Villages and Towns of Garhwa Tehsil of District Garhwa , Jharkhand

Garhwa Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Garhwa District, Jharkhand India. Garhwa teshil is one of the teshil of Garhwa district Jharkhand. In Garhwa Teshil there are 122 villages and 1 towns. Out of 122 villages in Garhwa teshil in which Kalyanpur is most populated village with population of 5539 and least populated village is Achli having population only 0. There are 1 town in Garhwa sub-district which lies in Garhwa administrative devision. Most populated town in Garhwa Teshil is Garhwa (NP) with population of 46059.

Total population of Garhwa teshil is 201627 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Garhwa teshil is 912 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Garhwa teshil is 67.53%.

Census Data of Garhwa Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
201627 912 67.53%

Demographics details of Garhwa Teshil

The population of Garhwa sub district is 201627 people, among them about 105464 are male and 96163 are female. Total number of house holds in Garhwa Teshil is 39258. Total Literates persons are 113457 in which total male literates are 69333 and female literates are 44124. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 33620, among them 17191 are boys and 16429 are girls.

Garhwa Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameGarhwa
State NameJharkhand
District NameGarhwa
Total Population201627
Total No of House Holds39258
Total Male Population105464
Total Female Population96163
0-6 Age group Total Population33620
0-6 Age group Male Population17191
0-6 Age group Male Population16429
Total Person Literates113457
Total Male Literates69333
Total Male Literates44124
Total Person Illiterates88170
Total Male Illiterates36131
Total Male Illiterates52039
Scheduled Cast Persons41046
Scheduled Cast Males21474
Scheduled Cast Females19572
Scheduled Tribe Persons5302
Scheduled Tribe Males5673
Scheduled Tribe Females5302

Garhwa Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 74929 0
Population (%) 37.16 % 0 %
Male Population 37869 0
Female Population 37060 0
Sex Ratio 979 0
Child Population (0-6) 6917 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 954 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.04% 0%
Households in 12373 0
Literates 41775 0
Literacy % 68.02% 0%
Male Literacy 78.43% 0%
Female Literacy 57.45% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Garhwa Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 149941 78648 71293 74.37% 50.98%
Muslim 51009 26478 24531 25.3% 16.27%
Christian 441 211 230 0.22% 0.19%
Sikh 61 34 27 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 12 6 6 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 2 1 1 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 45 21 24 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 116 65 51 0.06% 0.03%

Workers profile of Garhwa Teshil

Garhwa has 66914 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 48435 male and 18479 female population are working population. Full time workers in Garhwa teshil are 31001 and 35913 are marginal (part time) workers.

Garhwa Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 66914 48435 18479
Main Workers 31001 26849 4152
Main Workers Cultivators 4610 3965 645
Agriculture Labourer 5179 3950 1229
Household Industries 998 758 240
Other Workers 20214 18176 2038
Marginal Workers 35913 21586 14327
Non Working Persons 134713 57029 77684

List of Town/City of Garhwa Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Garhwa with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Garhwa is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Garhwa (NP) 46059 892

