Villages and Towns of Dhansura Tehsil of District Sabar Kantha, Gujarat

Dhansura Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Sabar Kantha District, Gujarat India. Dhansura teshil is one of the teshil of Sabar Kantha district Gujarat. In Dhansura Teshil there are 72 villages and 0 towns. Out of 72 villages in Dhansura teshil in which Dhansura is most populated village with population of 12424 and least populated village is Haripura Kampo having population only 117. There are 0 town in Dhansura sub-district which lies in Dhansura administrative devision. Most populated town in Dhansura Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Dhansura teshil is 106733 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dhansura teshil is 926 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dhansura teshil is 75.61%.

Census Data of Dhansura Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
106733 926 75.61%

Demographics details of Dhansura Teshil

The population of Dhansura sub district is 106733 people, among them about 55408 are male and 51325 are female. Total number of house holds in Dhansura Teshil is 21278. Total Literates persons are 70167 in which total male literates are 42102 and female literates are 28065. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 13926, among them 7306 are boys and 6620 are girls.

Dhansura Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDhansura
State NameGujarat
District NameSabar Kantha
Total Population106733
Total No of House Holds21278
Total Male Population55408
Total Female Population51325
0-6 Age group Total Population13926
0-6 Age group Male Population7306
0-6 Age group Male Population6620
Total Person Literates70167
Total Male Literates42102
Total Male Literates28065
Total Person Illiterates36566
Total Male Illiterates13306
Total Male Illiterates23260
Scheduled Cast Persons5950
Scheduled Cast Males3071
Scheduled Cast Females2879
Scheduled Tribe Persons540
Scheduled Tribe Males587
Scheduled Tribe Females540

Dhansura Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 168907 80945
Population (%) 158.25 % 75.84 %
Male Population 88208 41905
Female Population 80699 39040
Sex Ratio 915 932
Child Population (0-6) 11858 4504
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 877 854
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.18% 12.08%
Households in 34137 16584
Literates 110663 58450
Literacy % 75.46% 82.13%
Male Literacy 86.19% 87.69%
Female Literacy 63.81% 76.23%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dhansura Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 104187 54099 50088 97.61% 73.85%
Muslim 2270 1161 1109 2.13% 1.55%
Christian 103 58 45 0.1% 0.07%
Sikh 37 17 20 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 8 4 4 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 76 38 38 0.07% 0.07%
Other religions and persuasions 6 6 0 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 46 25 21 0.04% 0.03%

Workers profile of Dhansura Teshil

Dhansura has 49648 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 32099 male and 17549 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dhansura teshil are 32762 and 16886 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dhansura Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 49648 32099 17549
Main Workers 32762 26074 6688
Main Workers Cultivators 15659 14925 734
Agriculture Labourer 6037 3838 2199
Household Industries 345 285 60
Other Workers 10721 7026 3695
Marginal Workers 16886 6025 10861
Non Working Persons 57085 23309 33776

List of villages in Teshil-Dhansura, District-Sabar Kantha, Gujarat as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Dhansura Dhansura 12424
2 Vadagam Dhansura 7187
3 Akrund Dhansura 6168
4 Shinol Dhansura 4390
5 Shika Dhansura 4310
6 Butal Dhansura 4148
7 Barnoli Dhansura 3770
8 Ambasar Dhansura 2707
9 Ramos Dhansura 2687
10 Khadol Dhansura 2595
11 Ramana Dhansura 2435
12 Vantda Suka Dhansura 2410
13 Bilvaniya Dhansura 2160
14 Amodara Dhansura 2140
15 Rajpur (Vadagam) Dhansura 1962
16 Kolavada Dhansura 1908
17 Jamtha Dhansura 1869
18 Khilodiya Dhansura 1864
19 Hirapur Dhansura 1800
20 Bhensavada Dhansura 1510
21 Dhamaniya Dhansura 1475
22 Dolpur (Vadagam) Dhansura 1474
23 Lalpur (Shinol) Dhansura 1394
24 Malekpur Dhansura 1385
25 Navalpur Dhansura 1323
26 Borvai Dhansura 1296
27 Simli Dhansura 1227
28 Karanpur Dhansura 1149
29 Lalino Math Dhansura 1101
30 Rahiyol Dhansura 1051
31 Jashvantpura Dhansura 1027
32 Kidi Dhansura 1023
33 Sardi Sarkhandi Dhansura 1011
34 Rampur (Vadagam) Dhansura 988
35 Rupan Dhansura 967
36 Antisara Dhansura 926
37 Panchkuhada Dhansura 903
38 Kheda Dhansura 878
39 Alva Dhansura 831
40 Karoli Dhansura 752
41 Nana Dhansura 726
42 Kamli Dhansura 704
43 Moti Vav Dhansura 692
44 Kashipura Dhansura 676
45 Amarpura Dhansura 662
46 Rampura Dhansura 654
47 Nani Vav Dhansura 611
48 Kesharpura Kampo Dhansura 606
49 Kanal Dhansura 602
50 Udepur Dhansura 549
51 Khanpurni Muvadi Dhansura 546
52 Gopalpura Dhansura 531
53 Jalampur Dhansura 522
54 Sengiyani Rayan Dhansura 494
55 Hirapur Kampo Dhansura 462
56 Poyda Dhansura 461
57 Bhotudev-no-Math Dhansura 417
58 Rampura Kampo Dhansura 413
59 Chogamda Dhansura 409
60 Jalampura (Ambaliyara) Dhansura 386
61 Chhevadiya Dhansura 374
62 Gadhada Kot Dhansura 369
63 Vakhatpur Dhansura 343
64 Lalu Dhansura 320
65 Kanjodiya Dhansura 319
66 Galalni Muvadi Dhansura 272
67 Patyo Dhansura 220
68 Kesharpura (Bilvaniya) Dhansura 196
69 Jashvantpura Dhansura 181
70 Jitpur (Vadgam) Dhansura 139
71 Motipura Dhansura 135
72 Haripura Kampo Dhansura 117
