Villages and Towns of Dhupguri Tehsil of District Jalpaiguri , West Bengal

Dhupguri Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal India. Dhupguri teshil is one of the teshil of Jalpaiguri district West Bengal. In Dhupguri Teshil there are 102 villages and 3 towns. Out of 102 villages in Dhupguri teshil in which Chamurchi Tea Garden (D) is most populated village with population of 11663 and least populated village is Ramsai Forest II having population only 0. There are 3 town in Dhupguri sub-district which lies in Dhupguri administrative devision. Most populated town in Dhupguri Teshil is Gairkata (CT) with population of 7577.

Total population of Dhupguri teshil is 414854 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dhupguri teshil is 970 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dhupguri teshil is 69.57%.

Census Data of Dhupguri Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
414854 970 69.57%

Demographics details of Dhupguri Teshil

The population of Dhupguri sub district is 414854 people, among them about 210571 are male and 204283 are female. Total number of house holds in Dhupguri Teshil is 91329. Total Literates persons are 251875 in which total male literates are 142427 and female literates are 109448. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 52834, among them 26935 are boys and 25899 are girls.

Dhupguri Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDhupguri
State NameWest Bengal
District NameJalpaiguri
Total Population414854
Total No of House Holds91329
Total Male Population210571
Total Female Population204283
0-6 Age group Total Population52834
0-6 Age group Male Population26935
0-6 Age group Male Population25899
Total Person Literates251875
Total Male Literates142427
Total Male Literates109448
Total Person Illiterates162979
Total Male Illiterates68144
Total Male Illiterates94835
Scheduled Cast Persons190816
Scheduled Cast Males98006
Scheduled Cast Females92810
Scheduled Tribe Persons44223
Scheduled Tribe Males43050
Scheduled Tribe Females44223

Dhupguri Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 281890 4379
Population (%) 67.95 % 1.06 %
Male Population 145325 2277
Female Population 136565 2102
Sex Ratio 940 923
Child Population (0-6) 17932 200
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 949 858
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.4% 9.89%
Households in 66528 1059
Literates 180405 3332
Literacy % 73.05% 84.44%
Male Literacy 78.62% 89.09%
Female Literacy 67.12% 79.44%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dhupguri Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 328717 167231 161486 79.24% 55.56%
Muslim 64234 32614 31620 15.48% 10.48%
Christian 18049 8797 9252 4.35% 2.8%
Sikh 145 79 66 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 3356 1668 1688 0.81% 0.64%
Jain 98 55 43 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 47 24 23 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 208 103 105 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Dhupguri Teshil

Dhupguri has 168302 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 113535 male and 54767 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dhupguri teshil are 120974 and 47328 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dhupguri Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 168302 113535 54767
Main Workers 120974 93072 27902
Main Workers Cultivators 24300 22919 1381
Agriculture Labourer 34030 26417 7613
Household Industries 1312 1090 222
Other Workers 61332 42646 18686
Marginal Workers 47328 20463 26865
Non Working Persons 246552 97036 149516

List of Town/City of Dhupguri Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Dhupguri with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Jalpaiguri is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Gairkata (CT) 7577 980
2 Banarhat Tea Garden (CT) 15652 965
3 Telipara Tea Garden (D) (CT) 11535 1021