List of villages in Teshil-Garhwa, District-Garhwa , Jharkhand as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Kalyanpur Garhwa 5539
2 Pharatiya Garhwa 5127
3 Tildag Garhwa 4119
4 Obra Garhwa 3915
5 Ursugi Garhwa 3816
6 Korwadih Garhwa 3707
7 Sangrahe Khurd Garhwa 3486
8 Nawada Garhwa 3350
9 Birbandha Garhwa 3330
10 Jata Garhwa 3233
11 Chhatarpur Garhwa 3213
12 Belchampa Garhwa 3210
13 Dube Marhatia Garhwa 3009
14 Mahulia Garhwa 2946
15 Madheya Garhwa 2892
16 Pratappur Garhwa 2765
17 Sukhbana Garhwa 2665
18 Jobraiya Garhwa 2655
19 Tewari Marhatia Garhwa 2566
20 Chiraunjiya Garhwa 2529
21 Parihara Garhwa 2330
22 Darmi Garhwa 1903
23 Jargarh Garhwa 1902
24 Terhiharaya Garhwa 1895
25 Side Khurd Garhwa 1853
26 Sangrahe Kalan Garhwa 1820
27 Gurdi Garhwa 1796
28 Bishunpur Garhwa 1766
29 Khajuri Garhwa 1708
30 Jhaluwa Garhwa 1693
31 Achla Garhwa 1677
32 Pochperwa Garhwa 1626
33 Hasker Garhwa 1618
34 Karua Kalan Garhwa 1581
35 Nawadih Garhwa 1520
36 Lagma Garhwa 1490
37 Pipra Garhwa 1484
38 Narayanpur Garhwa 1483
39 Patsa Garhwa 1479
40 Dhonti Garhwa 1467
41 Loto Garhwa 1459
42 Kitasoti Khurd Garhwa 1449
43 Baligarh Garhwa 1406
44 Ranka Garhwa 1372
45 Banpurwa Garhwa 1350
46 Dumariya Garhwa 1326
47 Nawadih Garhwa 1319
48 Karke Garhwa 1318
49 Bhaduma Garhwa 1305
50 Bana Garhwa 1253
51 Soh Garhwa 1243
52 Haraiya Garhwa 1137
53 Kitasoti Kalan Garhwa 1126
54 Chamrahi Garhwa 1124
55 Karwa Khurd Garhwa 1044
56 Juti Garhwa 1040
57 Banutikar Garhwa 1016
58 Potma Garhwa 976
59 Karmahi Garhwa 970
60 Penar Garhwa 963
61 Merhna Kalan Garhwa 901
62 Dumro Garhwa 894
63 Merhna Khurd Garhwa 887
64 Baulia Garhwa 883
65 Hur Garhwa 879
66 Gidha Garhwa 878
67 Pipra Khurd Garhwa 854
68 Banye Garhwa 852
69 Jhura Garhwa 844
70 Tulbula Garhwa 843
71 Nawadih Garhwa 835
72 Mahupi Garhwa 824
73 Chetna Garhwa 809
74 Garnaha Garhwa 782
75 Pataria Garhwa 750
76 Lakhna Garhwa 734
77 Aseya Garhwa 730
78 Nawadih Garhwa 702
79 Jala Garhwa 691
80 Dhangardiha Garhwa 680
81 Gijna Garhwa 672
82 Gangi Kalan Garhwa 637
83 Kundi Garhwa 623
84 Lapo Garhwa 606
85 Datma Garhwa 596
86 Baghauta Garhwa 592
87 Kamta Garhwa 585
88 Nawadih Garhwa 579
89 Karcha Garhwa 573
90 Side Kalan Garhwa 569
91 Belhara Garhwa 551
92 Masuriya Kalan Garhwa 547
93 Khonhar Garhwa 468
94 Bharatiya Garhwa 435
95 Bardaga Garhwa 432
96 Baghi Garhwa 403
97 Baghmar Garhwa 367
98 Baghmanwa Garhwa 361
99 Nimiyadih Garhwa 349
100 Masuriya Khurd Garhwa 311
101 Gangi Khurd Garhwa 311
102 Cheripokhar Garhwa 302
103 Nawadih Garhwa 288
104 Salgara Garhwa 272
105 Burhi Gamhar Garhwa 271
106 Gorheya Garhwa 251
107 Korta Garhwa 179
108 Basaha Garhwa 156
109 Garhauta Garhwa 147
110 Bhadua Garhwa 141
111 Khajuri Garhwa 130
112 Pachkeri Garhwa 126
113 Patsi Garhwa 86
114 Dohopal Garhwa 35
115 Dubiahi Garhwa 4
116 Harnathpur Garhwa 2
117 Bana Garhwa N/A
118 Sarjama Garhwa N/A
119 Mahadag Garhwa N/A
120 Majhganwan Garhwa N/A
121 Murka Garhwa N/A
122 Achli Garhwa N/A
