Villages and Towns of Chintapalle Tehsil of District Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Chintapalle Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh India. Chintapalle teshil is one of the teshil of Visakhapatnam district Andhra Pradesh. In Chintapalle Teshil there are 248 villages and 1 towns. Out of 248 villages in Chintapalle teshil in which Tajangi is most populated village with population of 2126 and least populated village is Puligondi having population only 0. There are 1 town in Chintapalle sub-district which lies in Chintapalle administrative devision. Most populated town in Chintapalle Teshil is Chintapalle (CT) with population of 7888.

Total population of Chintapalle teshil is 71640 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Chintapalle teshil is 1034 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Chintapalle teshil is 42.63%.

Census Data of Chintapalle Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
71640 1034 42.63%

Demographics details of Chintapalle Teshil

The population of Chintapalle sub district is 71640 people, among them about 35217 are male and 36423 are female. Total number of house holds in Chintapalle Teshil is 17142. Total Literates persons are 26411 in which total male literates are 16334 and female literates are 10077. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 9686, among them 4814 are boys and 4872 are girls.

Chintapalle Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameChintapalle
State NameAndhra Pradesh
District NameVisakhapatnam
Total Population71640
Total No of House Holds17142
Total Male Population35217
Total Female Population36423
0-6 Age group Total Population9686
0-6 Age group Male Population4814
0-6 Age group Male Population4872
Total Person Literates26411
Total Male Literates16334
Total Male Literates10077
Total Person Illiterates45229
Total Male Illiterates18883
Total Male Illiterates26346
Scheduled Cast Persons600
Scheduled Cast Males286
Scheduled Cast Females314
Scheduled Tribe Persons32912
Scheduled Tribe Males31791
Scheduled Tribe Females32912

Chintapalle Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 28178 0
Population (%) 39.33 % 0 %
Male Population 13669 0
Female Population 14509 0
Sex Ratio 1061 0
Child Population (0-6) 1485 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 1019 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.64% 0%
Households in 8711 0
Literates 15081 0
Literacy % 59.89% 0%
Male Literacy 65% 0%
Female Literacy 55.1% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chintapalle Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 69141 33980 35161 96.51% 40.84%
Muslim 686 328 358 0.96% 0.64%
Christian 1550 738 812 2.16% 0.92%
Sikh 5 3 2 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 1 1 0 0% 0%
Jain 3 1 2 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 2 1 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 252 165 87 0.35% 0.23%

Workers profile of Chintapalle Teshil

Chintapalle has 42650 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 21136 male and 21514 female population are working population. Full time workers in Chintapalle teshil are 31051 and 11599 are marginal (part time) workers.

Chintapalle Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 42650 21136 21514
Main Workers 31051 16880 14171
Main Workers Cultivators 14889 9386 5503
Agriculture Labourer 12848 5617 7231
Household Industries 694 252 442
Other Workers 2620 1625 995
Marginal Workers 11599 4256 7343
Non Working Persons 28990 14081 14909

List of Town/City of Chintapalle Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Chintapalle with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Visakhapatnam is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Chintapalle (CT) 7888 880

