamorshi 1153
43 Pettala Mal Chamorshi 1148
44 Adyal Chamorshi 1142
45 Vikrampur Chamorshi 1128
46 Chakalpeth Chamorshi 1126
47 Murmuri Chamorshi 1125
48 Nikatwada Chamorshi 1118
49 Anandgram Chamorshi 1117
50 Chitranjanpur Chamorshi 1092
51 Bhivapur Chamorshi 1088
52 Wakadi Chamorshi 1060
53 Mohurli Mokasa Chamorshi 1059
54 Navegaon Mal Chamorshi 1032
55 Wagdara Chamorshi 1031
56 Dotkuli Chamorshi 1020
57 Bhadbhidi alias Bilaspur Chamorshi 1013
58 Thakurnagar Chamorshi 1006
59 Shankarpur Chamorshi 1001
60 Markandadeo Chamorshi 994
61 Ravindrapur Chamorshi 971
62 Bandhona Chamorshi 965
63 Kunghada Mal Chamorshi 958
64 Laxmanpur Chamorshi 929
65 Chapalwada Chamorshi 929
66 Narendrapur Chamorshi 921
67 Shrinivaspur Chamorshi 917
68 Walsara Chamorshi 910
69 Gundapalli Chamorshi 907
70 Ramkrishnapur Chamorshi 896
71 Mudholi Chak No.2 Chamorshi 856
72 Maroda Chamorshi 854
73 Dharmpur Chamorshi 825
74 Rammohanpur Chamorshi 812
75 Vishnupur Chamorshi 812
76 Bhoganbodi Chamorshi 779
77 Simultala Chamorshi 777
78 Somanpalli Chamorshi 776
79 Alapalli Masahat Chamorshi 762
80 Weltur Tukum Chamorshi 762
81 Waigaon Chamorshi 753
82 Ashti Nokewada Chamorshi 750
83 Umari Chamorshi 749
84 Yenapur Chamorshi 732
85 Kardel Tola Chamorshi 730
86 Made Amgaon Chamorshi 706
87 Visapur Raiyyatwari Chamorshi 703
88 Mangigaon Chamorshi 697
89 Maler Chak Chamorshi 696
90 Kadholi Chamorshi 695
91 Palaspur Chamorshi 692
92 Navargaon Chamorshi 689
93 Bhadbhidi Mokasa Chamorshi 669
94 Pavi-muranda Chamorshi 663
95 Chapalwada Chak Chamorshi 661
96 Yedanur Chamorshi 630
97 Karkapalli Mal Chamorshi 630
98 Warur Chamorshi 622
99 Navegaon Chamorshi 612
100 Vittalpur Chamorshi 609
101 Hivergaon Chamorshi 608
102 Ramsagar Chamorshi 607
103 Khandala Chamorshi 604
104 Rajgopalpur Chamorshi 601
105 Bhikshimal Chamorshi 594
106 Mudholi Rith Chamorshi 593
107 Khorda Chak Chamorshi 585
108 Amboli Chamorshi 582
109 Chandeshwar Chamorshi 579
110 Chaudampalli Chamorshi 578
111 Navgram Chamorshi 578
112 Rekhegaon Chamorshi 563
113 Chandankhedi Chamorshi 559
114 Kanhalgaon Chamorshi 555
115 Haladiwahi Chamorshi 548
116 Rashmipur Chamorshi 541
117 Chaparala Chamorshi 536
118 Syamanagar Chamorshi 525
119 Kalamgaon Chamorshi 508
120 Ekodi Chamorshi 503
121 Chandankhedi (vangram) Chamorshi 502
122 Kuthegaon Chamorshi 499
123 Made Mudholi Chamorshi 493
124 Rampur Chamorshi 492
125 Mudholi Chak No.1 Chamorshi 450
126 Navtala Tukum Chamorshi 442
127 Haladi Chamorshi 430
128 Pavilasanpeth Chamorshi 423
129 Jogana Chamorshi 422
130 Gandhinagar Chamorshi 418
131 Haldawahi Tola Chamorshi 410
132 Priyadarshani Chamorshi 385
133 Haladi Chak Chamorshi 378
134 Pandhari Bhatal Chamorshi 370
135 Makepalli Chak No.3 Chamorshi 366
136 Singampalli Chamorshi 361
137 Rajur Kh Chamorshi 360
138 Shantinagar Chamorshi 360
139 Saganapur Chamorshi 356
140 Tumdi Chamorshi 329
141 Janala Tukum Chamorshi 320
142 Potepalli Rayyatwari Chamorshi 311
143 Darpanguda Chamorshi 310
144 Made Amgaon Chak No.1 Chamorshi 307
145 Bamhanpeth Chamorshi 306
146 Potepalli Patch Chamorshi 298
147 Rajur Bk Chamorshi 282
148 Mudholi Tukum Chamorshi 275
149 Somanpur Chamorshi 259
150 Mutnur Chamorshi 252
151 Nachangaon Chamorshi 248
152 Chitekanhar Chamorshi 245
153 Amgaon Chak No.2 Chamorshi 240
154 Malkapur Chamorshi 239
155 Kothari Chamorshi 229
156 Ravanpalli Chamorshi 225
157 Rampur Chamorshi 220
158 Makepalli Chak No.1 Chamorshi 210
159 Belgatta Chak Chamorshi 202
160 Abapur Chamorshi 192
161 Jangam Kurul Chamorshi 192
162 Makepalli Chak No.4 Chamorshi 188
163 Raipur Chamorshi 176
164 Thatari Chamorshi 172
165 Ramangatta Chamorshi 167
166 Narayanpur Chak No.2 Chamorshi 159
167 Rajangatta Chamorshi 157
168 Dhekani Chamorshi 142
169 Weltur Rith Chamorshi 141
170 Bawanchuwa Chamorshi 139
171 Nimgaon Riyyatwari Chamorshi 134
172 Sellur Chamorshi 121
173 Gahubodi Chamorshi 110
174 Belgatta Chamorshi 107
175 Machhalighot Chamorshi 97
176 Fuser Chamorshi 84
177 Lenguda Chamorshi 82
178 Bamhanidev Chamorshi 80
179 Bhendikanhar Chamorshi 79
180 Amgaon Chak No.1 Chamorshi 70
181 Giripeth Chamorshi 59
182 Narayanpurmal Chamorshi 52
183 Jawaharnagar Chamorshi 39
184 Navnitgram Chamorshi 29
185 Narayanpur Chak No.1 Chamorshi 6
186 Manger Rith Chamorshi N/A
187 Chichapalli Rith Chamorshi N/A
188 Amrapali Chamorshi N/A
189 Yadavpalli Chamorshi N/A
190 Pardi Deo Chamorshi N/A
191 Khardi Rith Chamorshi N/A
192 Bhumaki Rith Chamorshi N/A
193 Borghat Rith Chamorshi N/A
194 Nokewada Rith Chamorshi N/A
195 Karkapalli Chak Chamorshi N/A
196 Pettala Chak Chamorshi N/A
197 Singela Rith Chamorshi N/A
198 Makepalli Chak No.2 Chamorshi N/A
199 Meteguda Rith Chamorshi N/A
200 Jambela Rith Chamorshi N/A
201 Made Amgaon Chak No. 2 Chamorshi N/A
202 Bhikshichak Chamorshi N/A
203 Darli Rith Chamorshi N/A
