Villages and Towns of Dehgam Tehsil of District Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Dehgam Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Gandhinagar District, Gujarat India. Dehgam teshil is one of the teshil of Gandhinagar district Gujarat. In Dehgam Teshil there are 92 villages and 1 towns. Out of 92 villages in Dehgam teshil in which Bahiyel is most populated village with population of 10575 and least populated village is Machhang Nani having population only 240. There are 1 town in Dehgam sub-district which lies in Dehgam administrative devision. Most populated town in Dehgam Teshil is Dehgam (M) with population of 42632.

Total population of Dehgam teshil is 268562 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dehgam teshil is 950 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dehgam teshil is 80.55%.

Census Data of Dehgam Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
268562 950 80.55%

Demographics details of Dehgam Teshil

The population of Dehgam sub district is 268562 people, among them about 137759 are male and 130803 are female. Total number of house holds in Dehgam Teshil is 53763. Total Literates persons are 187741 in which total male literates are 108079 and female literates are 79662. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 35477, among them 18882 are boys and 16595 are girls.

Dehgam Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDehgam
State NameGujarat
District NameGandhinagar
Total Population268562
Total No of House Holds53763
Total Male Population137759
Total Female Population130803
0-6 Age group Total Population35477
0-6 Age group Male Population18882
0-6 Age group Male Population16595
Total Person Literates187741
Total Male Literates108079
Total Male Literates79662
Total Person Illiterates80821
Total Male Illiterates29680
Total Male Illiterates51141
Scheduled Cast Persons11390
Scheduled Cast Males5866
Scheduled Cast Females5524
Scheduled Tribe Persons1264
Scheduled Tribe Males1330
Scheduled Tribe Females1264

Dehgam Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 142908 75133
Population (%) 53.21 % 27.98 %
Male Population 73429 40532
Female Population 69479 34601
Sex Ratio 946 854
Child Population (0-6) 10523 3805
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 892 844
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.93% 11.07%
Households in 27001 15256
Literates 87347 54425
Literacy % 71.02% 81.45%
Male Literacy 81.3% 88.64%
Female Literacy 60.25% 73.04%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dehgam Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 252466 129593 122873 94.01% 75.56%
Muslim 13944 7030 6914 5.19% 4.2%
Christian 137 76 61 0.05% 0.05%
Sikh 156 81 75 0.06% 0.02%
Buddhist 13 7 6 0% 0%
Jain 1691 887 804 0.63% 0.67%
Other religions and persuasions 9 6 3 0% 0%
Religion not stated 146 79 67 0.05% 0.04%

Workers profile of Dehgam Teshil

Dehgam has 108758 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 79761 male and 28997 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dehgam teshil are 88906 and 19852 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dehgam Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 108758 79761 28997
Main Workers 88906 71934 16972
Main Workers Cultivators 32647 30846 1801
Agriculture Labourer 24366 18057 6309
Household Industries 963 670 293
Other Workers 30930 22361 8569
Marginal Workers 19852 7827 12025
Non Working Persons 159804 57998 101806

List of Town/City of Dehgam Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Dehgam with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Gandhinagar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dehgam (M) 42632 941

List of villages in Teshil-Dehgam, District-Gandhinagar, Gujarat as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bahiyel Dehgam 10575
2 Kadjodra Dehgam 8288
3 Devkaran Na Muvada Dehgam 7891
4 Rakhiyal Dehgam 7342
5 Lihoda Dehgam 7233
6 Sanoda Dehgam 5763
7 Lavad Dehgam 5501
8 Nandol Dehgam 5329
9 Harakhjina Muvada Dehgam 4962
10 Halisa Dehgam 4768
11 Palundra Dehgam 4648
12 Amrajina Muvada Dehgam 4627
13 Bariya Dehgam 4549
14 Kadadara Dehgam 4329
15 Harsoli Dehgam 4313
16 Dharisana Dehgam 4311
17 Sampa Dehgam 4155
18 Jindva Dehgam 4100
19 Chekhlapagi Dehgam 3884
20 Patna Kuva Dehgam 3862
21 Vasna Sogthi Dehgam 3817
22 Karoli Dehgam 3451
23 Kanipur Dehgam 3419
24 Vasna Rathod Dehgam 3315
25 Shiyavada Dehgam 3246
26 Navanagar Dehgam 3165
27 Bardoli (Bariya) Dehgam 3020
28 Isanpur Dodiya Dehgam 3005
29 Ghamij Dehgam 2996
30 Vasana Chaudhary Dehgam 2978
31 Hilol Dehgam 2966
32 Khanpur Dehgam 2963
33 Piplaj Dehgam 2852
34 Sagdalpur Dehgam 2519
35 Vadvasa Dehgam 2474
36 Sametri Dehgam 2442
37 Palaiya Dehgam 2346
38 Bardoli (Kothi) Dehgam 2305
39 Salki Dehgam 2265
40 Bilamana Dehgam 2232
41 Chamla Dehgam 2128
42 Chiskari Dehgam 2115
43 Vatva Dehgam 2091
44 Udan Dehgam 2082
45 Krishnanagar Dehgam 2045
46 Kamalbandh Vasna Dehgam 2031
47 Kalyanji Na Muvada Dehgam 1962
48 Zak Dehgam 1909
49 Jalundra Mota Dehgam 1854
50 Nana Jalundra Dehgam 1817
51 Bhadroda Dehgam 1703
52 Jaliyano Math Dehgam 1685
53 Arajanjina Muvada Dehgam 1584
54 Ahamadpur Dehgam 1562
55 Antoli Dehgam 1494
56 Hilol Vasna Dehgam 1443
57 Hathijan Dehgam 1405
58 Kodrali Dehgam 1346
59 Vardhana Muvada Dehgam 1245
60 Anguthala Dehgam 1189
61 Demaliya Dehgam 1184
62 Badpur Dehgam 1142
63 Machhang Moti Dehgam 1022
64 Sahebji Na Muvada Dehgam 981
65 Dod Dehgam 980
66 Khadiya Dehgam 966
67 Mithana Muvada Dehgam 953
68 Mirapur Dehgam 939
69 Sujana Muvada Dehgam 905
70 Pasuniya Dehgam 852
71 Kantharpur Dehgam 844
72 Dumecha Dehgam 829
73 Pahadiya Dehgam 828
74 Babra Dehgam 826
75 Ramnagar Dehgam 765
76 Moti Pavthi Dehgam 735
77 Vadod Dehgam 710
78 Mirjapur Dehgam 709
79 Motipura Dehgam 707
80 Antroli Dehgam 701
81 Velpura Dehgam 603
82 Pallano Math Dehgam 598
83 Mahudiya Dehgam 568
84 Shiyapur Dehgam 567
85 Jivajini Muvadi Dehgam 534
86 Najupura Dehgam 488
87 Meghraj Na Muvada Dehgam 485
88 Ottampur Dehgam 418
89 Mosampur Dehgam 400
90 Thadakuva Dehgam 289
91 Sambela Dehgam 266
92 Machhang Nani Dehgam 240