List of villages in Teshil-Chintapalle, District-Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tajangi Chintapalle 2126
2 Lammasingi Chintapalle 1943
3 Chinthaluru Chintapalle 1442
4 Vangasari Chintapalle 1309
5 Chowdupalle Chintapalle 1264
6 Annavaram Chintapalle 1200
7 Meduru Chintapalle 1184
8 Antharla Chintapalle 1181
9 Lothugedda Chintapalle 1052
10 Pedabarada Chintapalle 954
11 Bayalukinchangi Chintapalle 856
12 Kotagunnalu Chintapalle 788
13 Kommangi Chintapalle 768
14 Rowrimthada Chintapalle 707
15 Bennavaram Chintapalle 694
16 Kolapari Chintapalle 636
17 Cherukumpakalu Chintapalle 633
18 Kinnerla Chintapalle 621
19 Tammingala Chintapalle 615
20 Somavaram Chintapalle 592
21 Gondipakalu Chintapalle 591
22 Chinna Gedda Chintapalle 584
23 Kothapalem Chintapalle 577
24 Bandabayalu Chintapalle 570
25 Teegalametta Chintapalle 568
26 Terapalle Chintapalle 520
27 Varathanapalle Chintapalle 516
28 Mamidipalle Chintapalle 516
29 Pakabu Chintapalle 515
30 Cherapalle Chintapalle 511
31 Kandulagodi Chintapalle 507
32 Balapam Chintapalle 452
33 Pothurajugummalu Chintapalle 448
34 Gadapari Chintapalle 447
35 Baddimetta Chintapalle 443
36 Vurisingi Chintapalle 431
37 Kadasilpa Chintapalle 420
38 Pedapakalu Chintapalle 414
39 Samagiri Chintapalle 413
40 Bowda Chintapalle 413
41 Basangi Kothuru Chintapalle 390
42 Sanivaram Chintapalle 389
43 Mallavaram Chintapalle 379
44 Bourthy Chintapalle 378
45 Nimmalapadu Chintapalle 374
46 Madimabanda Chintapalle 371
47 Korukonda Chintapalle 370
48 Tamarapalle Chintapalle 369
49 Kudumusari Chintapalle 365
50 Gochapalle Chintapalle 365
51 Pasuvulabanda Chintapalle 363
52 Siripuram Chintapalle 361
53 Chinnabarada Chintapalle 354
54 Kuramanapakalu Chintapalle 354
55 Chavatapadu Chintapalle 353
56 Vamigedda Chintapalle 352
57 Krishnapuram Chintapalle 342
58 Vamigedda Kothuru Chintapalle 340
59 Burisingi Chintapalle 328
60 Busulakota Chintapalle 326
61 Kondavanchula Chintapalle 324
62 Bennavaram Chintapalle 324
63 Kummarivanchala Chintapalle 313
64 Yerrabanda Chintapalle 311
65 Joharu Chintapalle 307
66 Regallu Chintapalle 306
67 Kappalu Chintapalle 303
68 Kudupusingi Chintapalle 298
69 Madigunta Chintapalle 291
70 Sadika Chintapalle 289
71 Bheemasingi Chintapalle 288
72 Sallai Chintapalle 287
73 Panasalapadu Chintapalle 285
74 Totamamidi Chintapalle 284
75 Pina Kothuru Chintapalle 282
76 Kothavuru Chintapalle 279
77 Junnulu Chintapalle 277
78 Barikadorapakalu @ Rajupakalu Chintapalle 276
79 Tadlapalle Chintapalle 273
80 Suddagaruvu Chintapalle 268
81 Kitumula Chintapalle 264
82 Genjigedda Chintapalle 264
83 Vandlamamidi Chintapalle 263
84 Sathyavaram Chintapalle 257
85 Labbangi Chintapalle 256
86 Sheekayabanda Chintapalle 256
87 Chilakalamamidi Chintapalle 246
88 Kudumulu Chintapalle 244
89 Kilimisingi Durgam Chintapalle 244
90 Jeelugumetta Chintapalle 241
91 Nuthibanda Chintapalle 235
92 Vanthamamidi Chintapalle 234
93 Regubailu Chintapalle 233
94 Rallagedda Chintapalle 232
95 Ravimanupakalu Chintapalle 231
96 Godugumamidi Chintapalle 221
97 Chadipeta Chintapalle 220
98 Umrasigondi Chintapalle 220
99 Kappagondhi Chintapalle 219
100 Palada Chintapalle 218
101 Labbangikothaveedhi Chintapalle 211
102 Gerrilagadda Chintapalle 211
103 Cheruvuru Chintapalle 209
104 Anjalam Chintapalle 206
105 Turubongulu Chintapalle 202
106 Boddaputtu Chintapalle 197
107 Polamabanda Chintapalle 191
108 Gattumpakalu Chintapalle 190
109 Rallagedda Kothuru Chintapalle 190
110 Bayapadu Chintapalle 189
111 Rolugunta Chintapalle 189
112 Thallakota Chintapalle 187
113 Jangambuddi Chintapalle 187
114 Chadalapadu Chintapalle 186
115 Genjigedda Chintapalle 184
116 Joheru Chintapalle 180
117 Pinapadu Chintapalle 180
118 Burugubailu Chintapalle 179
119 Domalagondhi Chintapalle 178
120 Vanthalapadu Chintapalle 176
121 Bemudichatru Chintapalle 173
122 Mulusubanda Chintapalle 172
123 Digijanaba Chintapalle 172
124 Votti Busulu Chintapalle 170
