Villages and Towns of Fatehgarh Tehsil of District Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Fatehgarh Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Jaisalmer District, Rajasthan India. Fatehgarh teshil is one of the teshil of Jaisalmer district Rajasthan. In Fatehgarh Teshil there are 121 villages and 0 towns. Out of 121 villages in Fatehgarh teshil in which Lakha is most populated village with population of 3766 and least populated village is Cheecha having population only 0. There are 0 town in Fatehgarh sub-district which lies in Fatehgarh administrative devision. Most populated town in Fatehgarh Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Fatehgarh teshil is 101020 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Fatehgarh teshil is 836 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Fatehgarh teshil is 54.71%.

Census Data of Fatehgarh Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
101020 836 54.71%

Demographics details of Fatehgarh Teshil

The population of Fatehgarh sub district is 101020 people, among them about 55014 are male and 46006 are female. Total number of house holds in Fatehgarh Teshil is 17795. Total Literates persons are 44127 in which total male literates are 31146 and female literates are 12981. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20362, among them 11150 are boys and 9212 are girls.

Fatehgarh Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameFatehgarh
State NameRajasthan
District NameJaisalmer
Total Population101020
Total No of House Holds17795
Total Male Population55014
Total Female Population46006
0-6 Age group Total Population20362
0-6 Age group Male Population11150
0-6 Age group Male Population9212
Total Person Literates44127
Total Male Literates31146
Total Male Literates12981
Total Person Illiterates56893
Total Male Illiterates23868
Total Male Illiterates33025
Scheduled Cast Persons16212
Scheduled Cast Males8591
Scheduled Cast Females7621
Scheduled Tribe Persons2836
Scheduled Tribe Males3203
Scheduled Tribe Females2836

Fatehgarh Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 222775 16867
Population (%) 220.53 % 16.7 %
Male Population 110392 8588
Female Population 112383 8279
Sex Ratio 1018 964
Child Population (0-6) 18183 1147
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 893 915
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.45% 14.23%
Households in 44739 3151
Literates 111078 10508
Literacy % 58.98% 72.64%
Male Literacy 73.88% 86.12%
Female Literacy 44.68% 58.78%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Fatehgarh Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 78979 43579 35400 78.18% 44.63%
Muslim 21041 10906 10135 20.83% 9.24%
Christian 47 20 27 0.05% 0.02%
Sikh 5 3 2 0% 0%
Buddhist 4 3 1 0% 0%
Jain 892 467 425 0.88% 0.79%
Other religions and persuasions 1 0 1 0% 0%
Religion not stated 51 36 15 0.05% 0.02%

Workers profile of Fatehgarh Teshil

Fatehgarh has 42337 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26771 male and 15566 female population are working population. Full time workers in Fatehgarh teshil are 21884 and 20453 are marginal (part time) workers.

Fatehgarh Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 42337 26771 15566
Main Workers 21884 17138 4746
Main Workers Cultivators 11072 8338 2734
Agriculture Labourer 2598 1781 817
Household Industries 777 578 199
Other Workers 7437 6441 996
Marginal Workers 20453 9633 10820
Non Working Persons 58683 28243 30440

