Villages and Towns of Ferrargunj Tehsil of District South Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Ferrargunj Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in South Andaman District, Andaman & Nicobar Islands India. Ferrargunj teshil is one of the teshil of South Andaman district Andaman & Nicobar Islands. In Ferrargunj Teshil there are 76 villages and 1 towns. Out of 76 villages in Ferrargunj teshil in which Wimberlygunj (RV) is most populated village with population of 4010 and least populated village is Lohabarrack (WLS) having population only 0. There are 1 town in Ferrargunj sub-district which lies in Ferrargunj administrative devision. Most populated town in Ferrargunj Teshil is Bambooflat (CT) with population of 7962.

Total population of Ferrargunj teshil is 53565 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Ferrargunj teshil is 919 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Ferrargunj teshil is 87.78%.

Census Data of Ferrargunj Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
53565 919 87.78%

Demographics details of Ferrargunj Teshil

The population of Ferrargunj sub district is 53565 people, among them about 27908 are male and 25657 are female. Total number of house holds in Ferrargunj Teshil is 12498. Total Literates persons are 41883 in which total male literates are 22605 and female literates are 19278. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 5854, among them 2984 are boys and 2870 are girls.

Ferrargunj Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameFerrargunj
State NameAndaman & Nicobar Islands
District NameSouth Andaman
Total Population53565
Total No of House Holds12498
Total Male Population27908
Total Female Population25657
0-6 Age group Total Population5854
0-6 Age group Male Population2984
0-6 Age group Male Population2870
Total Person Literates41883
Total Male Literates22605
Total Male Literates19278
Total Person Illiterates11682
Total Male Illiterates5303
Total Male Illiterates6379
Scheduled Cast Persons0
Scheduled Cast Males0
Scheduled Cast Females0
Scheduled Tribe Persons248
Scheduled Tribe Males241
Scheduled Tribe Females248

Ferrargunj Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population
Population (%) 0 % 0 %
Male Population
Female Population
Sex Ratio 0 0
Child Population (0-6)
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 0 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 0% 0%
Households in
Literacy % 0% 0%
Male Literacy 0% 0%
Female Literacy 0% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Ferrargunj Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 33291 17578 15713 62.15% 53.99%
Muslim 10615 5362 5253 19.82% 18.09%
Christian 9174 4733 4441 17.13% 15.27%
Sikh 108 59 49 0.2% 0.19%
Buddhist 41 15 26 0.08% 0.07%
Jain 4 2 2 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 24 14 10 0.04% 0.04%
Religion not stated 308 145 163 0.58% 0.12%

Workers profile of Ferrargunj Teshil

Ferrargunj has 20558 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 16478 male and 4080 female population are working population. Full time workers in Ferrargunj teshil are 16317 and 4241 are marginal (part time) workers.

Ferrargunj Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 20558 16478 4080
Main Workers 16317 13336 2981
Main Workers Cultivators 1937 1318 619
Agriculture Labourer 795 695 100
Household Industries 159 131 28
Other Workers 13426 11192 2234
Marginal Workers 4241 3142 1099
Non Working Persons 33007 11430 21577

List of Town/City of Ferrargunj Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Ferrargunj with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. South Andaman is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Bambooflat (CT) 7962 946

