Villages and Towns of Dotoma Tehsil of District Kokrajhar, Assam

Dotoma Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kokrajhar District, Assam India. Dotoma teshil is one of the teshil of Kokrajhar district Assam. In Dotoma Teshil there are 172 villages and 0 towns. Out of 172 villages in Dotoma teshil in which Chithilagram is most populated village with population of 4073 and least populated village is Kolobari F V having population only 51. There are 0 town in Dotoma sub-district which lies in Dotoma administrative devision. Most populated town in Dotoma Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Dotoma teshil is 144393 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dotoma teshil is 966 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dotoma teshil is 71.47%.

Census Data of Dotoma Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
144393 966 71.47%

Demographics details of Dotoma Teshil

The population of Dotoma sub district is 144393 people, among them about 73451 are male and 70942 are female. Total number of house holds in Dotoma Teshil is 29562. Total Literates persons are 88073 in which total male literates are 49489 and female literates are 38584. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 21160, among them 10826 are boys and 10334 are girls.

Dotoma Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDotoma
State NameAssam
District NameKokrajhar
Total Population144393
Total No of House Holds29562
Total Male Population73451
Total Female Population70942
0-6 Age group Total Population21160
0-6 Age group Male Population10826
0-6 Age group Male Population10334
Total Person Literates88073
Total Male Literates49489
Total Male Literates38584
Total Person Illiterates56320
Total Male Illiterates23962
Total Male Illiterates32358
Scheduled Cast Persons5435
Scheduled Cast Males2824
Scheduled Cast Females2611
Scheduled Tribe Persons27259
Scheduled Tribe Males26979
Scheduled Tribe Females27259

Dotoma Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 255994 23587
Population (%) 177.29 % 16.34 %
Male Population 131088 12102
Female Population 124906 11485
Sex Ratio 953 949
Child Population (0-6) 26140 1956
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 964 992
Child Percentage (0-6) 20.06% 16.65%
Households in 48943 4417
Literates 114034 13864
Literacy % 55.72% 70.52%
Male Literacy 59.99% 75.91%
Female Literacy 51.22% 64.79%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dotoma Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 100829 51051 49778 69.83% 53.06%
Muslim 38410 19832 18578 26.6% 15.98%
Christian 4598 2308 2290 3.18% 2.18%
Sikh 5 1 4 0% 0%
Buddhist 140 79 61 0.1% 0.05%
Jain 29 16 13 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 9 6 3 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 373 158 215 0.26% 0.17%

Workers profile of Dotoma Teshil

Dotoma has 53104 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 37994 male and 15110 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dotoma teshil are 38864 and 14240 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dotoma Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 53104 37994 15110
Main Workers 38864 31320 7544
Main Workers Cultivators 18463 15227 3236
Agriculture Labourer 5789 4066 1723
Household Industries 901 600 301
Other Workers 13711 11427 2284
Marginal Workers 14240 6674 7566
Non Working Persons 91289 35457 55832

