Villages and Towns of Digras Tehsil of District Yavatmal, Maharashtra

Digras Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Yavatmal District, Maharashtra India. Digras teshil is one of the teshil of Yavatmal district Maharashtra. In Digras Teshil there are 80 villages and 1 towns. Out of 80 villages in Digras teshil in which Kalgaon is most populated village with population of 5488 and least populated village is Mallapur having population only 0. There are 1 town in Digras sub-district which lies in Digras administrative devision. Most populated town in Digras Teshil is Digras (M Cl) with population of 44767.

Total population of Digras teshil is 154122 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Digras teshil is 941 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Digras teshil is 80.88%.

Census Data of Digras Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
154122 941 80.88%

Demographics details of Digras Teshil

The population of Digras sub district is 154122 people, among them about 79406 are male and 74716 are female. Total number of house holds in Digras Teshil is 33479. Total Literates persons are 108522 in which total male literates are 61266 and female literates are 47256. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 19951, among them 10368 are boys and 9583 are girls.

Digras Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDigras
State NameMaharashtra
District NameYavatmal
Total Population154122
Total No of House Holds33479
Total Male Population79406
Total Female Population74716
0-6 Age group Total Population19951
0-6 Age group Male Population10368
0-6 Age group Male Population9583
Total Person Literates108522
Total Male Literates61266
Total Male Literates47256
Total Person Illiterates45600
Total Male Illiterates18140
Total Male Illiterates27460
Scheduled Cast Persons13652
Scheduled Cast Males6914
Scheduled Cast Females6738
Scheduled Tribe Persons10032
Scheduled Tribe Males10515
Scheduled Tribe Females10032

Digras Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 109727 0
Population (%) 71.19 % 0 %
Male Population 56332 0
Female Population 53395 0
Sex Ratio 948 0
Child Population (0-6) 8443 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 935 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.89% 0%
Households in 22669 0
Literates 67683 0
Literacy % 72.48% 0%
Male Literacy 81.35% 0%
Female Literacy 63.13% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Digras Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 119846 61924 57922 77.76% 62.08%
Muslim 24130 12328 11802 15.66% 13.3%
Christian 135 72 63 0.09% 0.07%
Sikh 48 22 26 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 9126 4624 4502 5.92% 4.88%
Jain 514 258 256 0.33% 0.35%
Other religions and persuasions 33 22 11 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 290 156 134 0.19% 0.16%

Workers profile of Digras Teshil

Digras has 68948 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 42993 male and 25955 female population are working population. Full time workers in Digras teshil are 62596 and 6352 are marginal (part time) workers.

Digras Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 68948 42993 25955
Main Workers 62596 40485 22111
Main Workers Cultivators 13776 9851 3925
Agriculture Labourer 36797 20345 16452
Household Industries 508 321 187
Other Workers 11515 9968 1547
Marginal Workers 6352 2508 3844
Non Working Persons 85174 36413 48761

List of Town/City of Digras Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Digras with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Yavatmal is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Digras (M Cl) 44767 965

List of villages in Teshil-Digras, District-Yavatmal, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kalgaon Digras 5488
2 Dehani Digras 4216
3 Tupta Kali Digras 4211
4 Arambhi Digras 3886
5 Warandali Digras 3756
6 Vithala Digras 3569
7 Sakara Digras 3445
8 Harsul Digras 3164
9 Singad Digras 3162
10 Mokh Digras 3107
11 Lakh Rayachi (R) Digras 2984
12 Kandali Digras 2260
13 Mandwa Digras 2137
14 Rui Talav Digras 2110
15 Isapur Digras 1994
16 Vitholi Digras 1994
17 Tiwari Digras 1968
18 Wadgaon Digras 1968
19 Sawanga Bk. Digras 1937
20 Chicholi Kh. Digras 1870
21 Malhiwara Digras 1848
22 Kalsa Digras 1824
23 Mahagaon Digras 1532
24 Dolamba Digras 1480
25 Lingi Digras 1451
26 Dhanora Kh. Digras 1447
27 Deurwada (Pu) Digras 1412
28 Amala Digras 1379
29 Fetri Digras 1372
30 Fulwadi Digras 1348
31 Nimbha Digras 1250
32 Sawanga Kh. Digras 1224
33 Wai Digras 1220
34 Chirkuta Digras 1213
35 Rohana Digras 1209
36 Gandhinagar Digras 1192
37 Ashta Digras 1186
38 Dolambawadi Digras 1144
39 Ramnagar Digras 1132
40 Dhanora Digras 1067
41 Vasantnagar Digras 1049
42 Ramgaon Digras 1008
43 Chincholi Digras 985
44 Kati Digras 980
45 Dhanora Bk. Digras 959
46 Amala Kh. Digras 892
47 Vasantpur Kharda Digras 892
48 Wai Digras 882
49 Sevadas Nagar Digras 810
50 Chinchapatra Digras 798
51 Rahati Digras 793
52 Morkhed Digras 753
53 Sevanagar Digras 701
54 Khandapur Digras 697
55 Zirpurwadi Digras 689
56 Belora Digras 684
57 Shiwani Digras 678
58 Marsul Digras 675
59 Khekadi Digras 637
60 Pelu Digras 613
61 Laygavhan Digras 607
62 Loni Digras 602
63 Jawala (U) Digras 592
64 Rui Mardhe Digras 554
65 Bori Digras 551
66 Jogaldhari Digras 542
67 Kolura Digras 512
68 Sakari Digras 505
69 Mendhi Digras 501
70 Bhilwadi Digras 485
71 Nandgavhan Digras 444
72 Vadgaon Digras 430
73 Pimpri Digras 315
74 Dabha Digras 222
75 Ukali Digras 126
76 Dolhari Digras 31
77 Deurwadi Digras 5
78 Donad Digras N/A
79 Dorli Digras N/A
80 Mallapur Digras N/A