List of villages in Teshil-Ferrargunj, District-South Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Wimberlygunj (RV) Ferrargunj 4010
2 Shore Point (RV) Ferrargunj 3073
3 Chouldari (RV) Ferrargunj 2382
4 Manglutan (RV) Ferrargunj 2280
5 Namunaghar (RV) Ferrargunj 1926
6 Bindraban (RV) Ferrargunj 1785
7 North Bay (RV) Ferrargunj 1603
8 Ograbraij (RV) Ferrargunj 1467
9 Wandur (RV) Ferrargunj 1437
10 Shoal Bay (RV) Ferrargunj 1373
11 Tusnabad (RV) Ferrargunj 1320
12 Knapuram (RV) Ferrargunj 1317
13 Ferrargunj (RV) Ferrargunj 1314
14 Mannarghat (RV) Ferrargunj 1259
15 Hope Town (RV) Ferrargunj 1258
16 Stewartgunj (RV) Ferrargunj 1172
17 Mithakhari (RV) Ferrargunj 1071
18 Guptapara (RV) Ferrargunj 936
19 Caddlegunj (RV) (incl. Sona Pahar & Hazari Bagh (JPPC) Ferrargunj 845
20 Mathura (RV) Ferrargunj 801
21 Manpur (RV) Ferrargunj 753
22 Badmash Pahar (RV) Ferrargunj 728
23 Dhanikhari (RV) Ferrargunj 714
24 Wright Myo (RV) Ferrargunj 668
25 Hashmatabad (RV) Ferrargunj 626
26 Malapuram (RV) Ferrargunj 617
27 Manjeri (RV) & Line Dera (FC) Ferrargunj 613
28 Dundas Point (RV) Ferrargunj 539
29 Kadakachang (RV) Ferrargunj 538
30 Govindapuram (RV) Ferrargunj 520
31 Hobdipur (RV) Ferrargunj 476
32 Port Mouat (RV) Ferrargunj 475
33 Colinpur (RV) Ferrargunj 449
34 Nayashahar (RV) Ferrargunj 425
35 Homfreygunj (RV) Ferrargunj 424
36 Maymyo (EFA) Ferrargunj 419
37 Mile Tilek (RV) & Mile Tilek (EFA) Ferrargunj 411
38 Maymyo (RV) Ferrargunj 406
39 Herbertabad (RV) Ferrargunj 369
40 Temple Myo (RV) Ferrargunj 346
41 Muslim Basti (RV) Ferrargunj 343
42 Jirkatang No.2 (EFA) Ferrargunj 304
43 Hashmatabad (EFA) Ferrargunj 246
44 Tirur (RV) Ferrargunj 233
45 Nayashahar (EFA) Ferrargunj 208
46 Craikabad (RV) Ferrargunj 167
47 Manglutan (EFA) Ferrargunj 150
48 Between Middle Strait (JPPC) & Jirkatang (JA) Ferrargunj 143
49 Aniket (RV) Ferrargunj 129
50 Kalatang (RV) Ferrargunj 116
51 Mile Tilek (ARF) Ferrargunj 115
52 Beach Dera (EFA) Ferrargunj 100
53 Tirur (JA) Ferrargunj 84
54 Alipur (RV) Ferrargunj 50
55 Jhinga Nallaha (JPPC & APWDC) Ferrargunj 16
56 Mohwa Dera (RV) Ferrargunj 14
57 Pongi Balu (FC) & Bada Balu (EFA) Ferrargunj 12
58 Coffee Plot Ferrargunj 8
59 Middle Strait (JPPC) Ferrargunj 6
60 Mile Tilek (JPPC) Ferrargunj 6
61 Flat Bay (RV) Ferrargunj 5
62 Balughat (RV) Ferrargunj 3
63 Jirkatang No. 2 (RV) Ferrargunj N/A
64 Madhuban (RV) Ferrargunj N/A
65 Mount Harriet (RV) Ferrargunj N/A
66 Viper Island (RV) Ferrargunj N/A
67 Potatang (FC) Ferrargunj N/A
68 Shoal Bay 17 (FC) Ferrargunj N/A
69 Shoal Bay 19 (FC) Ferrargunj N/A
70 Mrichi Dera (EFA) Ferrargunj N/A
71 Jirkatang Camp No. 7 (FC) Ferrargunj N/A
72 Tirur (JPPC) Ferrargunj N/A
73 Tirur I (JPPC) Ferrargunj N/A
74 Anjali Nallaha (JPPC) Ferrargunj N/A
75 Tirur IV (JPPC) Ferrargunj N/A
76 Lohabarrack (WLS) Ferrargunj N/A
