Villages and Towns of Chhendipada Tehsil of District Anugul , Odisha

Chhendipada Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Anugul District, Odisha India. Chhendipada teshil is one of the teshil of Anugul district Odisha. In Chhendipada Teshil there are 122 villages and 0 towns. Out of 122 villages in Chhendipada teshil in which Bagadia is most populated village with population of 5513 and least populated village is Fasihatjungle having population only 0. There are 0 town in Chhendipada sub-district which lies in Chhendipada administrative devision. Most populated town in Chhendipada Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Chhendipada teshil is 103804 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Chhendipada teshil is 951 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Chhendipada teshil is 75.06%.

Census Data of Chhendipada Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
103804 951 75.06%

Demographics details of Chhendipada Teshil

The population of Chhendipada sub district is 103804 people, among them about 53195 are male and 50609 are female. Total number of house holds in Chhendipada Teshil is 24523. Total Literates persons are 69194 in which total male literates are 40055 and female literates are 29139. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 11617, among them 6195 are boys and 5422 are girls.

Chhendipada Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameChhendipada
State NameOdisha
District NameAnugul
Total Population103804
Total No of House Holds24523
Total Male Population53195
Total Female Population50609
0-6 Age group Total Population11617
0-6 Age group Male Population6195
0-6 Age group Male Population5422
Total Person Literates69194
Total Male Literates40055
Total Male Literates29139
Total Person Illiterates34610
Total Male Illiterates13140
Total Male Illiterates21470
Scheduled Cast Persons21599
Scheduled Cast Males10840
Scheduled Cast Females10759
Scheduled Tribe Persons4576
Scheduled Tribe Males4599
Scheduled Tribe Females4576

Chhendipada Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 77995 18219
Population (%) 75.14 % 17.55 %
Male Population 40991 9437
Female Population 37004 8782
Sex Ratio 903 931
Child Population (0-6) 4650 828
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 845 804
Child Percentage (0-6) 11% 10.2%
Households in 18618 3995
Literates 54624 14224
Literacy % 78.69% 86.94%
Male Literacy 87.19% 93.46%
Female Literacy 69.35% 80.05%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chhendipada Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 103051 52811 50240 99.27% 74.48%
Muslim 122 67 55 0.12% 0.08%
Christian 432 210 222 0.42% 0.35%
Sikh 15 7 8 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 43 23 20 0.04% 0.04%
Jain 4 1 3 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 137 76 61 0.13% 0.09%

Workers profile of Chhendipada Teshil

Chhendipada has 50918 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 29676 male and 21242 female population are working population. Full time workers in Chhendipada teshil are 29066 and 21852 are marginal (part time) workers.

Chhendipada Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 50918 29676 21242
Main Workers 29066 21031 8035
Main Workers Cultivators 13382 10285 3097
Agriculture Labourer 6865 4312 2553
Household Industries 2411 1288 1123
Other Workers 6408 5146 1262
Marginal Workers 21852 8645 13207
Non Working Persons 52886 23519 29367