List of villages in Teshil-Fatehgarh, District-Jaisalmer, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Lakha Fatehgarh 3766
2 Satto Fatehgarh 3325
3 Jhijhaniyali Fatehgarh 3313
4 Keeta Fatehgarh 2533
5 Moolana Fatehgarh 2526
6 Dangri Fatehgarh 2384
7 Fateh Garh Fatehgarh 2308
8 Devikot Fatehgarh 2242
9 Baiya Fatehgarh 2175
10 Tejmalta Fatehgarh 2025
11 Mandai Fatehgarh 1934
12 Deora Fatehgarh 1929
13 Bhadli Fatehgarh 1554
14 Sihdar Fatehgarh 1491
15 Sangar Fatehgarh 1472
16 Randha Fatehgarh 1401
17 Kohra Fatehgarh 1394
18 Chelak Fatehgarh 1380
19 Dawara Fatehgarh 1363
20 Chhor Fatehgarh 1307
21 Kodiyasar Fatehgarh 1290
22 Modha Fatehgarh 1270
23 Kapuriya Fatehgarh 1250
24 Janra Fatehgarh 1208
25 Reewari Fatehgarh 1208
26 Pabnasar Fatehgarh 1168
27 Jogidas Ka Gaon Fatehgarh 1146
28 Rawri Chak Fatehgarh 1140
29 Bhiyasar Fatehgarh 1100
30 Rasla Fatehgarh 1047
31 Rama Fatehgarh 1040
32 Mehron Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 1037
33 Seetorai Fatehgarh 1030
34 Bhelani Fatehgarh 1027
35 Tejrawa Fatehgarh 1006
36 Kunda Fatehgarh 1006
37 Nagraja Fatehgarh 970
38 Toga Fatehgarh 931
39 Gajsingh Ka Gaon Fatehgarh 920
40 Shobh Fatehgarh 916
41 Neembali Fatehgarh 885
42 Adbala Fatehgarh 875
43 Neemba Fatehgarh 873
44 Karada Fatehgarh 865
45 Kotri Fatehgarh 849
46 Narsingon Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 827
47 Bhakhrani Fatehgarh 813
48 Chhatangar Fatehgarh 800
49 Unda Fatehgarh 790
50 Phuliya Fatehgarh 789
51 Megha Fatehgarh 769
52 Bhikasar Fatehgarh 762
53 Magra Fatehgarh 745
54 Lakhmana Fatehgarh 737
55 Bhanbhara Fatehgarh 722
56 Ugawa Fatehgarh 720
57 Khyala Fatehgarh 720
58 Sanwata Fatehgarh 702
59 Bhopa Fatehgarh 693
60 Kotha Fatehgarh 668
61 Peethorai Fatehgarh 666
62 Guhra Fatehgarh 654
63 Harbha Fatehgarh 644
64 Chhodiya Fatehgarh 641
65 Bhimsar Fatehgarh 618
66 Laxmansar Fatehgarh 617
67 Gale Ki Basti Fatehgarh 615
68 Sanjeet Fatehgarh 605
69 Sangram Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 591
70 Sumliyai Fatehgarh 584
71 Koda Fatehgarh 584
72 Mehrajot Fatehgarh 572
73 Amarpura Fatehgarh 541
74 Beenjota Fatehgarh 540
75 Ramsar Fatehgarh 538
76 Kehar Fakeer Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 520
77 Naya Achala Fatehgarh 492
78 Chheepasariya Fatehgarh 491
79 Mehreri Fatehgarh 484
80 Asloi Fatehgarh 475
81 Achla Fatehgarh 462
82 Sandhuwa Fatehgarh 443
83 Soda Fatehgarh 436
84 Korwa Fatehgarh 433
85 Bogniyai Fatehgarh 410
86 Jasuwa Fatehgarh 409
87 Kathora Fatehgarh 392
88 Sandha Fatehgarh 363
89 Naya Rasala Fatehgarh 358
90 Nanda Fatehgarh 356
91 Sirwa Fatehgarh 333
92 Sukbakot Fatehgarh 325
93 Samel Nagar Fatehgarh 324
94 Digri Fatehgarh 318
95 Lordisar Fatehgarh 318
96 Lakhaniyon Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 309
97 Basra Fatehgarh 292
98 Sangana Fatehgarh 287
99 Geraja Fatehgarh 283
100 Nagana Fatehgarh 281
101 Chanangarh Fatehgarh 262
102 Bhopa Fatehgarh 259
103 Hapa Fatehgarh 258
104 Modha Ganeshpura Fatehgarh 252
105 Pancha Fatehgarh 238
106 Jodha Fatehgarh 220
107 Poonasar Fatehgarh 210
108 Sodat Fatehgarh 202
109 Beermani Fatehgarh 197
110 Mada Fatehgarh 195
111 Adroi @ Bhilon Ki Dhani Fatehgarh 170
112 Antia Fatehgarh 139
113 Bola Fatehgarh 128
114 Lala Fatehgarh 118
115 Chanpa Fatehgarh 114
116 Ala Fatehgarh 107
117 Mooliya Fatehgarh 104
118 Senag Fatehgarh 68
119 Nediya Fatehgarh 29
120 Badhan Fatehgarh 10
121 Cheecha Fatehgarh N/A
