Villages and Towns of Chomu Tehsil of District Jaipur, Rajasthan

Chomu Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jaipur District, Rajasthan India. Chomu teshil is one of the teshil of Jaipur district Rajasthan. In Chomu Teshil there are 114 villages and 2 towns. Out of 114 villages in Chomu teshil in which Khejroli is most populated village with population of 16531 and least populated village is Dhani Nijharna having population only 79. There are 2 town in Chomu sub-district which lies in Chomu administrative devision. Most populated town in Chomu Teshil is Govindgarh (CT) with population of 7735.

Total population of Chomu teshil is 395009 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Chomu teshil is 921 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Chomu teshil is 72.97%.

Census Data of Chomu Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
395009 921 72.97%

Demographics details of Chomu Teshil

The population of Chomu sub district is 395009 people, among them about 205667 are male and 189342 are female. Total number of house holds in Chomu Teshil is 60737. Total Literates persons are 245626 in which total male literates are 150870 and female literates are 94756. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 58418, among them 31768 are boys and 26650 are girls.

Chomu Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameChomu
State NameRajasthan
District NameJaipur
Total Population395009
Total No of House Holds60737
Total Male Population205667
Total Female Population189342
0-6 Age group Total Population58418
0-6 Age group Male Population31768
0-6 Age group Male Population26650
Total Person Literates245626
Total Male Literates150870
Total Male Literates94756
Total Person Illiterates149383
Total Male Illiterates54797
Total Male Illiterates94586
Scheduled Cast Persons46619
Scheduled Cast Males24357
Scheduled Cast Females22262
Scheduled Tribe Persons9613
Scheduled Tribe Males10380
Scheduled Tribe Females9613

Chomu Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 180019 125619
Population (%) 45.57 % 31.8 %
Male Population 89988 64651
Female Population 90031 60968
Sex Ratio 1000 943
Child Population (0-6) 14314 8477
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 844 890
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.67% 14.33%
Households in 31869 18619
Literates 110857 79613
Literacy % 72.16% 73.98%
Male Literacy 85.28% 84.62%
Female Literacy 59.43% 62.8%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Chomu Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 378867 197334 181533 95.91% 70.17%
Muslim 15134 7794 7340 3.83% 2.58%
Christian 161 87 74 0.04% 0.03%
Sikh 63 39 24 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 20 10 10 0.01% 0%
Jain 598 311 287 0.15% 0.15%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 166 92 74 0.04% 0.02%

Workers profile of Chomu Teshil

Chomu has 162315 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 98236 male and 64079 female population are working population. Full time workers in Chomu teshil are 129667 and 32648 are marginal (part time) workers.

Chomu Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 162315 98236 64079
Main Workers 129667 86720 42947
Main Workers Cultivators 65320 35249 30071
Agriculture Labourer 5264 2968 2296
Household Industries 3786 2523 1263
Other Workers 55297 45980 9317
Marginal Workers 32648 11516 21132
Non Working Persons 232694 107431 125263

List of Town/City of Chomu Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Chomu with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jaipur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Govindgarh (CT) 7735 953
2 Chomu (M) 64417 903