125 Boyalagudem Chintapalle 168
126 Merakalu Chintapalle 168
127 Chinnayyapalem Chintapalle 166
128 Lakshmipuram Chintapalle 165
129 Ganugulapadu Chintapalle 159
130 Marrichettu Pakalu Chintapalle 159
131 Yerrabommalu Chintapalle 159
132 Singavaram Kothuru Chintapalle 159
133 Rachapanasa Chintapalle 158
134 Korukonda Chintapalle 158
135 Bheemanapalle Chintapalle 156
136 Parikalu Chintapalle 155
137 Lammadampalle Chintapalle 154
138 Kitumula Chintapalle 152
139 Lingalagudi Chintapalle 152
140 Pinapadu Chintapalle 151
141 Kikkisalabanda Chintapalle 144
142 Pusalapalem Chintapalle 144
143 Godugumamidi Chintapalle 143
144 Balabadram Chintapalle 143
145 Velamjuvvi Chintapalle 141
146 Rajubanda Chintapalle 138
147 Veeravaram Chintapalle 136
148 Kurusingi Chintapalle 134
149 Routhupayalu Chintapalle 131
150 Ubalagaruvu Chintapalle 131
151 Pandlimamidi Chintapalle 131
152 Gosaigondhi Chintapalle 128
153 Palamamidi Chintapalle 126
154 Karakapalle Chintapalle 119
155 Vedurupalle Chintapalle 119
156 Relangi Chintapalle 118
157 Tappulamamidi Chintapalle 118
158 Sampangiputtu Chintapalle 118
159 Egajanaba Chintapalle 117
160 Godugulametta Chintapalle 116
161 Rakota Chintapalle 113
162 Borramamidi Chintapalle 112
163 Turamamidi Chintapalle 112
164 Mandipalle Chintapalle 112
165 Chitrallagoppu Chintapalle 111
166 Vookabanda Chintapalle 111
167 Jangambanda Chintapalle 108
168 Yerranabilli Chintapalle 108
169 Jaduguru Chintapalle 108
170 Debbagaruvu Chintapalle 108
171 Diguvapakalu Chintapalle 106
172 Boddajuvvi Chintapalle 106
173 Seetharamapuram Chintapalle 103
174 Lakkavaram Chintapalle 103
175 Bheemanupalle Chintapalle 103
176 Usuruputtu Chintapalle 100
177 Korrabanda Chintapalle 99
178 Vanajajulu Chintapalle 98
179 Nagulagondi Chintapalle 98
180 Rachapanukulu Chintapalle 98
181 Degalapalem Chintapalle 96
182 Singavaram Chintapalle 95
183 Donipolalu Chintapalle 95
184 Thatibanda Chintapalle 94
185 Busibanda Chintapalle 94
186 Thatipalem Chintapalle 93
187 Puligondhi Chintapalle 92
188 Pedagaruvu Chintapalle 92
189 Polugonta Chintapalle 91
190 Porlubanda Chintapalle 90
191 Kattubanda Chintapalle 89
192 Chittamgaruvu Chintapalle 88
193 Ona Chakarayabanda Chintapalle 87
194 Cheemalabayalu Chintapalle 81
195 Lambadampalle Chintapalle 80
196 Budidapadu Chintapalle 79
197 Digavalasapalle Chintapalle 78
198 Gunnamamidi Chintapalle 77
199 Goppugudiselu Chintapalle 77
200 Asirada Chintapalle 73
201 Lubbagunta Chintapalle 71
202 Yerravaram Chintapalle 71
203 Egavalasapalle Chintapalle 71
204 Pedakonda Chintapalle 69
205 Lumburu Chintapalle 68
206 Vandanapalle Chintapalle 67
207 Kolanubanda Chintapalle 67
208 Karakapalle Chintapalle 66
209 Vanthamamidi Chintapalle 63
210 Gaddibanda Chintapalle 62
211 Jangampakalu Chintapalle 59
212 Chinna Rajupakalu Chintapalle 58
213 Jerrigedda Chintapalle 57
214 Kagulabanda Chintapalle 51
215 Kapasupadu Chintapalle 51
216 Nagraharam Chintapalle 48
217 Rayipalem Chintapalle 48
218 Tokapadu Chintapalle 47
219 Buradamamidi Chintapalle 46
220 Turebongalu Chintapalle 44
221 Nimmalapalem Chintapalle 44
222 Pullalamamidi Chintapalle 43
223 Pedagondhi Chintapalle 43
224 Goyyalametta Chintapalle 42
225 Dovarapalle Chintapalle 42
226 Gorrelametta Chintapalle 42
227 Jangampakalu Chintapalle 40
228 Munthamamidi Chintapalle 39
229 Vanchuladurgam Chintapalle 38
230 Thatibanda Chintapalle 37
231 Nadimipalem Chintapalle 37
232 Goddibanda Chintapalle 34
233 Godugumamidi Chintapalle 34
234 Pathapadu Chintapalle 33
235 Dongalega Chintapalle 31
236 Balajipeta Chintapalle 30
237 Bangarugummi Chintapalle 26
238 Dasuduveedhi Chintapalle 23
239 Pothurajugunnalu Chintapalle 20
240 Matchalamamidi Chintapalle 19
241 Itikabedda Chintapalle 18
242 Bokkellu Chintapalle 17
243 Pamulachintabanda Chintapalle 16
244 Gummidipalem Chintapalle 12
245 Kothaveedhi Chintapalle N/A
246 Yernabili Chintapalle N/A
247 Gangavaram Chintapalle N/A
248 Puligondi Chintapalle N/A
