Villages and Towns of Gandhinagar Tehsil of District Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Gandhinagar Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Gandhinagar District, Gujarat India. Gandhinagar teshil is one of the teshil of Gandhinagar district Gujarat. In Gandhinagar Teshil there are 48 villages and 7 towns. Out of 48 villages in Gandhinagar teshil in which Dabhoda is most populated village with population of 13891 and least populated village is Rajpur having population only 282. There are 7 town in Gandhinagar sub-district which lies in Gandhinagar administrative devision. Most populated town in Gandhinagar Teshil is Chiloda (Naroda) (CT) with population of 9735.

Total population of Gandhinagar teshil is 560497 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Gandhinagar teshil is 919 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Gandhinagar teshil is 86.17%.

Census Data of Gandhinagar Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
560497 919 86.17%

Demographics details of Gandhinagar Teshil

The population of Gandhinagar sub district is 560497 people, among them about 292052 are male and 268445 are female. Total number of house holds in Gandhinagar Teshil is 118269. Total Literates persons are 426943 in which total male literates are 239216 and female literates are 187727. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 65021, among them 35347 are boys and 29674 are girls.

Gandhinagar Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameGandhinagar
State NameGujarat
District NameGandhinagar
Total Population560497
Total No of House Holds118269
Total Male Population292052
Total Female Population268445
0-6 Age group Total Population65021
0-6 Age group Male Population35347
0-6 Age group Male Population29674
Total Person Literates426943
Total Male Literates239216
Total Male Literates187727
Total Person Illiterates133554
Total Male Illiterates52836
Total Male Illiterates80718
Scheduled Cast Persons50448
Scheduled Cast Males26380
Scheduled Cast Females24068
Scheduled Tribe Persons5828
Scheduled Tribe Males6680
Scheduled Tribe Females5828

Gandhinagar Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 138976 32024
Population (%) 24.8 % 5.71 %
Male Population 71453 16639
Female Population 67523 15385
Sex Ratio 945 925
Child Population (0-6) 10495 1864
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 928 867
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.56% 12.54%
Households in 25913 6500
Literates 84799 22482
Literacy % 71.41% 80.27%
Male Literacy 81.84% 87.25%
Female Literacy 60.41% 72.78%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Gandhinagar Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 533934 278090 255844 95.26% 81.83%
Muslim 17722 9230 8492 3.16% 2.81%
Christian 2433 1237 1196 0.43% 0.44%
Sikh 1317 900 417 0.23% 0.23%
Buddhist 344 195 149 0.06% 0.06%
Jain 2719 1367 1352 0.49% 0.51%
Other religions and persuasions 39 23 16 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 1989 1010 979 0.35% 0.29%

Workers profile of Gandhinagar Teshil

Gandhinagar has 203716 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 161527 male and 42189 female population are working population. Full time workers in Gandhinagar teshil are 174012 and 29704 are marginal (part time) workers.

Gandhinagar Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 203716 161527 42189
Main Workers 174012 145680 28332
Main Workers Cultivators 22877 21226 1651
Agriculture Labourer 29957 23188 6769
Household Industries 2452 1956 496
Other Workers 118726 99310 19416
Marginal Workers 29704 15847 13857
Non Working Persons 356781 130525 226256

List of Town/City of Gandhinagar Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Gandhinagar with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Gandhinagar is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Chiloda (Naroda) (CT) 9735 887
2 Bhat (CT) 6823 878
3 Gandhinagar (NA + OG) 292797 908
4 Palaj (CT) 2634 953
5 Pethapur (M) 23497 930
6 Vavol (CT) 12628 914
7 Adalaj (CT) 11957 948

List of villages in Teshil-Gandhinagar, District-Gandhinagar, Gujarat as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Dabhoda Gandhinagar 13891
2 Randheja Gandhinagar 12205
3 Valad Gandhinagar 9399
4 Adraj Moti Gandhinagar 9355
5 Chhala Gandhinagar 8182
6 Sardhav Gandhinagar 7703
7 Chiloda (Dabhoda) Gandhinagar 7355
8 Titoda Gandhinagar 7144
9 Unava Gandhinagar 6769
10 Vadodara Gandhinagar 6750
11 Rupal Gandhinagar 6587
12 Khoraj Gandhinagar 6105
13 Sadra Gandhinagar 5989
14 Magodi Gandhinagar 4854
15 Shiholi Moti Gandhinagar 4846
16 Chandrala Gandhinagar 4511
17 Dolarana Vasana Gandhinagar 4394
18 Prantiya Gandhinagar 4200
19 Vasan Gandhinagar 3995
20 Isanpur Mota Gandhinagar 3985
21 Dashela Gandhinagar 3736
22 Dhanap Gandhinagar 3314
23 Sonarda Gandhinagar 3203
24 Shahpur Gandhinagar 3055
25 Piplaj Gandhinagar 2907
26 Alampur Gandhinagar 2899
27 Lekawada Gandhinagar 2723
28 Galudan Gandhinagar 2703
29 Pundarasan Gandhinagar 2615
30 Mahudara Gandhinagar 2565
31 Bhoyan Rathod Gandhinagar 2499
32 Pirojpur Gandhinagar 2429
33 Lavarpur Gandhinagar 2384
34 Madhavgadh Gandhinagar 2352
35 Giyod Gandhinagar 2298
36 Jakhora Gandhinagar 2199
37 Sonipur Gandhinagar 2135
38 Jalund Gandhinagar 2113
39 Vira Talavdi Gandhinagar 1921
40 Medra Gandhinagar 1887
41 Pindharada Gandhinagar 1858
42 Vankanerda Gandhinagar 1686
43 Dantali Gandhinagar 1662
44 Ratanpur Gandhinagar 1598
45 Limbadia Gandhinagar 1291
46 Chekhalarani Gandhinagar 976
47 Nava Dharmpur Gandhinagar 917
48 Rajpur Gandhinagar 282
