Villages and Towns of Debai Tehsil of District Bulandshahr , Uttar Pradesh

Debai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bulandshahr District, Uttar Pradesh India. Debai teshil is one of the teshil of Bulandshahr district Uttar Pradesh. In Debai Teshil there are 161 villages and 2 towns. Out of 161 villages in Debai teshil in which Palakser is most populated village with population of 12277 and least populated village is Nayabas Khadar having population only 0. There are 2 town in Debai sub-district which lies in Debai administrative devision. Most populated town in Debai Teshil is Dibai (NPP) with population of 39818.

Total population of Debai teshil is 433395 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Debai teshil is 897 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Debai teshil is 64.97%.

Census Data of Debai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
433395 897 64.97%

Demographics details of Debai Teshil

The population of Debai sub district is 433395 people, among them about 228419 are male and 204976 are female. Total number of house holds in Debai Teshil is 73357. Total Literates persons are 237907 in which total male literates are 150341 and female literates are 87566. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 67234, among them 35783 are boys and 31451 are girls.

Debai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDebai
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameBulandshahr
Total Population433395
Total No of House Holds73357
Total Male Population228419
Total Female Population204976
0-6 Age group Total Population67234
0-6 Age group Male Population35783
0-6 Age group Male Population31451
Total Person Literates237907
Total Male Literates150341
Total Male Literates87566
Total Person Illiterates195488
Total Male Illiterates78078
Total Male Illiterates117410
Scheduled Cast Persons75211
Scheduled Cast Males39611
Scheduled Cast Females35600
Scheduled Tribe Persons13
Scheduled Tribe Males7
Scheduled Tribe Females13

Debai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 356528 195012
Population (%) 82.26 % 45 %
Male Population 191017 103926
Female Population 165511 91086
Sex Ratio 866 876
Child Population (0-6) 30630 12228
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 861 853
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.99% 13.62%
Households in 59296 33851
Literates 218939 125977
Literacy % 73.1% 74.78%
Male Literacy 84.56% 80.43%
Female Literacy 59.89% 68.37%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Debai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 390423 205947 184476 90.08% 59.88%
Muslim 41932 21903 20029 9.68% 4.93%
Christian 273 139 134 0.06% 0.04%
Sikh 319 158 161 0.07% 0.06%
Buddhist 153 95 58 0.04% 0.03%
Jain 39 21 18 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 19 13 6 0% 0%
Religion not stated 237 143 94 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Debai Teshil

Debai has 140579 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 110087 male and 30492 female population are working population. Full time workers in Debai teshil are 102609 and 37970 are marginal (part time) workers.

Debai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 140579 110087 30492
Main Workers 102609 90100 12509
Main Workers Cultivators 42695 39564 3131
Agriculture Labourer 23056 20421 2635
Household Industries 2533 1830 703
Other Workers 34325 28285 6040
Marginal Workers 37970 19987 17983
Non Working Persons 292816 118332 174484

List of Town/City of Debai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Debai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bulandshahr is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dibai (NPP) 39818 907
2 Naraura (NP) 22775 869

