Villages and Towns of Chandwa Tehsil of District Latehar, Jharkhand

Chandwa Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Latehar District, Jharkhand India. Chandwa teshil is one of the teshil of Latehar district Jharkhand. In Chandwa Teshil there are 83 villages and 2 towns. Out of 83 villages in Chandwa teshil in which Bari is most populated village with population of 3952 and least populated village is Childiri having population only 44. There are 2 town in Chandwa sub-district which lies in Chandwa administrative devision. Most populated town in Chandwa Teshil is Alaudia (CT) with population of 4943.

Total population of Chandwa teshil is 106653 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Chandwa teshil is 969 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Chandwa teshil is 58.47%.

Census Data of Chandwa Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
106653 969 58.47%

Demographics details of Chandwa Teshil

The population of Chandwa sub district is 106653 people, among them about 54168 are male and 52485 are female. Total number of house holds in Chandwa Teshil is 19232. Total Literates persons are 50562 in which total male literates are 30119 and female literates are 20443. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20172, among them 10234 are boys and 9938 are girls.

Chandwa Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameChandwa
State NameJharkhand
District NameLatehar
Total Population106653
Total No of House Holds19232
Total Male Population54168
Total Female Population52485
0-6 Age group Total Population20172
0-6 Age group Male Population10234
0-6 Age group Male Population9938
Total Person Literates50562
Total Male Literates30119
Total Male Literates20443
Total Person Illiterates56091
Total Male Illiterates24049
Total Male Illiterates32042
Scheduled Cast Persons26052
Scheduled Cast Males13101
Scheduled Cast Females12951
Scheduled Tribe Persons22032
Scheduled Tribe Males22191
Scheduled Tribe Females22032

Chandwa Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 69150 13235
Population (%) 64.84 % 12.41 %
Male Population 35642 6939
Female Population 33508 6296
Sex Ratio 940 907
Child Population (0-6) 5871 856
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 975 860
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.77% 13.99%
Households in 12149 2313
Literates 38979 9255
Literacy % 67.72% 81.3%
Male Literacy 76.99% 87.4%
Female Literacy 57.8% 74.63%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chandwa Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 66045 33634 32411 61.93% 35.3%
Muslim 8263 4215 4048 7.75% 5.87%
Christian 3549 1803 1746 3.33% 2.87%
Sikh 26 24 2 0.02% 0.03%
Buddhist 14 10 4 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 3 1 2 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 28042 14125 13917 26.29% 13.94%
Religion not stated 711 356 355 0.67% 0.45%

Workers profile of Chandwa Teshil

Chandwa has 46922 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26740 male and 20182 female population are working population. Full time workers in Chandwa teshil are 17564 and 29358 are marginal (part time) workers.

Chandwa Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 46922 26740 20182
Main Workers 17564 12443 5121
Main Workers Cultivators 6409 4321 2088
Agriculture Labourer 4697 2924 1773
Household Industries 581 367 214
Other Workers 5877 4831 1046
Marginal Workers 29358 14297 15061
Non Working Persons 59731 27428 32303

List of Town/City of Chandwa Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Chandwa with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Latehar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Alaudia (CT) 4943 903
2 Chandwa (CT) 12046 946

List of villages in Teshil-Chandwa, District-Latehar, Jharkhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bari Chandwa 3952
2 Chakla Chandwa 3932
3 Serak Chandwa 3734
4 Hutap Chandwa 3433
5 Zamira Chandwa 2901
6 Malhan Chandwa 2649
7 Sasang Chandwa 2578
8 Kamta Chandwa 2460
9 Nagar Chandwa 2078
10 Mahuamilan Chandwa 2078
11 Banhardi Chandwa 2051
12 Chetar Chandwa 1996
13 Dumaro Chandwa 1915
14 An Chandwa 1807
15 Chiro Chandwa 1710
16 Rampur Chandwa 1709
17 Boda Chandwa 1656
18 Kita Chandwa 1643
19 Lukwa Chandwa 1528
20 Sos Chandwa 1516
21 Dhoti Chandwa 1467
22 Bhusar Chandwa 1375
23 Barwatoli Chandwa 1346
24 Rud Chandwa 1331
25 Turhamu Chandwa 1305
26 Ganiari Chandwa 1210
27 Loharsi Chandwa 1201
28 Renchi Chandwa 1191
29 Kita Chandwa 1176
30 Darea Chandwa 1158
31 Kali Chandwa 1139
32 Ladhup Chandwa 1070
33 Borsidag Chandwa 1051
34 Belgara Chandwa 985
35 Chatro Chandwa 950
36 Sikni Chandwa 944
37 Chatuang Chandwa 932
38 Rud Chandwa 902
39 Nindra Chandwa 873
40 Ete Chandwa 849
41 Hisri Chandwa 847
42 Damodar Chandwa 797
43 Marmar Chandwa 788
44 Rol Chandwa 781
45 Dudhimati Chandwa 730
46 Betar Chandwa 721
47 Latdag Chandwa 709
48 Deonadia Chandwa 678
49 Ardhe Chandwa 652
50 Hesla Chandwa 649
51 Marma Chandwa 642
52 Surli Chandwa 631
53 Manatu Chandwa 618
54 Pirdag Chandwa 613
55 Jamuari Chandwa 568
56 Tiling Chandwa 562
57 Amjharia Chandwa 552
58 Goli Chandwa 541
59 Gardag Chandwa 476
60 Nindra Chandwa 469
61 Barwadih Chandwa 467
62 Senha Chandwa 450
63 Nawadih Chandwa 412
64 Rohum Chandwa 410
65 Torar Chandwa 401
66 Bulhu Chandwa 388
67 Ara Chandwa 358
68 Belenga Chandwa 358
69 Erud Chandwa 342
70 Turisot Chandwa 339
71 Kuramubartpur Chandwa 309
72 Ambadohar Chandwa 303
73 Kudra Chandwa 298
74 Tarhasi Chandwa 290
75 Bairgara Chandwa 289
76 Tota Chandwa 264
77 Angara Chandwa 236
78 Hesalong Chandwa 231
79 Barwakhar Chandwa 220
80 Mahuatanr Chandwa 218
81 Tata Chandwa 126
82 Bana Chandwa 106
83 Childiri Chandwa 44