List of villages in Teshil-Dotoma, District-Kokrajhar, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Chithilagram Dotoma 4073
2 Nepalpara Dotoma 2965
3 Pachagarh Dotoma 2887
4 Singimari Dotoma 2406
5 Hekaipara Dotoma 2395
6 Ramfalbil Dotoma 2323
7 Genduguri Dotoma 2209
8 Sandaraltari Dotoma 2188
9 Moinaguri Dotoma 2183
10 Dotma Pt.-II Dotoma 2153
11 Athiabari F V Pt I Dotoma 2096
12 Debargaon Dotoma 2089
13 Athiabari F V Pt II Dotoma 2055
14 Bijulibari Dotoma 2001
15 Protapkhata Pt.-II Dotoma 1938
16 Nayarbhita Dotoma 1903
17 Mukhigaon Dotoma 1894
18 Boraguri Dotoma 1885
19 Thuribari Dotoma 1864
20 Dhopertol Dotoma 1804
21 Koraitari Dotoma 1784
22 Chokapara Dotoma 1735
23 Hokmabil Dotoma 1705
24 Ravapara Dotoma 1632
25 Duramari Dotoma 1621
26 Fakiragram Dotoma 1601
27 Protapkhata Pt.-I Dotoma 1570
28 Guwabari Dotoma 1558
29 Kolabari Dotoma 1546
30 Serfanguri Dotoma 1445
31 Pakhiriotol Dotoma 1438
32 Narabari Dotoma 1373
33 Tetiliguri Dotoma 1343
34 Khunthaibari Dotoma 1340
35 Gangarjaflong Dotoma 1268
36 Bahadurpara Dotoma 1238
37 Magurmari Dotoma 1238
38 Tekarkhata Dotoma 1178
39 Jogdai Mushalmanpara Dotoma 1167
40 Chithilighop Dotoma 1157
41 Khajurbari Dotoma 1152
42 Khagrabari Dotoma 1130
43 Simlaguri Dotoma 1126
44 Sankarpara Dotoma 1124
45 Binnachora Dotoma 1111
46 Kawradumani Dotoma 1081
47 Entibil Dotoma 1079
48 Sikargaon Dotoma 1063
49 Kodaldhowa Dotoma 1027
50 Jadumoni Dotoma 1015
51 Boldiabathan Dotoma 1011
52 Kumguri Dotoma 992
53 Uttar Ramfalbil Dotoma 968
54 Anthaibari Dotoma 965
55 Ghoskata Dotoma 918
56 Pachim Dangarkuti Dotoma 893
57 Koraitala Mushalmanpara Dotoma 847
58 Totpara Dotoma 846
59 Dhepadhep Dotoma 839
60 Charagaon Dotoma 838
61 Athiabari Dotoma 826
62 Dingram Dotoma 825
63 Puthimari Dotoma 819
64 Kotpara Dotoma 788
65 Mahish Bathan Dotoma 786
66 Bhalukmari Dotoma 776
67 Aflagaon Dotoma 775
68 Guabari Dotoma 756
69 Khukchi Dotoma 752
70 Bonorgaon Dotoma 741
71 Bhubarnagar Dotoma 740
72 Dotma Pt.I Dotoma 733
73 Molandubi Dotoma 732
74 Batabari Dotoma 727
75 Amtoli Dotoma 721
76 Lakhanabari Dotoma 700
77 Koraitola Dotoma 697
78 Bhakuamari Dotoma 697
79 Tapapara Dotoma 697
80 Charagaon Dotoma 691
81 Bagariguri Dotoma 687
82 Brijokhal Dotoma 665
83 Bangaljhora Dotoma 659
84 Pakhiriguri Dotoma 654
85 Naigaon Dotoma 641
86 Lamapara Dotoma 641
87 Jogdai Meshpara Dotoma 631
88 Ravapara Pt.-II Dotoma 623
89 Fulkumari Dotoma 621
90 Belguri Dotoma 619
91 Gombil Dotoma 611
92 Kumguri Dotoma 595
93 Gossainichina Dotoma 595
94 Sialmari Pt.-I Dotoma 594
95 Alengmari Dotoma 578
96 Lowdanga Dotoma 573
97 Habrubari Dotoma 573
98 Nalbari Dotoma 566
99 Bongshigaon Dotoma 556
100 Sialmari Pt.-IV Dotoma 547
101 Mosirrghop Dotoma 534
102 Khoridasandala Pt.-II Dotoma 529
103 Beltari Dotoma 513
104 Angthipara Dotoma 511
105 Athiabari Dotoma 509
106 Borshijhora Pt II Dotoma 508
107 Oxiguri Dotoma 505
108 Pachim Batabari Dotoma 504
109 Dangarkuti Dotoma 486
110 Surjyakhata Dotoma 485
111 Nayachor Dotoma 484
112 Dhawliguri Dotoma 478
113 Jharbari Dotoma 469
114 Owguri Dotoma 449
115 Hazarkia No.2 Dotoma 444
116 Chikarbil Dotoma 444
117 Ghilaguri Dotoma 436
118 Kumguri Dotoma 434
119 Ghoramari Dotoma 433
120 Padmabil Dotoma 425
121 Gomabil Dotoma 424
122 Banugaon Dotoma 418
123 Damuriguri Dotoma 405
124 Uttar Khagrabari Dotoma 398
125 Anthaibil Dotoma 395
126 Bhutiapara Dotoma 379
127 Molandubi Dotoma 375
128 Tengaigaon Dotoma 363
129 Maoriagaon Dotoma 359
130 Borshijhora Pt I Dotoma 358
131 Chalani Dotoma 355
132 Chikargaon Dotoma 354
133 Athiabari Dotoma 351
134 Sapkata F.V. Dotoma 347
135 Umanagar Dotoma 337
136 Hatichara Dotoma 336
137 Fategaon Dotoma 321
138 Shyamthaibari Dotoma 319
139 Khoridasandala Pt.-I Dotoma 316
140 Sialmari Pt.-II Dotoma 314
141 Ravapara Pt.-I Dotoma 306
142 Taktara Dotoma 304
143 Kharoda Modati Dotoma 299
144 Shyamthaibari Dotoma 288
145 Gopalgaon Dotoma 273
146 Kolaigaon Dotoma 270
147 Bagmara Dotoma 259
148 Sialmari Pt.-III Dotoma 253
149 Bongshi Dharma Dotoma 233
150 Bhowraguri Dotoma 224
151 Kamarpara Dotoma 224
152 Bilashpur Dotoma 207
153 Hazarkia No.1 Dotoma 205
154 Burimuka Dotoma 203
155 Jor Simlaguri Dotoma 202
156 Simlaguri Dotoma 185
157 Moinerdol Dotoma 184
158 Dakhin Dangarkhuti Dotoma 184
159 Batabari Dotoma 178
160 Gothaibari Dotoma 176
161 Hashrawbari Dotoma 152
162 Chandrapara Dotoma 152
163 Katribari Dotoma 151
164 Madhupur Dotoma 145
165 Majulipara Dotoma 145
166 Deborgaon F V Dotoma 139
167 Bauli Dotoma 137
168 Chairdeka Dotoma 115
169 Lawdanga Dotoma 108
170 Kalyankuti Dotoma 96
171 Pachim Kalabari Dotoma 60
172 Kolobari F V Dotoma 51