List of villages in Teshil-Debai, District-Bulandshahr , Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Palakser Debai 12277
2 Jargwan Debai 10763
3 Danpur Debai 10155
4 Surajpur Makhaina Debai 7800
5 Daulatpur Khurd Debai 7555
6 Viraura Debai 7114
7 Aurangabad Kasair Debai 6535
8 Indaur Debai 6508
9 Talwar Debai 6235
10 Rampur Debai 5807
11 Belaun Debai 5702
12 Rasoolpur Urf Narayanpur Debai 5538
13 Shekhupur Debai 4810
14 Galibpur Debai 4806
15 Muradpur Debai 4785
16 Pilkhana Debai 4700
17 Dangarh Debai 4611
18 Satoha Debai 4477
19 Ratanpur Debai 4458
20 Umrara Debai 4271
21 Echhavari Debai 4091
22 Dibai (Dehat) Debai 4057
23 Bilona Chhap Bangar Debai 3925
24 Bhimpur Debai 3795
25 Sultanpur Bilauni Debai 3773
26 Puthari Kalan Debai 3682
27 Karnvas Bangar Debai 3673
28 Badarpur Debai 3608
29 Dharmpur Debai 3556
30 Diyorau Debai 3531
31 Daugavan Debai 3511
32 Ramghat Bangar Debai 3496
33 Chirauri Taluka Jargwan Debai 3350
34 Bhopatpur Debai 3312
35 Bagthari Debai 3045
36 Kharakwari Debai 3013
37 Udaygarhi Bangar Debai 3006
38 Ghusrana Harisingh Debai 2866
39 Jirauli Debai 2861
40 Dharkpur Debai 2859
41 Ghusrana Gail Debai 2857
42 Shahdavan Debai 2838
43 Akbarbas Debai 2714
44 Khusalabad Debai 2697
45 Chahela Debai 2627
46 Rajghat Bangar Debai 2592
47 Naudai Bangar Debai 2567
48 Kanhaira Debai 2533
49 Rahmapur Debai 2513
50 Pesari Debai 2501
51 Daraura Viswanathpur Debai 2486
52 Chimavali Debai 2484
53 Khushaupur Debai 2473
54 Satvara Debai 2441
55 Udaypur Kalan Debai 2410
56 Parihavali Debai 2398
57 Bajhera Debai 2388
58 Asadpur Gher Debai 2375
59 Kutubpur Debai 2344
60 Khudadiya Debai 2341
61 Navipur Khediya Debai 2339
62 Barari Debai 2284
63 Dhak Nagla Debai 2282
64 Mumrejpur Debai 2269
65 Mau Nagla Debai 2269
66 Vijay Nagaliya Debai 2226
67 Fatehabad Debai 2210
68 Aukhad Debai 2200
69 Rahimkot Debai 2153
70 Gangapur Debai 2097
71 Tulsigarhi Debai 2092
72 Badhaur Debai 2067
73 Chauganpur Debai 2064
74 Chothera Debai 2029
75 Jaraina Debai 1991
76 Dauka Debai 1974
77 Nagla Chhattu Debai 1966
78 Niwari Bangar Debai 1925
79 Munda Khera Debai 1907
80 Burhanpur Kalan Debai 1896
81 Sabalpur Debai 1854
82 Kumraua Debai 1850
83 Kudhauni Debai 1839
84 Ramnagar Debai 1830
85 Virpur Debai 1824
86 Khairpur Debai 1796
87 Retuka Nagla/Maharajpur Debai 1791
88 Niwari Khader Debai 1725
89 Prakashpur Debai 1705
90 Tirlokpur Debai 1704
91 Bajidpur Debai 1682
92 Ramvilauni Debai 1679
93 Amarna Babu Urf Unchagaon Bang Debai 1664
94 Hirapur Kalan Debai 1652
95 Lachchhampur Debai 1651
96 Paigambarpur Debai 1617
97 Govindpur Debai 1612
98 Kariri Debai 1584
99 Charauri Rani Kalyani Debai 1569
100 Yavapur Debai 1552
101 Umrari Debai 1546
102 Jalalpur Jah Debai 1517
103 Amarna Babu/Uncha Gaon Khader Debai 1510
104 Akbarpur Debai 1443
105 Khediyabax Debai 1440
106 Gosami Debai 1426
107 Maharajpur Urf Kakraura Debai 1419
108 Esanpur Debai 1419
109 Kotla Debai 1378
110 Ganga Garh Debai 1376
111 Ramvas Debai 1375
112 Dibai Khurd Debai 1375
113 Mauhammadpur Khurd Debai 1351
114 Alampur Urf Chilmapur Debai 1344
115 Mohammdabad Urf Meria Haridwar Debai 1332
116 Amarpur Debai 1284
117 Chamerhi Debai 1262
118 Gokulpur Khader Debai 1198
119 Pokharpur Debai 1191
120 Nayabas Bangar Debai 1177
121 Mohammadpur Kalan Debai 1155
122 Daulatnagar Debai 1146
123 Karansinghpur Debai 1113
124 Baraina Debai 1045
125 Burhanpur Khurd Debai 1035
126 Edalpur Debai 1028
127 Asalatpur Naojar Pur Banger Debai 973
128 Garhia Sultanpur Debai 965
129 Himmatgarhi Debai 938
130 Bhamraua Debai 930
131 Rupaspur Debai 929
132 Udaypur Khurd Bangar Debai 918
133 Sherpur Debai 719
134 Gokulpur Bangar Debai 700
135 Budhpur Debai 674
136 Mujaffarnagar Urf Vamni Debai 667
137 Mohammdabad Urf Meria Haridwar Debai 598
138 Nitya Nandpur Debai 593
139 Godhna Debai 511
140 Hirapur Khurd Debai 500
141 Asalatpur Urf Naojarpur Khadar Debai 483
142 Husainpur Debai 422
143 Sarmastpur Debai 297
144 Vichpuri Debai 176
145 Udaypur Khurd Khadar Debai 6
146 Uday Garhi Khader Debai 2
147 Rajghat Khader Debai N/A
148 Naudai Khader Debai N/A
149 Narora Khader Debai N/A
150 Hakimpur Khader Debai N/A
151 Bijau Debai N/A
152 Badipur Debai N/A
153 Ramghat Khader Debai N/A
154 Jasupur Ganj Debai N/A
155 Pinauti Debai N/A
156 Hasanpur Debai N/A
157 Bandukpur Debai N/A
158 Chandpur Debai N/A
159 Karnvas Khadar Debai N/A
160 Bilona Chhap Khadar Debai N/A
161 Nayabas Khadar Debai N/A