List of villages in Teshil-Chhendipada , District-Anugul , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bagadia Chhendipada 5513
2 Chhendipada Chhendipada 5510
3 Kosala Chhendipada 5455
4 Balipata Chhendipada 3696
5 Patrapada Chhendipada 3677
6 Brahmanbil Chhendipada 3061
7 Sapoinali Chhendipada 2919
8 Similisahi Chhendipada 2533
9 Nuagan Chhendipada 2344
10 Kanaloi Chhendipada 2219
11 Kukurpeta Chhendipada 2213
12 Machhakuta Chhendipada 2184
13 Similipal Chhendipada 2094
14 Santarabandha Chhendipada 1986
15 Podapada Chhendipada 1841
16 Chhendipadajungle Chhendipada 1806
17 Mamuriasahi Chhendipada 1758
18 Pipalbahal Chhendipada 1676
19 Bahalsahi Chhendipada 1510
20 Tentuloikodasahi Chhendipada 1424
21 Baramancha Chhendipada 1414
22 Handigoda Chhendipada 1389
23 Purunagarh Chhendipada 1371
24 Khamar Chhendipada 1350
25 Tangiri Chhendipada 1348
26 Patakumunda Chhendipada 1266
27 Deuria jharan Chhendipada 1244
28 Barasahi Chhendipada 1181
29 Kampasala Chhendipada 1151
30 Barapada Chhendipada 1131
31 Godarasahi Chhendipada 1053
32 Karadabahal Chhendipada 1035
33 Dasarasahi Chhendipada 1034
34 Dangapal Chhendipada 999
35 Changudia Chhendipada 984
36 Ghuntulipasi Chhendipada 976
37 Marudhipa Chhendipada 966
38 Bhalukhaidhipa Chhendipada 945
39 Sarapal Chhendipada 940
40 Tauka Chhendipada 923
41 Bahialijungle Chhendipada 879
42 Khirabereni Chhendipada 861
43 Nuapada Chhendipada 859
44 Hatianali Chhendipada 846
45 Telisahi Chhendipada 845
46 Tentuloi Chhendipada 841
47 Badaberena Chhendipada 810
48 Tebudu Chhendipada 766
49 Gohirapasi Chhendipada 764
50 Basantapur Chhendipada 742
51 Salakhaman Chhendipada 735
52 Balinali Chhendipada 725
53 Kainchhapada Chhendipada 703
54 Nanguli Chhendipada 645
55 Palasbania Chhendipada 634
56 Dahibar Chhendipada 614
57 Ramchandrapur Chhendipada 593
58 Bhagilakata Chhendipada 583
59 Kisinda Chhendipada 567
60 Golagadia Chhendipada 545
61 Baghuabol Chhendipada 536
62 Kasidiha Chhendipada 526
63 Jaripal Chhendipada 523
64 Kankarapal Chhendipada 517
65 Kampasalajungle Chhendipada 470
66 Mandua Chhendipada 456
67 Bhejidiha Chhendipada 417
68 Nuamouza Chhendipada 408
69 Chandrapur Chhendipada 382
70 Chakradharpur Chhendipada 362
71 Kerjanga Chhendipada 356
72 Karnapal Chhendipada 346
73 Raipal Chhendipada 339
74 Haribereni Chhendipada 314
75 Samala Maliha Chhendipada 303
76 Nangulijungle Chhendipada 301
77 Chhotagolagadia Chhendipada 289
78 Gadapasi Chhendipada 268
79 Phulajhari Chhendipada 254
80 Hariharpur Chhendipada 253
81 Andharikata Chhendipada 244
82 Jaltap Chhendipada 208
83 Bamanali Chhendipada 204
84 Chakundapal Chhendipada 193
85 Kunjabiharipur Chhendipada 189
86 Chendipada R.F Chhendipada 177
87 Machhakutajungle Chhendipada 177
88 Tentuloigopinathpur Chhendipada 171
89 Nuapadajungle Chhendipada 160
90 Chhotatentuli Chhendipada 159
91 Dhaurakhaman Chhendipada 152
92 Panapasi Chhendipada 144
93 Balikudiajungle Chhendipada 139
94 Patakumundajungle Chhendipada 135
95 Khamar Jungle Chhendipada 132
96 Puriabeda Chhendipada 132
97 Tebudu jungle Chhendipada 122
98 Bhatapal Chhendipada 96
99 Golagadiajungle Chhendipada 94
100 Dhangurumunda Chhendipada 70
101 Nunamati Chhendipada 70
102 Thalipasi Chhendipada 63
103 Bhaliasara Chhendipada 59
104 Podapadajungle Chhendipada 51
105 Patrapada jungle Chhendipada 45
106 Baramanchajungle Chhendipada 39
107 Purunagarhjungle Chhendipada 34
108 Ghodadinjungle Chhendipada 33
109 Sudagolasara Chhendipada 13
110 Kosala R.F. Chhendipada 2
111 Sunaripal Chhendipada 1
112 Kukurpetajungle Chhendipada N/A
113 Biswanathpur Chhendipada N/A
114 Rangapasi Chhendipada N/A
115 Aunli irrigation project site for kanloi R.F. Chhendipada N/A
116 Khanguria Chhendipada N/A
117 Bimbadharpur Chhendipada N/A
118 Kudapasi Chhendipada N/A
119 Dhaura khaman Chhendipada N/A
120 Bhalukhaman Chhendipada N/A
121 Khajurikhai Chhendipada N/A
122 Fasihatjungle Chhendipada N/A
