Villages and Towns of Dudhnai Tehsil of District Goalpara, Assam

Dudhnai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Goalpara District, Assam India. Dudhnai teshil is one of the teshil of Goalpara district Assam. In Dudhnai Teshil there are 64 villages and 3 towns. Out of 64 villages in Dudhnai teshil in which Thekashu Pt.III is most populated village with population of 3568 and least populated village is Patiarpara Pt-I having population only 175. There are 3 town in Dudhnai sub-district which lies in Dudhnai administrative devision. Most populated town in Dudhnai Teshil is Thekashu Pt.-II (CT) with population of 5625.

Total population of Dudhnai teshil is 80847 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dudhnai teshil is 1006 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dudhnai teshil is 82.44%.

Census Data of Dudhnai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
80847 1006 82.44%

Demographics details of Dudhnai Teshil

The population of Dudhnai sub district is 80847 people, among them about 40301 are male and 40546 are female. Total number of house holds in Dudhnai Teshil is 16581. Total Literates persons are 58252 in which total male literates are 30340 and female literates are 27912. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 10185, among them 5208 are boys and 4977 are girls.

Dudhnai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDudhnai
State NameAssam
District NameGoalpara
Total Population80847
Total No of House Holds16581
Total Male Population40301
Total Female Population40546
0-6 Age group Total Population10185
0-6 Age group Male Population5208
0-6 Age group Male Population4977
Total Person Literates58252
Total Male Literates30340
Total Male Literates27912
Total Person Illiterates22595
Total Male Illiterates9961
Total Male Illiterates12634
Scheduled Cast Persons2994
Scheduled Cast Males1525
Scheduled Cast Females1469
Scheduled Tribe Persons27230
Scheduled Tribe Males26369
Scheduled Tribe Females27230

Dudhnai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 215606 27112
Population (%) 266.68 % 33.53 %
Male Population 109954 14025
Female Population 105652 13087
Sex Ratio 961 933
Child Population (0-6) 19203 1425
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 944 969
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.31% 10.68%
Households in 40220 6233
Literates 116929 20751
Literacy % 65.59% 85.69%
Male Literacy 70.09% 89.93%
Female Literacy 60.92% 81.13%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dudhnai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 56864 28307 28557 70.34% 58.72%
Muslim 5270 2691 2579 6.52% 3.7%
Christian 18439 9124 9315 22.81% 19.73%
Sikh 89 78 11 0.11% 0.11%
Buddhist 91 45 46 0.11% 0.1%
Jain 50 27 23 0.06% 0.05%
Other religions and persuasions 12 6 6 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 32 23 9 0.04% 0.02%

Workers profile of Dudhnai Teshil

Dudhnai has 36245 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 22540 male and 13705 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dudhnai teshil are 23244 and 13001 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dudhnai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 36245 22540 13705
Main Workers 23244 18039 5205
Main Workers Cultivators 7170 5778 1392
Agriculture Labourer 2937 1848 1089
Household Industries 444 303 141
Other Workers 12693 10110 2583
Marginal Workers 13001 4501 8500
Non Working Persons 44602 17761 26841

List of Town/City of Dudhnai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Dudhnai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Goalpara is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Thekashu Pt.-II (CT) 5625 1008
2 Damara Patpara (CT) 4922 1026
3 Thekashu Pt-I (CT) 4384 989

List of villages in Teshil-Dudhnai, District-Goalpara, Assam as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Thekashu Pt.III Dudhnai 3568
2 Kuchdhowa Chechapani Pt-II Dudhnai 3499
3 Fafal Dudhnai 3420
4 Tarapara Dudhnai 2783
5 Habanggiri Dudhnai 2227
6 Baje Mandal Sialmari Dudhnai 2105
7 Manupara Dudhnai 1823
8 Kuchdhowa Chechapani Pt-I Dudhnai 1745
9 Moish Khulipara Dudhnai 1745
10 Lela Dudhnai 1608
11 Siluk Pt-I Dudhnai 1548
12 Khara Pt -II Dudhnai 1526
13 Darakhpara Dudhnai 1443
14 Bagulamari Dudhnai 1411
15 Suchia Dudhnai 1390
16 Nakma Kundi Dudhnai 1362
17 Purani Bhita Dudhnai 1359
18 Prithupara Dudhnai 1271
19 Nishangram Dudhnai 1250
20 Rambuk Dudhnai 1232
21 Jakhowapara Dudhnai 1226
22 Siluk Pt-II Dudhnai 1201
23 Rong Rong Para Dudhnai 1127
24 Bandar Shee Pt-II Dudhnai 1091
25 Khara Medhipara Dudhnai 1087
26 Mowamari Dudhnai 1035
27 Kachari Para Dudhnai 995
28 Deulguri Pt-I Dudhnai 987
29 Melopara Pt-I Dudhnai 918
30 Khara Bagaribari Dudhnai 907
31 Lakheraj Mandalgram Pt-I Dudhnai 896
32 Tangabari Dudhnai 861
33 Kuchdhowapara Pt-I Dudhnai 840
34 Bandar Shee Pt-I Dudhnai 827
35 Dighali Dudhnai 780
36 Rang Pathar Dudhnai 739
37 Bar Matia Pt-II Dudhnai 727
38 Chituk Dudhnai 678
39 Charaimari Dudhnai 671
40 Hajaripara Dudhnai 668
41 Khara Pt-I Dudhnai 569
42 Bandar Shee Pt-III Dudhnai 566
43 Rowmari Pt-II Dudhnai 549
44 Deulguri Pt-II Dudhnai 527
45 Santipur Dudhnai 524
46 Barmatia Pt-I Dudhnai 490
47 Moishkhuli Khamar Dudhnai 460
48 Suchia Pahar Pt-I Dudhnai 457
49 Kanyakuchi Pahar Dudhnai 441
50 Nabagram Dudhnai 435
51 Lakheraj Mandal Gram Pt-II Dudhnai 422
52 Chouka-Kata Dudhnai 417
53 Kushdhowa Para Pt-II Dudhnai 400
54 Nalbari Dudhnai 396
55 Bar Pathar Dudhnai 394
56 Kuchdhowa Chechapani Pt-III Dudhnai 370
57 Melopara Pt-II Dudhnai 329
58 Gadim Pathar Dudhnai 311
59 Rowmari Dudhnai 295
60 Patiarpara Pt-II Dudhnai 240
61 Latapara Dudhnai 198
62 Suchia Pahar Pt-II Dudhnai 193
63 Guabari Mandal Gram Hills Dudhnai 182
64 Patiarpara Pt-I Dudhnai 175
