Villages and Towns of Guhla Tehsil of District Kaithal, Haryana

Guhla Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kaithal District, Haryana India. Guhla teshil is one of the teshil of Kaithal district Haryana. In Guhla Teshil there are 89 villages and 1 towns. Out of 89 villages in Guhla teshil in which Bhagal (1) is most populated village with population of 10908 and least populated village is Theh Majibullah (71) having population only 0. There are 1 town in Guhla sub-district which lies in Guhla administrative devision. Most populated town in Guhla Teshil is Cheeka (MC) with population of 38952.

Total population of Guhla teshil is 195251 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Guhla teshil is 903 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Guhla teshil is 67.16%.

Census Data of Guhla Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
195251 903 67.16%

Demographics details of Guhla Teshil

The population of Guhla sub district is 195251 people, among them about 102616 are male and 92635 are female. Total number of house holds in Guhla Teshil is 36892. Total Literates persons are 113608 in which total male literates are 65858 and female literates are 47750. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 26080, among them 14342 are boys and 11738 are girls.

Guhla Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameGuhla
State NameHaryana
District NameKaithal
Total Population195251
Total No of House Holds36892
Total Male Population102616
Total Female Population92635
0-6 Age group Total Population26080
0-6 Age group Male Population14342
0-6 Age group Male Population11738
Total Person Literates113608
Total Male Literates65858
Total Male Literates47750
Total Person Illiterates81643
Total Male Illiterates36758
Total Male Illiterates44885
Scheduled Cast Persons54986
Scheduled Cast Males28722
Scheduled Cast Females26264
Scheduled Tribe Persons0
Scheduled Tribe Males0
Scheduled Tribe Females0

Guhla Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 156299 38952
Population (%) 80.05 % 19.95 %
Male Population 82006 20610
Female Population 74293 18342
Sex Ratio 906 890
Child Population (0-6) 11560 2282
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 818 820
Child Percentage (0-6) 13.45% 13%
Households in 29279 7613
Literates 88131 25477
Literacy % 65.15% 75.18%
Male Literacy 72.77% 81.87%
Female Literacy 56.86% 67.75%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Guhla Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 140656 74038 66618 72.04% 46.09%
Muslim 1963 1023 940 1.01% 0.67%
Christian 464 244 220 0.24% 0.16%
Sikh 51760 27098 24662 26.51% 20.09%
Buddhist 70 38 32 0.04% 0.02%
Jain 57 26 31 0.03% 0.03%
Other religions and persuasions 36 20 16 0.02% 0.01%
Religion not stated 245 129 116 0.13% 0.08%

Workers profile of Guhla Teshil

Guhla has 73764 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 55554 male and 18210 female population are working population. Full time workers in Guhla teshil are 54486 and 19278 are marginal (part time) workers.

Guhla Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 73764 55554 18210
Main Workers 54486 47421 7065
Main Workers Cultivators 20245 18260 1985
Agriculture Labourer 11509 9508 2001
Household Industries 1004 815 189
Other Workers 21728 18838 2890
Marginal Workers 19278 8133 11145
Non Working Persons 121487 47062 74425

List of Town/City of Guhla Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Guhla with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kaithal is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Cheeka (MC) 38952 890

List of villages in Teshil-Guhla, District-Kaithal, Haryana as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bhagal (1) Guhla 10908
2 Bhunna (74) Guhla 7736
3 Kharak (95) Guhla 7057
4 Kharodi (14) Guhla 5800
5 Peedal (15) Guhla 5410
6 Balbehra (6) Guhla 5228
7 Kakheri (72) Guhla 4197
8 Ladana Chakoo (97) Guhla 3661
9 Arnoli (32) Guhla 3573
10 Harigarh Kingan (7) Guhla 3382
11 Agondh (107) Guhla 3081
12 Kharkara (104) Guhla 3055
13 Sair (76) Guhla 2955
14 Rasulpur (65) Guhla 2949
15 Kangthali (73) Guhla 2910
16 Gagarpur (144) Guhla 2744
17 Sultanian (114) Guhla 2546
18 Theh Banhera (2) Guhla 2328
19 Majri (106) Guhla 2287
20 Azimgarh (3) Guhla 2236
21 Tatiana (129) Guhla 2220
22 Ramthali (99) Guhla 2207
23 Urlana (100) Guhla 2198
24 Badsui (10) Guhla 2165
25 Kakrala Inayat (69) Guhla 2090
26 Bhunslan (134) Guhla 2021
27 Duserpur (113) Guhla 1953
28 Kasaur (102) Guhla 1952
29 Kallar Majra (11) Guhla 1938
30 Taranwali (101) Guhla 1868
31 Baupur (131) Guhla 1850
32 Theh Newal (5) Guhla 1820
33 Theh Butana (105) Guhla 1818
34 Pisawal (96) Guhla 1818
35 Sinhu Majra (111) Guhla 1789
36 Mastgarh (103) Guhla 1651
37 Kamheri (26) Guhla 1648
38 Dhandota (9) Guhla 1581
39 Sadarheri (126) Guhla 1510
40 Khushhal Majra (Part) (124) Guhla 1486
41 Shadipur (6) Guhla 1465
42 Daba (8) Guhla 1365
43 Rawahar Jagir (4) Guhla 1365
44 Mandi Sadra (68) Guhla 1362
45 Chanchak (112) Guhla 1359
46 Hansu Majra (108) Guhla 1259
47 Ratta Khera Luqman (122) Guhla 1253
48 Chaba (7) Guhla 1205
49 Mengran (132) Guhla 1168
50 Bhatian (121) Guhla 1114
51 Kakeor (62) Guhla 1041
52 Pabsar (70) Guhla 1039
53 Phaphrala (140) Guhla 1036
54 Sinah (8) Guhla 1033
55 Lendaheri (30) Guhla 973
56 Bichhian (3) Guhla 947
57 Saravla (127) Guhla 940
58 Kheri Daban (109/110) Guhla 920
59 Mehmudpur (4) Guhla 916
60 Malikpur (5) Guhla 901
61 Nand Garh (118) Guhla 897
62 Theh Mukerian (75) Guhla 843
63 Kharal 130) Guhla 755
64 Khambahera (128) Guhla 718
65 Hemu Majra (120) Guhla 676
66 Theh Kharak (94) Guhla 660
67 Sihali (138) Guhla 641
68 Lalpur (119) Guhla 636
69 Garhi Nazir (2) Guhla 616
70 Majheri (133) Guhla 550
71 Ratta Khera Karaham (136) Guhla 523
72 Kasoli (142) Guhla 515
73 Sharakpur (135) Guhla 481
74 Budhanpur Gujran (137) Guhla 441
75 Jodhwa (27) Guhla 405
76 Bubakpur (117) Guhla 360
77 Ahmadpur Garh (141) Guhla 354
78 Megha Majra (98) Guhla 319
79 Shugalpur (143) Guhla 300
80 Mand Kalian (115) Guhla 276
81 Mohanpur (139) Guhla 221
82 Berad (125) Guhla 219
83 Chhana Jattan (28) Guhla 179
84 Machhar Heri (61) Guhla 167
85 Shahzadpur (31) Guhla 118
86 Chhana Agrian (29) Guhla 83
87 Dhundwa (16) Guhla 59
88 Kohli Khera (123) Guhla N/A
89 Theh Majibullah (71) Guhla N/A