List of villages in Teshil-Dhupguri, District-Jalpaiguri , West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chamurchi Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 11663
2 Gendrapara Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 9358
3 Haldibari Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 9103
4 Gayerkata Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 9085
5 Madhya Boragari Dhupguri 7987
6 Karbala Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 7958
7 Purba Magurmari Dhupguri 7361
8 Bara Gharia Dhupguri 7090
9 Haritalguri Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 6778
10 Purbba Daukimari Dhupguri 6723
11 Binaguri Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 6612
12 Khalaigram Dhupguri 6209
13 Kathalguri Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 6090
14 Lakshmipara Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 5963
15 Jhar Salbari Dhupguri 5899
16 Pradhanpara Dhupguri 5822
17 Mogalkata Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 5770
18 Mainatali Dhupguri 5620
19 Sakojhora (D) Dhupguri 5586
20 Dakshin Khairbari Dhupguri 5531
21 Purbba Mallikpara Dhupguri 5487
22 Paschim Magurmari Dhupguri 5431
23 Mallik Sobha Dhupguri 5318
24 Debpara Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 5276
25 Madhya Khuttimari Dhupguri 5276
26 Chuna Bhati Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 5252
27 Maraghat Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 5011
28 Purbba Salbari Dhupguri 4886
29 Paschim Salbari Dhupguri 4824
30 Ambari Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 4800
31 Jurapani Dhupguri 4522
32 Riabari Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 4448
33 Kazipara Dhupguri 4442
34 Dakshin Gosairhat Dhupguri 4394
35 Kalirhat Dhupguri 4280
36 Red Bank Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 4114
37 Diana Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 4097
38 Uttar Khuttimari Dhupguri 4044
39 Dakshin Altagram Dhupguri 3975
40 Sajnapara Dhupguri 3974
41 Purbba Dangapara Dhupguri 3747
42 Purba Duramari (D) Dhupguri 3747
43 Paschim Mallikpara Dhupguri 3737
44 Uttar Dangapara Dhupguri 3722
45 Dakshin Salbari (D) Dhupguri 3703
46 Fataktari (D) Dhupguri 3697
47 Niranjanpat Dhupguri 3671
48 Bhemtia Dhupguri 3607
49 Purbba Altagram Dhupguri 3490
50 Dakshin Jharalta Dhupguri 3444
51 Palasbari Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 3312
52 Madhya Daukimari Dhupguri 3257
53 Jhar Magurmari Dhupguri 3239
54 Uttar Gosairhat Dhupguri 3230
55 Bhatiapara (D) Dhupguri 3224
56 Uttar Altagram Dhupguri 3213
57 Totopara Tea Garden (D) Dhupguri 3208
58 Dakshin Kathulia Dhupguri 3185
59 Chamtimukhi (D) Dhupguri 3155
60 Char Charabari Dhupguri 3154
61 Kathapara Dhupguri 3111
62 Uttar Kathulia Dhupguri 3064
63 Dakshin Dangapara Dhupguri 3038
64 Bhandani Dhupguri 2968
65 Parkumlai Dhupguri 2901
66 Chanadipa (D) Dhupguri 2867
67 Paschim Daukimari Dhupguri 2840
68 Bhotpara Dhupguri 2812
69 Garialtari Dhupguri 2746
70 Tuklimari Dhupguri 2735
71 Bamantari Dhupguri 2706
72 Bagribari Dhupguri 2551
73 Madhya Shalbari (D) Dhupguri 2438
74 Dambari Dhupguri 2408
75 Kursamari Dhupguri 2400
76 Dakshin Khuttimari Dhupguri 2373
77 Dakhin Nunkhawa Danga (D) Dhupguri 2318
78 Paschim Duramari (D) Dhupguri 2213
79 Chauhaddi Dhupguri 2205
80 Gadhear Kuti Dhupguri 2048
81 Uttar Shalbari (D) Dhupguri 2010
82 Sonakhuli Dhupguri 1950
83 Dakshin Sakojhora Dhupguri 1940
84 Paschim Dangapara Dhupguri 1864
85 Gadang Dwitia Khanda Dhupguri 1762
86 Garakhuta Dhupguri 1745
87 Pundibari Dhupguri 1491
88 Uttar Jhor Altagram (D) Dhupguri 1463
89 Gadang Pratham Khanda Dhupguri 1454
90 Patkidaha Dhupguri 1405
91 Lakshmikantapur Tea Garden Dhupguri 1229
92 Gosairhat Forest Dhupguri 1153
93 Gosairhat Chhits Dhupguri 730
94 Jakhaikona Dhupguri 716
95 Jalapara (D) Dhupguri 607
96 Prayagpur (D) Dhupguri 516
97 Magurmari Dhupguri 504
98 Chapaguri (D) Dhupguri 8
99 Red Bank (D) Dhupguri N/A
100 Maraghat Forest (D) Dhupguri N/A
101 Chapaguri Khanda (D) Dhupguri N/A
102 Ramsai Forest II Dhupguri N/A