List of villages in Teshil-Chomu, District-Jaipur, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Khejroli Chomu 16531
2 Morija Chomu 13362
3 Kaladera Chomu 13151
4 Itawa Bhopji Chomu 10881
5 Udaipuriya Chomu 9381
6 Samod Chomu 9365
7 Tigariya Chomu 8546
8 Harota Chomu 7461
9 Niwana Chomu 6885
10 Jaitpura Chomu 6720
11 Nangal Bharda Chomu 6399
12 Cheethwari Chomu 6361
13 Anantpura Chomu 6050
14 Singod Kalan Chomu 5631
15 Hathnoda Chomu 5594
16 Nangal Koju Chomu 5280
17 Kishanpura Chomu 5089
18 Dhodhsar Chomu 4927
19 Malikpur Chomu 4838
20 Singod Khurd Chomu 4514
21 Hasteda Chomu 4489
22 Aleesar Chomu 4270
23 Dhobolai Chomu 4234
24 Ghinoi Chomu 4128
25 Asti Kalan Chomu 4078
26 Devthala Chomu 4076
27 Mahar Kalan Chomu 4038
28 Kushalpura Chomu 3832
29 Loharwara Chomu 3730
30 Fatehpura Chomu 3566
31 Bhopawas Chomu 3406
32 Nindola Chomu 3381
33 Nangal Kalan Chomu 3300
34 Kanwarpura Chomu 3282
35 Amarpura Chomu 3253
36 Sandarsar Chomu 3188
37 Bhutera Chomu 3184
38 Bishanpura @ Charanwas Chomu 3027
39 Udgwar @ Gudalya Chomu 3014
40 Anatpura Chomu 2960
41 Barwara Chomu 2702
42 Vijaysinghpura Chomu 2592
43 Guwardi Chomu 2454
44 Kanpura Chomu 2350
45 Kaloo Ka Bas Chomu 2335
46 Mandha Bhinda Chomu 2245
47 Nangal Govind Chomu 2180
48 Jatanwali Chomu 2109
49 Narsinghpura Chomu 2033
50 Vimalpura Chomu 2018
51 Devpura Chomu 1973
52 Samarpura Chomu 1958
53 Harad Rampura Chomu 1900
54 Sitaram Pura Chomu 1842
55 Kanarpura Chomu 1783
56 Dhani Gogoriya Chomu 1774
57 Bawari Gopinath Chomu 1762
58 Balekhan Chomu 1762
59 Dola Ka Bas Chomu 1746
60 Tankarda Chomu 1737
61 Sirsa Chomu 1710
62 Asti Khurd Chomu 1666
63 Dehra Chomu 1630
64 Khanni Pura Chomu 1587
65 Jaisinghpura Nathawatan Chomu 1537
66 Sultanpura Chomu 1475
67 Kalu Ka Bas@ Shyam Nagar Chomu 1470
68 Bai Ka Bas Chomu 1458
69 Ranjeetpura Chomu 1418
70 Bagri Chomu 1417
71 Syaoo Chomu 1415
72 Chhota Gudha Chomu 1357
73 Raisingh Ka Bas Chomu 1352
74 Naya Bas Chomu 1313
75 Nopura Chomu 1299
76 Gori Ka Bas Chomu 1281
77 Damba Ka Bas Chomu 1262
78 Adagela Chomu 1245
79 Nadiya Chomu 1245
80 Jodhpura Chomu 1230
81 Jheera Chomu 1160
82 Vijay Nagar Chomu 1112
83 Charanwas Chomu 1102
84 Bagron Ka Bas Chomu 1097
85 Kirat Singh Ka Bas Chomu 1070
86 Sabalpura Chomu 1009
87 Jalim Singh Ka Bas Chomu 981
88 Chimanpura Chomu 963
89 Daulatpura Chomu 945
90 Lalpura Chomu 942
91 Barhawali Dhani Chomu 933
92 Pragati Naya Bas Chomu 901
93 Baga Ka Bas Chomu 879
94 Vikash Nagar Chomu 875
95 Kumbhpuriya Chomu 866
96 Shimbhupura Chomu 812
97 Heera Ka Bas Chomu 810
98 Utgadha Chomu 802
99 Malera Chomu 762
100 Geeda Ka Bas Chomu 697
101 Badh Devthala Chomu 679
102 Ugariyawas Chomu 606
103 Dahara Tankarda Chomu 604
104 Cheta Ka Bas Chomu 554
105 Haboo Ka Bas Chomu 524
106 Dhana Ka Bas Chomu 457
107 Kumbha Ka Bas Chomu 378
108 Chak Charanwas Chomu 335
109 Chak Dalelpura Chomu 253
110 Badh Abhayakaranpura Chomu 220
111 Madho Ka Bas Chomu 155
112 Chak Laddu Chomu 140
113 Chak Tankarda Chomu 131
114 Dhani Nijharna Chomu 79
