Villages and Towns of Dumraon Tehsil of District Buxar, Bihar

Dumraon Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Buxar District, Bihar India. Dumraon teshil is one of the teshil of Buxar district Bihar. In Dumraon Teshil there are 93 villages and 1 towns. Out of 93 villages in Dumraon teshil in which Bhojpur Kadim is most populated village with population of 18243 and least populated village is Khairahi having population only 0. There are 1 town in Dumraon sub-district which lies in Dumraon administrative devision. Most populated town in Dumraon Teshil is Dumraon (Nagar Parishad) with population of 53618.

Total population of Dumraon teshil is 232682 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Dumraon teshil is 917 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Dumraon teshil is 68.59%.

Census Data of Dumraon Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
232682 917 68.59%

Demographics details of Dumraon Teshil

The population of Dumraon sub district is 232682 people, among them about 121369 are male and 111313 are female. Total number of house holds in Dumraon Teshil is 37519. Total Literates persons are 132402 in which total male literates are 79550 and female literates are 52852. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 39652, among them 20418 are boys and 19234 are girls.

Dumraon Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameDumraon
State NameBihar
District NameBuxar
Total Population232682
Total No of House Holds37519
Total Male Population121369
Total Female Population111313
0-6 Age group Total Population39652
0-6 Age group Male Population20418
0-6 Age group Male Population19234
Total Person Literates132402
Total Male Literates79550
Total Male Literates52852
Total Person Illiterates100280
Total Male Illiterates41819
Total Male Illiterates58461
Scheduled Cast Persons31339
Scheduled Cast Males16426
Scheduled Cast Females14913
Scheduled Tribe Persons2662
Scheduled Tribe Males2906
Scheduled Tribe Females2662

Dumraon Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 136962 0
Population (%) 58.86 % 0 %
Male Population 70786 0
Female Population 66176 0
Sex Ratio 935 0
Child Population (0-6) 12904 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 927 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.15% 0%
Households in 20584 0
Literates 79696 0
Literacy % 71.09% 0%
Male Literacy 81.74% 0%
Female Literacy 59.73% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Dumraon Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 210313 109663 100650 90.39% 62.01%
Muslim 21572 11271 10301 9.27% 6.31%
Christian 242 122 120 0.1% 0.09%
Sikh 12 9 3 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 332 189 143 0.14% 0.12%
Jain 5 4 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 3 1 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 203 110 93 0.09% 0.05%

Workers profile of Dumraon Teshil

Dumraon has 76168 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 56504 male and 19664 female population are working population. Full time workers in Dumraon teshil are 51358 and 24810 are marginal (part time) workers.

Dumraon Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 76168 56504 19664
Main Workers 51358 42709 8649
Main Workers Cultivators 13070 11796 1274
Agriculture Labourer 19418 14767 4651
Household Industries 2188 1620 568
Other Workers 16682 14526 2156
Marginal Workers 24810 13795 11015
Non Working Persons 156514 64865 91649

List of Town/City of Dumraon Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Dumraon with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Buxar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dumraon (Nagar Parishad) 53618 881

List of villages in Teshil-Dumraon , District-Buxar, Bihar as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bhojpur Kadim Dumraon 18243
2 Bhojpur Jadid Dumraon 17088
3 Ariyawon Dumraon 9978
4 Kuransarae Dumraon 9714
5 Mathila Dumraon 8823
6 Sowan Dumraon 8064
7 Nandan Dumraon 6894
8 Chhatanwar Dumraon 6310
9 Chilhari Dumraon 6207
10 Noaon Dumraon 5698
11 Mugaon Dumraon 5576
12 Athaon Dumraon 4197
13 Rehiya Dumraon 4129
14 Kopwa Dumraon 3771
15 Turiganj Dumraon 3529
16 Kashia Dumraon 3274
17 Lakhan Dehra Dumraon 3149
18 Nenuan Dumraon 3099
19 Ekauni Dumraon 2640
20 Partap Sagar Dumraon 2243
21 Nazirganj Dumraon 2211
22 Amthua Dumraon 2204
23 Kanjharua Dumraon 2099
24 Kusalpur Dumraon 2055
25 Rajdiha Dumraon 1977
26 Karuaj Dumraon 1904
27 Suraundha Dumraon 1846
28 Kachainiya Dumraon 1601
29 Rampur Dumraon 1591
30 Dakhinawan Dumraon 1557
31 Chuar Dumraon 1522
32 Lahana Dumraon 1409
33 Piria Dumraon 1348
34 Sarora Dumraon 1295
35 Dubkhi Dumraon 1247
36 Kamdharpur Dumraon 1197
37 Adpha Dumraon 1162
38 Parmanpur Dumraon 1132
39 Araila Dumraon 1020
40 Samhar Dumraon 975
41 Niranjanpur Dumraon 925
42 Phogu Tola Dumraon 918
43 Kulhawa Dumraon 898
44 Hathelipur Dumraon 880
45 Kumbhi Dumraon 828
46 Basgitiya Dumraon 791
47 Bairia Dumraon 724
48 Bankat Dumraon 711
49 Dheka Dumraon 693
50 Hata Dumraon 587
51 Mungasi Dumraon 562
52 Misraulia Dumraon 557
53 Chanda Dumraon 547
54 Harni Chatti Dumraon 529
55 Nikhura Dumraon 528
56 Kudria Dumraon 505
57 Khairahi Dumraon 477
58 Sikta Dumraon 446
59 Pipri Dumraon 436
60 Sirampur Dumraon 402
61 Marsara Dumraon 390
62 Dahigana Dumraon 384
63 Misraulia Dumraon 243
64 Mohammadpur Dumraon 222
65 Tulshipur Dumraon 213
66 Bharkhara Dumraon 176
67 Naudiha Dumraon 144
68 Mohanpur Dumraon 111
69 Hakimpur Dumraon 110
70 Mustafapur Dumraon 73
71 Belamohan Dumraon 38
72 Lohsar Dumraon 29
73 Kunriya Dumraon 9
74 Rasulpur Dumraon N/A
75 Puraini Dumraon N/A
76 Marwatia Dumraon N/A
77 Kam Karahi Dumraon N/A
78 Sahipur Dumraon N/A
79 Sundarpur Dumraon N/A
80 Bharkunria Dumraon N/A
81 Uderampur Dumraon N/A
82 Churamanpur Dumraon N/A
83 Sagarpur Dumraon N/A
84 Bhikha Bandh Dumraon N/A
85 Usrauliya Dumraon N/A
86 Dihri Dumraon N/A
87 Saro Dih Dumraon N/A
88 Udhopur Dumraon N/A
89 Dhangain Dumraon N/A
90 Basgitia Dumraon N/A
91 Mirchi Dumraon N/A
92 Asapur Dumraon N/A
93 Khairahi Dumraon N/A
